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What Does It Mean To Be Human? (Taneas Haring)

Bhaltair Dhimani

A little Ruff can go a long way
Bhaltair was working in his office as usual. The doors were now open to the public and business was crazy. Until he was able to hire all of the right people, he would have to personally handle all lot of miscellaneous work. However, there was one particular customer that he had scheduled a meeting with.

Taneas Haring. The man wanted to remove his existing limbs to replace them with better technology. The decision had been made and gone through with by many, MANY people in the past. They would continue to do so, as well. However, Bhaltair wanted to at least take the time, while his company was fresh, and understand firsthand why someone would want to do this.

In fact, Taneas' appointment was soon. Bhaltair started cleaning his desk off to make his office more presentable for the man. He knew that, with the new structure, everything would be just a tad bit disorganized. He hoped that it wouldn't detract from this man's opinion of the company.

[member="Taneas Haring"]

Taneas Haring

The term giving an arm and a leg was a different concept to Taneas. A metaphor to some literal to him. He was getting old, fixing ships where becoming a strain and when battle called he pushed himself to far to not fall behind. He'd thought about this procedure a lot. Would he be losing a part of him self? Would people begin to see a machine more than a man? When it all came down to it he knew what stupid karking questions where they. If anything he'd be becoming more instead of living in his own shadow. He'd been a sole survivor of his squadron many times in battle. He knew his ships inside and out. He had counted the seconds it took for one shot to follow the next. He knew the sips limits and how to push them in the right way. His own body on the other hand flesh couldn't be upgraded. It degrades over time becoming brittle and worn. Cybernetics isn't flesh it can be fixed, upgraded and didn't get weaker.

For once he hadn't drank in over two days for this surgery. Every sign of craving was there and he had a bottle ready for once it's all done. He wasn't entirely sure where he was heading other than a name above the door of the place was and a general idea of where. But exactly where he wasn't sure. As he walked around looking down streets he slowly smoked on his cigarette till he found the place. As he continued to move he took larger and faster drags before simply flicking it away as he walked through the door. There seemed to be a few people here although he was scheduled hoping he didn't have to wait. Moving up to the receptionist he'd look at the person. "I'm here to see [member="Bhaltair Dhimani"] I have an appointment with him. Last name Haring." He said looking around the room.

Bhaltair Dhimani

A little Ruff can go a long way

"Sir? Haring is here to see you now."

"Yes, thank you, Kara. Send him in, please."

When [member="Taneas Haring"] entered the room, he stood up from behind his desk and leaned forward to shake the man's hand. His grip wasn't strong compared to the toned man's hand shake.

"Hello, Mr. Haring! Please, have a seat...Now, as I recall, you've been scheduled for a complete replacement of all your limbs. I must say that I really appreciate your business, regardless of your reasons. However, if you'd please indulge me for a moment of your time, I'd like to talk to you about this; get your perspective on the matter."

He cleared his throat and took his reading glasses off his face before resuming the conversation.

"According to your basic info, you're...well, simply put, you're getting on in years. An operation like this makes the most logical sense for your line of work, but you have to remember to look at important life changes, like this, from different viewpoints. Now, I'm not trying to cheapen the amount of thought that you've, no doubt, gone through before this. I was just thinking that you might like to talk this out with another person involved in this...So, now that I've beat around the bush enough, let me ask you the "tough ones"...Why do you want to get this operation? Are you sure you want to go through with this? Also, if you don't want to answer these questions, then that is completely fine. We can just skip the Q&A, if you wish, and head on over to the LMB clinic."

Taneas Haring

[member="Bhaltair Dhimani"]

Taneas Would walk into the office after been sent in. People would give a slight glare as he hadn't been told to wait. In some way filled his ego with pride that he did things through the proper channels. As he entered the office moving over to the man stood behind the desk he'd give the man a firm handshake before taking a seat listening to the man talk and wanting to ask questions. "Sure asked away." He said leaning back in the seat. The question was steight forward for him or at least looked at it in a simple manner. "Well other than fixing ships in my down time. I've spent the best parts of my life fighting, it's all I know how to do. I've tried civilian jobs but there is now real reward for the work. I've tried early retirement and it's well boring. No satisfaction in it. The only problem is that now that I am getting older I'm lagging behind everyone. I can still out fly most people but they aren't as experienced as me."

"Never trusted another soul to repair my ship other than my sort of daughter Sanya Val ler... Val swift. So really I depend on the use of my arms and legs. Even if I was forced to retire and I wasn't able to repair my ship I guess I'd have no purpose anymore. My second reason is if a bone gets seriously broken or I have ligament damage then I can't simply repair it." In most senses the most hardened soldiers where just machines made of flesh. Its he the galaxy saw people like Taneas. They forget it's people who live for that reason alone is the ones trying to keep them safe.

Bhaltair Dhimani

A little Ruff can go a long way
Bhaltair got up from his seat and walked around.

"Well, as long as you're sure, then I will do my best to make your wish come true, sir. If you'll come with me, I'll walk you over to the LMB clinic myself."

He walked out of the room and noticed the queue. This was strange for him. This was something the new businessman, Bhaltair Dhimani, was going to have to get used to. At least he could do this.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm so sorry, but I need to step out and handle something. However, if you make your way to the administrative office 22, then I'm sure your questions can be answered or redirected from there."

They were out and walking along the sidewalk when he finally spoke up again.

"Now, as is typical procedure with this level of operation, I must ask that you please stay at our LMB clinic after the operation until we can clear that your new cybernetics were a complete success. With a job like this, we'd rather not risk sending you off without making absolutely sure you're in tip top condition. This extra work could take anywhere from a couple hours to a day, depending on timing and your body being agreeable. We can't, of course, hold you, but we ask that you please stay for a little while more after this is done."

After any more conversation finished between them, they would finally arrive at the LMB clinic. It was only 4 to 5 minutes away on foot.

[member="Taneas Haring"]

Taneas Haring

Tanease followed suit by standing up and walking with the man. "I'm sure as I'll ever be." He said in a confident voice. He was aware of the complications but this surgery has been around longer than he was alive, meaning the procedure had probably been perfected to make sure minimal risk is there. He could but help but give a small smirk as [member="Bhaltair Dhimani"] announced all those waiting as he continued to follow. "The amounts of shrapnel and slugs I've had pulled out of me I'm used to having to sit in a bed to heal up. Although I have to say I'm quite resilient so healing fast shouldn't be to much of a problem." He said in reply.

Soon as they arrived at the place he'd be having his op taneas had two small questions one that would sound a little sarcastic. "So before I leave to I get a manual on how to tinker with them or do I figure that out myself? And also how dose this operation work, do you have some kind of light saber to cut my arms and legs off or you just gonna hack at em till they just pop off?" Thinking about it they both sounded sarcastic but first he was one to mess about with mechanical stuff and second, well that was curiosity. "Also just to give you heads up I may need a higher dose of general anaesthetics. I've woken up post surgery once or twice. An I'll say it even after seeing the stuff I've seen watching your own body been cut open and stitched up is a whole new kind of creepy."

Bhaltair Dhimani

A little Ruff can go a long way
"On cybernetics, especially with ones this important, you have a life time guarantee. You shouldn't have any problems under normal living circumstances. You'll be given a fully comprehensive mini datapad detailing important aspects: self-maintenance, components, etc. However, if you sustain damage to your new arms and legs, come back to our LMB clinic. We can fix you back up for the regular repair rate. But, these models are tough! You're going to have to do some real crazy stuff to break these."

"Well, I won't go into the nitty gritty details, but we'll carefully make incisions, kill nerves, detach limbs and sever muscles neatly. Don't worry, sir. We'll measure twice and cut once. Our business depends greatly on the quality of our operations."

"Don't you worry, sir. We monitor all of your vitals at all times. We make certain that you are out and stay out during the entire operation. Our suite is fully capable of keeping you asleep and healthy."

They walked up to the receptionist, as there was no line. They signed in for [member="Taneas Haring"]'s appointment and walked further into the facility. They would pass by only a few people: mostly doctors and just one man walking and smiling with his new Repli-Limb leg alongside his recovery counselor. They came and stopped next to a private changing room.

"You can change into a t-shirt and shorts in here. Sorry if they're a bit short for your liking. They barely qualify as boxers. But, you can also grab a robe, if you wish. Just pass on through to the door on the other side and I'll meet you there."

When Taneas walked into the room, Bhaltair would go around and check on the preparations. This was going to be their first official full-limb replacement. It had to be a darn good one.

Taneas Haring

[member="Bhaltair Dhimani"]

Taneas simply nodded as he spoke and grinned. "Well crazy is normal for me. So been able to self repair might be something I need to know especially on the battlefield." He said moving off into the changing room. As he undressed, Taneas would put each item into a small box with his other belongings. As he began to change into the set of clothes he had realised the only thing that semi fit was the shorts. Forgetting about the shirt he put the robe around him and walked into the operation room. "Err I didn't want to risk ripping the shirt trying to put it on. Anyway I guess I'll get comfortable." He said pushing himself up onto the operating table. "If you have time could you drian the blood from the arms and legs and have it frozen?" Thinking of the future. If he sustains injury that requires blood he'd have some if he dies then it could save someone else's life, or if something in his body fails he can get himself cloned organs. Many different things to be done with it. After all waste not what not. As he laid there Taneas could only smell the familiar sent of every room like this.

Bhaltair Dhimani

A little Ruff can go a long way
"Dang. I was hoping they would have stocked more than just one size, by now. Sorry about that."

"The mini datapad will give you all the info you need."

The request was a strange one, but it wasn't something they couldn't handle.

"That's not our typical MO, but I'll see what we can do for you in that regard. Robe off, please. We'll put it back on afterwards."

The operating team prepped and waited in another room. That way, there wasn't too much to spook the patient. Just a precaution. There was a gas tank and a connected breather close to the operating table. He gave the breather to [member="Taneas Haring"] and said,

"Now, I want you to take this and breathe in deeply. While you're doing that, I want you to count in your head how many seconds you're still breathing it before you wake up and find that it's all done. Think of it as a little challenge, but don't cheat. In through the nose, out through the mouth. The gas is completely safe."

Taneas Haring

He slid off the robe handing it to [member="Bhaltair Dhimani"] before laying back and pressing the respirator over his mouth. Taking a deep breath in Taneas would begin counting in his head. It didn't take long for his eyes to get heavy and everything feeling numb. "See you soon doc." He said as his eyes closed tight. For the first few moments everything was black as outside noises dull. Slowly his mind began to wonder through his memories. Many of them flashed through till one managed to stay. It was of the time he was teaching this little kid how to fly. She was like his daughter, needed a home and he gave it to her.

It was a funny memory in a way. He could remember how his heart raced when she almost clipped the side of a building. The ship at the time was no specific model just bits and pieces put together. They had worked hard fixing it up and well teaching her to fly was her reward for all the hard effort. Between helping him and disappearing at night to help people made Taneas always wonder where she had the energy. Always alert and cautious like she walked on egg shells. Although in time the little girl learned to relax a little.

Bhaltair Dhimani

A little Ruff can go a long way
He was finally out. Geez. Was that 12 seconds? Just to make extra sure, he watched [member="Taneas Haring"]'s vitals for a minute after he was out to ensure that he was unconcious. The operating team came in and the operating tech lowered from the ceiling. Time to begin.

He watched Taneas' readings. Patterns suggested that he was dreaming. He hoped that it was a good dream. The team carried out their work efficiently. Unsafe amounts of blood loss were averted. Initial adaptation of the cybernetics proved very successful. He was adjusting well. The old limbs were hung out to drain into preservation pouches, which were then stacked inside a portable cryo cooler. It was diligent work, but the operating team eventually pulled it off. Bhaltair had been working on other matters from his datapad.

Finally, they were done. The operating tech raised up into the ceiling, the operating team left and Bhaltair walked over to the operating table. Bhaltair kept a watch on the vitals as he woke the patient up.

Taneas Haring

[member="Bhaltair Dhimani"]

Noises started coming back to him and the sent of the operating room. Only this time he felt a tremendous pain all over and an un nerving itch on his left shin. As he opened his eyes everything seemed blurry for a minute and the light in the room felt to much at first till he adjusted. "I've been in pain before doc but kark this hurts like a sith performing torture." He said. Taneas was prepared for the pain but not at this level. Slightly leaning up to look down he couldn't really feel his arms or legs and it didn't feel natural except that itch on his left shin still. His body was telling him it really was there but common sense told him otherwise. "I know the routine start off with small movements before trying anything to much." He'd seen friends have limbs blown off or even sliced so it was no surprise he had seen people do the process many times.

He would begin to think about opening and closing his hand slowly a couple of times before moving his lower arm up and down. For now he'd refrain from moving his entire arm so any stitches or fragile tissue wouldn't brake open. Looking at his other arm he'd do the same process. The moment seemed fine to him although he couldn't wait to move them much faster. Taneas would then look down at his feet moving both back and forth while moving the toes. "Everything seems good to me. How long will it be till I can get discharge and get properly moving?" He asked.

Bhaltair Dhimani

A little Ruff can go a long way
For a moment, Bhaltair started to lose his cool.

"Dammit!" He said while grabbing for the controls. "I'm sorry, sir. We knew you were resilient, but we didn't want to risk putting too much pain killer in you and risk an overdose. Here..." he pressed a couple of buttons, causing some additional morphine to be administered. "...This should take away the sting."

"You'll have our approval when you feel strong and comfortable enough to get off the table and then do a few exercises. You know, run on a treadmill, stretch, throw some punches and kicks, the usual. You've adapted quite well to the constructs, so I don't see you having to wait too long before getting out of here. Here's your robe back..." He handed the robe back. "...When you feel up to it, I'll take you to the fitness center."

When [member="Taneas Haring"] got up and wanted to go, he'd then take him over and watch as he did each exercise, which was marked on the wall via holoscreen and the accompanying equipment.

Taneas Haring

[member="Bhaltair Dhimani"]

Taneas nodded his head. "Well I definitely can't feel much now." He said feeling the morphine kick in. Presuming everything would be okay to do a simple walk he gently swung his new legs over and slid the robe on. Slowly sliding off the table he couldn't feel his feet touch the ground but they where. It was all new and definitely needed getting used to. Then again been drunk most the time built his stability and balance from practice. How much harder could it be? He thought to himself. "If okay I'd like to slip back into my clothes. They are a bit more comfortable and well less reviling." Fully standing up he'd lean most of his weight on the table as he took his first step before letting go. He wasn't the fastest at moving yet but he was managing to walk slowly, very slowly.

It took a few minutes to walk to the changing room where he'd lay out his clothes in order and took off the shorts and robe again. With all movement been slow it took a little while to get dressed into his cargo pants and black shirt. As for the rest he would leave it in the box and lock it. He stood back up but a little faster this time and folded the shorts and robe over his arm and placed them in the basket supplied in the room as he exited. "So now to do the other exercises huh. I'll follow you."

Bhaltair Dhimani

A little Ruff can go a long way
"Yes. Changing back into your old clothes is fine. By all means..." said Bhaltair as he watched [member="Taneas Haring"]'s progress.

He waited outside until the man came out.

"Alright. Let's walk down to the fitness center. If you don't mind my asking, what's it feel like? Is it what you expected? I know this might be a sour question, but do you regret anything now? Do you like it?" As a man of science, it was very interesting to hear what someone else had experienced that Bhaltair himself had not.

It didn't take long to reach the fitness center. Inside, a patient was to go from the leftmost wall and follow it all the way around to the right. There were 6 exercises:

  1. Bend down and touch your toes
  2. Do high steps that brought your knees up to your chest.
  3. Do a few pull ups
  4. Do a few push ups
  5. Lift two 20 pound weights and hold them perpendicular to your body
  6. Run on the tread mill for five minutes

Taneas Haring

As [member="Bhaltair Dhimani"] began to ask questions non of them required any thought. "Well it feels strange to be honest I can't feel where I'm walking or what I touch, but I already knew this so yeah it's what I expected. I don't regret having this done it was necessary to be done and I've not really had time to tell if I like it just that I'll adjust to it. With time I'll not realize any difference and everything will feel normal to me." Following the man to the next place it was full of exercise equipment. Almost as geared up as one in military ships and bases as he began doing the exercises tanease decided to throw some questions back. "So what made you want go into this business? Must have been hard with the requirements." He asked raising from touching his toes with a little bit of a wobble. Raising his left arm out to the side he'd then bring his right leg up. "All things considered have you thought where you want to take this business? I know military would pay a lot for this just to keep numbers stable or give people the chance to live each day normally." As he brought his leg back down he'd sit onto the floor beginning the sit ups counting each one in his head and breathing out each time he came up.

He would do that to twenty then do the same with the push ups. Once those where done he'd move over to the weights. "Anyway if your also looking for someone to help with investments or even developing new designs I can hitch you up if your interested." Picking up the weights it felt like he had to put little to no effort in her remained to do that a couple of times before moving over to the treadmill and started it up.

Bhaltair Dhimani

A little Ruff can go a long way
The man had rationalized all of this to a T...However, that seemed like the deeper meaning behind it was rolling one of two ways. He felt pressured into doing this and he wanted to suppress his depression by glorifying the pros and explaining away the cons...or he legitimately approved and liked this operation. The man wasn't the easiest to get a bead on, so Bhaltair simply went with the latter idea and put it out of his mind.

"Well, I have a PhD in Computer Science and Biology. At the time, they were simply the more intriguing scientific fields I had to choose from. I almost regretted going through those years of grueling education...But, now?...Well, it's as though I was meant to build all of this. My younger brother spoiled competition throughout our childhood, so I never fancied the idea of owning a business. But, now that we haven't seen each other in so long...Well, I thought "What the hay?" and used my inheritance to set this up. Besides, this sort of business is sorely needed in our galaxy."

"I know that military contracts are going to be what pay most of the bills around here, but, someday, I hope that military applications don't become the sole focus of this company. I want to spread out across the galaxy with a LMB clinic or three on every hub world and beyond. But, at the moment, the galaxy is one large pool of Chaos. Lots of men and women need these cybernetics to live a normal life with their families outside of the military."

"If you know people, then that would be swell. Being a start up, you can imagine that things are financially rocky. We've been blessed, though. People like you have already started doing business with us and, for that, I thank you and all the others."

After [member="Taneas Haring"] was done running the tread mill, there would be nothing else left to worry about. He pulled a plastic card out of his pocket. On this card was a green check mark over a red criss-cross insignia.

"Well, you check out just fine. I had a feeling this wouldn't take long. You can go get your stuff, take this up to the front, give it to the lady at the front desk and fill out your release forms. It's been a pleasure, Mr. Haring. Excuse me if I don't shake your hand. Your grip was strong enough last time and I don't want to risk you squeezing too hard by accident this time."

A broad smile touched his lips.

Taneas Haring

Taneas would laugh at the comment. "Fair enough. Ill have the lady write down that name and contact details for you and I'll pass yours to her. If anything she'll contact you first. She seems to be like that. Anyway thanks doc for the new set of arms n legs and I'll also send details on the date to drop off the blood. It will most likely be at one of the many republic hospitals." He said with a smile. "Till next time."

He would leave the room and up to collect the rest of his things. Everything was there, his guns, ship key and the bottle of whiskey ready to be opens the second he left the building. with all his stuff on him he made his way to the main desk. "[member="Bhaltair Dhimani"] told me to give you this and also the contact details of someone." He passed the lady a small card with all the details on for [member="Sanya Val Swift"]. "Anyway that's me done here." He said as he turned around and walked out the door opening that bottle of whiskey.

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