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What Happens in Nar Shaddaa, Stays in Nar Shaddaa (PM for invite)

[member="Dax Starchaser"]

Halfway across the galaxy from the Dawn Treader. It was like vacation. Even if the main reason she and her twin were on the seedy planet of Nar Shaddaa was because they were filling one of the never ending shopping list from their folks. The 18-year old relished the freedom provided from being away from home for the last few days.

Sadly, it was their last night.

And sadly, her brother was being the usual stick-in-the-mud. "Dax. Chill. Out. We got everything on the list, didn't we? I figure we could celebrate. Go to the club around the corner. I met some guys there the other night and they seemed pretty cool. You can stay here if you want but I'm going."

She went to shove around her older by 45 seconds brother.

The good twin as mom and dad liked refer.
Dax hated Nar Shaddaa, mostly because it was filled with nothing but conmen and gangers. Their shopping trip wasn't fun, their parents were convinced the end of the galaxy as we know it was on the way and no matter how much he tried to talk sense into them, they insisted that this mission was vital to the safety of the Dawn Treader. He was smart enough to know that half of what his parents said was wrong, He was old enough to start thinking about this stuff himself. He knew the galaxy was in shambles, but doomsday, not likely. His biggest problem most days was keeping Kinsey out of trouble. She was his twin, yeah she was younger by almost a full minute, but she always found a way to find the worst possible situations to get into. Line the one she was thinking about right at this moment.

" Kins, those 'guys' that you thought were pretty cool, they were in a swoop gang. They were nice to you because you are pretty. All they want is to get you alone and.. Well use your imagination." He held his ground and stepped in front of her again. "You're not going. Trust me, those are NOT the kind of people you want to meet on a planet like this."

Sometimes he wondered if she were adopted. How could she be so cool most of the time, and then such a flake when a guy said nice things to her.

[member="Kinsey Starchaser"]
Why did the twins have to come out here? Kaia knew that her father could find all manner of things on the world, but the Warden-of-the-Sky-Jedi-Knight-Hybrid-thing wasn’t the biggest fan of the world, it was a great place to get captured, and it was also a great place to find slavers. She didn’t really care for slavers, it was a part of keeping hyperspace lanes open and free. And allowing everyone in the galaxy to find their own freedoms. She wasn’t sure why the twins picked this moon of all places to go hang out on.

Didn’t they know Arda existed? Or like… anywhere but here?

Still, the tattooed Starchaser had taken the Wandering Star to the world. Finally, because there were so many people on this moon, finding a docking situation that wasn’t going to rob her blind, she made her way to park. And that meant it was time for the airspeeder. She found them clunky, like flying a brick, or a bar of soap. It just wasn’t as fun. Where were the twins again? Right… And of course she needed to do so fething far away.

She did take her lightsaber, but opted to leave her rifle. Still, she felt okay, she was a member of a few groups in the galaxy and knew a bit about how to beat people up with a lightsaber. And how to make them really, really cold in the Force.

Little Miss Carbonite.

Still, traffic wasn’t bad, or it wasn’t bad for her. She knew how to fly, unlike most of these – STAY IN YOUR LANE, SITHSPAWN – people. Who even licensed these people?

YEAH, IF I HAD A BLASTER ON THIS I’D BE SHOOTING THAT INSTEAD OF THE HORN. She needed to unwind, or get back into space. Still, she was making her way to where the twins said to meet. Because Corey really wasn’t worried about the where right now, just wanted to write with more Starchasers. A select bunch, after all. Her blackandyellowblackandyellowblackandyellowblackandyellow airspeeder was pretty typical for her, and the twins should recognize it when it came screaming through traffic. OH YOU'RE GOING TO FLIP ME OFF?

Kaia drove as aggressively as she flew.

[member="Dax Starchaser"]
[member="Kinsey Starchaser"]
[member="Dax Starchaser"] [member="Kaia Starchaser"]

Face flushed. "Dax. You don't have to say it! I know...very well....what they could be thinking. You're so embarrassing sometimes!" Her palm lightly pushed off his chest then transitioned to point at the blaster strapped on the curve of her hip. "You don't think I can handle myself? I got this AND a charged carbon pack. I've handled worse before, haven't I?"

She gave him her biggest doe-eyes and sweetest smile and slipped around him.

"And besides. I called cousin Kaia. I told her we'd meet up at the city center - under the Spice Sign and next to the Naked Ropo Club. If we don't hurry, she'll just get fething lane-rage and head back to space."
His sigh could be heard all the way back on the Dawn Treader, but she was right. He had made sure she knew how to handle a blaster, had drilled it into her for most of her life. She was a better shot with it than most trailed military personnel, and he had the attitude to know it. Which usually lead to him having to come and save her butt. Kaia, he love that girl too, but man was she short tempered, the two of them together would mean a fight for sure, which meant he would have to get them out of it... Like he always did.

"Fine, WE are meeting Kaia.. not once tonight are you to wander of, blaster or not, those feth heads will be looking to get you alone.... AND the only drinks you are having are the ones I buy you. These sleaze bags on this planet will try anything." He stepped aside and let her pass, as he did he checked the charge on his own pistol, a habit more than a concern for it's charge.

He shook his head as he followed his sister he already knew that they would get into trouble, he couldn't remember the last time they had met up with their cousin and NOT gotten into trouble of some kind

[member="Kinsey Starchaser"]
[member="Kaia Starchaser"]
She didn’t know what was going on, not that the twins were fighting, not that everything was going crazy on this world. All she knew was LAY OFF YOUR HORN YOU CHIT FACE I SWEAR TO THE DARK SIDE I WILL COME OVER THERE she needed to park her speeder fast. She had hoped that she could swing this trip to do some double duty, see her favorite (only, unless it gets retconned later because who doesn’t want to write a Starchaser) cousins, hang out with them, keep them out of trouble, and link up with the Underground resistance cell on Nar Shaddaa. It was a great way to double dip in this thread.

But having the Underground cell on Nar Shaddaa was a smart move. The world was close to both the Silver Jedi and the Techno Union, it’d be able to keep tabs on them. And sooner or later that Hutt Cartel (ew, gross, Hutts) would be coming out here. Keeping the Underground informed would be a great move. And when it was time to strike, they’d have people to link up to and work with. This was really the biggest business reason she was here.

Part of her trip was to leave the Wandering Star’s manifest in the right hands at the docking port, and the Underground would be able to gain a feth ton of supplies and information. So long as they didn’t steal her ship, she was happy. But beyond that? Corey should probably get on with Kaia parking and meeting her cousins so the other writers didn’t get bothered by his exposes on developing cells of resistance fighters the galaxy over.

Then the time would come for a strike.

Right, who named these clubs? And parking spot! Good, but… well, it was cheaper than the garage, for a reason. She left the airspeeder and made sure to lock it. Sign, sign, SIGN! That’s right!

At least she was off the death trap that was the New Jersey Turnpike Nar Shaddaa traffic lanes.

[member="Dax Starchaser"]
[member="Kinsey Starchaser"]
[member="Dax Starchaser"] [member="Kaia Starchaser"]

Eyes rolled at Dax and his over-protectiveness even though he wouldn't see it. "C'mon, c'mon, c'mon. You're as slow as Grandpappy." Popping the collar of her super-fly flight jacket, she skipped into the bustling upper street-level, exiting their hotel room. She immediately almost got swallowed up in the crowds.

Sea-blue eyes darted everywhere. Even though they had been here a few days it was sensory overload every time she stepped out that hotel room door. She loved every second of it.

"Heya pretty lady. How'a'bouta some spice?" A Rodian wearing a bright red trench slid up next to her, speech slurring slightly.

"No thanks, buddy. I'm good." Still....good to know for later when Dax wasn't her shadow.

"I'lla be herea all night in case yousa change your minda, lovely." The Rodian snorted. A speeder swooping dangerously into a holding-spot tore her attention away from the drug-dealer. Had to be Kaia.

Pushing up on her toes, she waved, elbowing her way through the throngs of people. "Couz! Heeeeey! You ready to go clubbing?"
Dax sighed heavily she shoved his hands into his jacket pockets and followed his sister into the streets. He was born and raised inside of a very large ship and he was no stranger to crowded areas, but Nar Shaddaa was absolutely crazy. He lost Kinsey in the crown instantly as he tried to follow her. If it wasn't for her jacket, that she seemed to ALWAYS wear she would have been completely swallowed up in the crowd. As it was he got just enough glimpses of her shoulders to keep up with her.

He saw the quick exchange between the rodian and her, but he was too far away to hear the words he only saw her meow him off and never stop moving. He glanced over at a group of women standing together off to the side and he groaned. One of them had spotted his interest and struck a sexy pose for him and gave an inviting wave. He felt like he would need an immune booster shot just from the wave, but he just shook his head and continued on.

He heard Kinsey's shrill voice over the noise and he knew that the other half of the terrible twosome. His mood seemed to get even worse, Kinsey was a handful at the best of times but when she was around Kaia it was like she turned into a monster. He wasn't sure he has brought enough power cells for his blaster.

[member="Kinsey Starchaser"]
[member="Kaia Starchaser"]
Little was Kaia going to know that Kinsey was the bad twin. She had figured the other girl for being the good twin, but… well, it was different that way, wasn’t it? What went on when everyone else wasn’t looking. Kaia herself, she was probably more or less the bad child compared to Jared. Jared went into the Wing’s service and she… didn’t. She was wandering the stars, like her father, and helping when it was absolutely needed. But she was also not the one trying to murderize Republic citizens… granted Jared only targeted them when they were going after really decent Imperial interests.

Such an odd family, the Starchasers. And don’t even get started on the Waters clan, or what was left of it.

Token would be a terrible influence for Kinsey. And Kaia, but… well, Kaia needed to experience the greater galaxy, didn’t she?

And this was the kind of thing most people did. Maybe she needed a break from trying to idolize Mara Merrill. A little more time following Kinsey around and making Dax’s life a living hell probably wouldn’t be bad. But she did have to link up with the Underground later, to make sure they grabbed supplies. And so Corey could submit another NPC unit for the Underground. What fun that writer had.

Kaia smiled as she locked up her airspeeder and waved at Kinsey. "Hey! As ready as I'll ever be!" Yeah, dark hair, black dress, black combat boots. Kaia was... something else.

[member="Dax Starchaser"]
[member="Kinsey Starchaser"]
[member="Dax Starchaser"] [member="Kaia Starchaser"]

Swooping in, she took cousin Kaia in one arm. A sloppy grin was on her youthful face. "Y'know, I don't think I've ever seen you outside of a setting that didn't involve cleaning power converters for some of the Dawn Treader's fighters. We are actually going out!!! Isn't that something our age normally does?"

Yeah, she was practically squealing. She glanced back at her brother.

"C'mon grumpy pants. Ooooo. Look at that. The Naked Ropo has two for one drinks. Huzzah! I've never tried a mojito before!" She steered her cousin toward the club. Brilliant lights were flashing inside. People were painting their bodies with some kind of glow and the dark paint stuff. Bodies were pulsing on the dance floor and the bar was hopping.

No moms or dads yelling about supplies. No curfew. No hearing about how much better her brother flushed out those fighter engines.

This was fan-freakin-tastic.
Kaia looked as she always did, like she had ten things on her mind and was trying to figure out which of those should be done first. Kinsey wasted little time in latching onto her cousin a dragging her away, Dax knew hero worship when he saw it and he tried to keep from grinning to much. As far as he was concerned Kaia was a good person to want to be like. And maybe if he could keep the two of them out of trouble long enough Kinsey just may learn a few things and slow down.

"Don't get too far ahead Kins, remember that I have all of the credits." He said with a smirk. She may want to party all night long but even with the possibility of free drinks from scumbags, she would eventually need his credits. She wouldn't put pace him by too far, he couldn't be sure about Kaia and that worried him. Of Kinsey for Kaia to start dropping credits on her then he would be in for a long and painful night.

She was way too excited about the cheap drinks and he knew that it would be another night holding her hair for he while she threw up in the hotel room. He sighed and made a mental note to pick up some electroade sports drink, she would need it in the morning.

[member="Kaia Starchaser"]
[member="Kinsey Starchaser"]
Yep, there was no getting out of this now, was there? Kaia wasn’t so sure that was a bad thing. Starchasers taking Nar Shaddaa by storm? Last time that happened must’ve been before her father went into some sort of carbonite nap. She knew he was a playboy at one time or another, and then he matured and the character of Marek came around to A) bother the writer, B) Allow the writer to bother other folk and C) because casinos made more sense if you weren’t a military character. Kaia, though, she was an experiment in trying to make a Jedi that was fairly decent as a Jedi and not a person who would bend rules to win some sort of war.

But she was also Tali’Zorah without an emergency induction port.

“I guess it is?” Kaia laughed and shook her head. She’d seen enough holos, but even on her Odyssey, the time away from the home-ship to find where she wanted to be in her life, she didn’t do much time just goofing off. She linked up with a few groups who wanted to change the galaxy and started flying for them.

And did Dax have all the credits? Kaia was a freighter pilot, she did a lot of pick up and delivery, and actually, most of it was legitimate. Helped when you owned your own ship, after all. Underground paid a bit, Covenant a bit less, but working for Silk to run bacta? That was a pretty kosher move. She had credits.

But clubs, that was an entirely new field, especially with glow in the dark paint. “So, … now what?” Secretly, Kaia was the mastermind of hedonism, obviously.

[member="Dax Starchaser"]
[member="Kinsey Starchaser"]
[member="Dax Starchaser"] [member="Kaia Starchaser"]

Of course her brother had all the credits. And would he ever let her live THAT down? Absolutely not. It's why Kinsey had become very creative and persuasive about getting stuff for 'free.' Plus cousin Kaia seemed willing to help a fellow cousin out.

Best. Cousin. Ever.

She grinned, picking up some blue-glowy paint that matched her eyes. "Now we have fun." She made a swipe down her arms and across her midriff and went to splash some at Dax and Kaia.

A tab was opened at the bar and she quickly had some sort of minty drink in her freshly painted fingers. Hips were swaying to the beat. She could dance like she could fly and fix up star fighters. Kriffin well.

Sidling up next to Dax, she elbowed him lightly in the ribs. "That green twi'lek is totally checking you oooooout. You should go over there." The twi'lek winked and gave her brother an almost predatory look.

Perhaps she was a cougar?

A zeltron man in the corner began to eye Kinsey. A Trandoshan looked Kaia up and down at the bar. Lizard love?
See, Kinsey could go do all the things that she needed to get whatever for free. Kinsey was a lot more pretty than Kaia, and besides, the other girl just always greeted most beings with the same look, and you can’t say that its attractive. Besides, who knew what Kinsey could contract getting things her way.

There was probably a reason Kaia was still flying from place to place mostly solo, even if she was on her Odyssey.

And paint. Who knew who touched all these. But… with enough alcohol, it’d kill everything, right? Like weird knee pains and infections too? She hoped so. The tattooed Starchaser bit her lip and took a green stick, because Green and Orange were colors her father approved of, apparently some Starchasers used them as schemes for ships. Her own vessel was a dark hunter green, after all. Maybe she’d put an orange star on it. Who came up with that color scheme?

And that look we were talking about? Yeah, that was what Kaia was giving the Trando. She did meet her master because a lizard had tried to kill her. She shook her head and looked back at Kinsey with a bit of a ‘please help’ look.

[member="Kinsey Starchaser"]
The drunken Trandoshan looked at a Human female like a piece of meat, his eyes almost glazing over with inebriation. He had come here only for a drink or did it get this far? His wallet was missing, and so was his blaster. Vinskk padded his leather armor clumsily looking for his keys to the Broken Talon. Well, at least those were still there. But that woman...who was she? She was glowing now, and the Trandoshan began to stare at her in a mix of awe and fear, clearly in some sort of hallucinogenic state. He began to sink into his booth, hoping to disappear.
[member="Kaia Starchaser"]

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