Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction What Lies Ahead [Chiss Ascendancy]


Several months had passed since the rebellion.

The corrupt politicians that grew fat and lethargic off the backs off the Chiss people and remained lazy and pathetic in the face of domination at the hands of several factions that had come and gone were overthrown and a new era had begun for the Chiss Ascendancy. Blood was spilled across Chiss space as skirmish after deadly skirmish was fought. Once the fighting was done, restoration had begun. Many lives were lost in the name of change. None were in vain, however.

The restoration was a slow process, as it was expected to be. The previous regime's loyalists that survived the war ad to be found, rounded up, and incarcerated. Some of the more zealous types were immediately executed. The possibility of a resurgance could not be allowed if peace within the Ascendancy was to be assured. Much of the infrastructure had recovered since the new era had begun. Everyday life returned to normal for the most part and the Chiss were once again starting to thrive.

As the leader of the rebellion, Alis'ila'miurani, was at the head of the restoration project. She would oversee everything that was done that would return the Chiss Ascendancy to the status quo. With the previous Ruling Houses toppled, she named House Miurani as one of the reformed Ruling Houses. In all honesty, the people wanted it more than she did. She was a woman of science, not politics. A woman of science and the people and to disappoint the people would put her against her morals and ideals which she refused to do.

Within the halls of the
Expeditionary Library, Sila browsed through tomes of knowledge. Learning as much as she could in regards to recent discoveries within Chiss Space so that she can thoroughly plan the Chiss Ascendancy's next move.


As it was with any coup, the military had decided the fate of the Chiss Ascendancy. Maiven knew first hand how the Chiss army had felt under the boot of the Empire. There had been officers who had grown fat on Imperial credits and chose to align themselves with the old government, Maiven had personally made sure many of them were deceased. It pained Maiven greatly, as most of them were of her own house. House Nuruodo had been the head of the military for a millennium, and they had clearly wished to stay that way.

Everything Maiven had done was for her family, and they gave her nothing back. With the military engagements across Chiss space finally finished, Maiven returned to Csilla. Returning to Naporar would have been a heartbreak that she wasn't ready for. Maiven's goal now was to ensure the security of house Nuruodo in the new Chiss regime. She had been rallying the other Nuruodo loyalists behind her, and was on her way to meet with Sila Sila to discuss the future of her house.

She approached the grandiose building that was the Expansionary Library. She wasn't surprised that an erudite woman like Sila had come here, it contained thousands of years of Chiss history. Every subject was kept here, but building new governments wasn't exactly a topic the Chiss were known for writing on. She made her way around the dense halls of the library until she found the Chiss leader browsing. Maiven hoped to make a good first impression on the woman whose revolution had toppled a millennia old system.
This was a difficult time for Aktch'asi'kitano, she had served faithfully to the Chiss Ascendency since birth, charting the unknown regions with the fervor of an explorer with something to prove. She had heard in the transmissions sent to the vessel she served on, some whisperings of unrest among the Ruling Houses, with the possibility of Chiss blood being spilled over weakness in the face of outside aggressors in the past few decades. Chasik understood the nature of their plight and sympathized, but abhorred the violent necessity of disposing of those Houses which were most egregious to the crimes listed by the rebellion.

Chasik took three steps backward, her mind in a trance, and found herself in the midst of the smoking capital of Csilla. She had been here some time prior, encountering a group of Bounty Hunters after a CIS quarry. That was a different time however, one which she did not currently belong to. It was best not to think of past encounters or their results while within this trance, as thinking it may very well bring her there instead of where she intended.

Time flowed around Chasik, as she guided her vessel backward to its origin even as it traveled forward. The vessel, of course, was not actually traveling backward, but her relative perception of it was. Eventually, her ship was once again preparing to leave the spaceport. It was at this moment, that her astral form appeared before her past self, an event which had not transpired before. This then influenced her actions to have one of her sisters take her place in the coming voyage she would have gone on. The Third Sight then began to wane for Chasik, and found herself breaking her trance within her living quarters on Csilla, overlooking the smoldering building a few kilometers away.

In her many meditations, she had ensured that she would be here, now that the dust was settling and no more Chiss blood was being spilled to see for herself how her people would respond to the carnage, and the Chaos of new government...

Maiven Sila Sila

Sila carried several tomes with her as she walked to a long table and set them down. She began to look through the contents of each book and taking notes on the knowledge she was gaining as she did. Maps, charts, journals, and pictures. Everything she could find that would help. As she read, plans began to formulate in her head. She would have to think rather proactively in order to uplift the Chiss Ascendancy to the glory it once had a long time ago.

"I wonder if... No that wouldn't ever go through. But, what if we. were that was abolished long ago. Damn it. This is tougher than I expected. Then again, no one said it would be easy. It is fortunate I prefer a challenge."

Sila's fingers traced along the papers as she searched for answers. The sound of footsteps approaching could be heard in her ear, only slightly averting her attention as she continued to read on.



"My lady? Is that how I address you? That's how I always addressed the aristocrae before." Maiven questioned, approaching Sila Sila from down one of the halls lined with shelves. "However you're addressed, I'd like to introduce myself. Rama'ive'nuruodo, scion of house Nuruodo. I've come here to ask you an important question, that I believe only you can answer. I must ask: What will be the future of my house?"

Maiven's heart sunk deep after she asked her question. She was afraid that it was coming to her worst fear, that she would have to beg for the freedom of her house. She hoped it would not come to that, but all she could do was wait for Sila to ponder her question.

Sila lifted her nose from her books to give her attention to the one addressing her. One of House Nuroudo. A strong and proud house. One that endorsed the previous regime heavily. Sila knew of her house's previous Aristocra. A man of his word, with no regrets. Wherever he may be now, things felt strange without him around. That was the past, however. Sila had to live in the now.

"You may call me Sila. Or Dr. Miurani if you prefer something more formal." Sila flashed a warm smile. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Rama'ive'nuruodo. That is a very good question, but you are asking the wrong person. I have no say as to what is in store for the future of your house. Not directly, anyway. The future of your house will be up to you and your family. The loyalists of the former regime have been all but eradicated so we have nothing to fear from them. For now, at least. Until then, your family should rebuild just as the rest of us are."



Maiven nodded in approval. This had been easier than she thought, but no so easy in the long run. She still needed to deal with the family Sila Sila had told her to rebuild. She'd have to knock it down first.

"My thanks then, Sila." She said turning to leave. She wandered the halls of the library for a few minutes more before she left. What was to come would be difficult for her.

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