Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public What Could It Hurt?

Charlotte Knyte

Location: Kashyyyk
Attire: [X]
Tags: Open


In the two years that Charlotte Knyte had spent fully grown, she had probably caused more chaos at any given point than she did good. Now, that's not to say she caused the sort of chaos that ultimately lead to wars and such. No, it was the sort of chaos that brought about angry shop owners, or flustered and/or frustrated civilians as they were pranked and generally humiliated without mercy. Typically, that wasn't the goal - to humiliate others. The usual goal was to just get out, away from training, and away from her mother. Yes, Acadia meant well when it came to her daughter, but she was more smothering now than she had been before Lottie's magical-seeming grow up.

Today was no different. Charlotte had returned to Kashyyyk to not only see her family of course, but for scheduled training with her mother. Unfortunately, that had turned out like it always did; pushing and pushing one thing until it became monotonous and Lottie had enough. Thus her grand escape! Her mother had been called to the healing halls for some reason or another, and Lottie took that chance to make a break for it.

The air of Kashyyyk was by no means her favorite, but the outside air was much more relaxing to her than inside the SJO temple. She had taken a much needed, deep breath, and then was on the move. Half an hour later and she was skidding around the corner of a building, doing her best to not laugh hysterically due to the shouts of outrage that had trailed along the air behind her. The sandy brunette was partially covered in a baking substance of some sort - dusting of it on her clothes, a smear or two across her cheek, but the shop down the row? The very substance was still clouding out the windows and front door. Why? Well originally she had gone in for lunch, and the shop keep had been less than platonic with her. Thus, some well place Force use, and bam.

This time around, Lottie felt insanely justified, though she knew eventually this sort of thing was going to get her into a load of trouble that she wouldn't be able to talk her way out of - not that she was intimidated by that thought, or even put off by it. So for now, she would do what she always did; enjoy her fun and games at whatever the cost - and wait in her current hiding spot for the heat to die down so that she could move along and go on about her day as if nothing were amiss.
Alistair always knew karma would catch up to him eventually, but he figured it would be in the middle of a grand heist – near the end of his lifetime. Dramatic and glorious, his demise (while deserved) would be equally mourned and praised throughout history. But what he didn’t figure was that his comeuppance would be delivered at the hands of an angry flour-covered Wookie.

“It wasn’t me” he shouted, running full-tilt down the crowded marketplace. Unfortunately, the handful of stolen bread didn’t quite sell his innocence. Paying for stuff was all well and good, provided you had money. Unfortunately, being wealthy and being Alistair were mutually exclusive.

He’d been scoping out the bakery, looking for a means to access the delicious food behind the counter, when an explosion of flour had filled the air. Unwilling to waste the serendipitous moment, he swiped the nearest basket of rolls and made for the door.

He rounded the corner, barely avoiding a collision with some more locals. His heart pounded in his chest and his breaths came out in ragged gasps. He was barely keeping ahead of the much longer-legged Wookie. He took a risk and tried to cut through a stall, only to find himself stumbling before falling flat on his face. He looked back at what tripped him, to see the stall-owner’s extended foot pull back as the short man gave a sly smile.

The Wookie barreled around the corner, immediately spotting Alistair and letting out a shout of outrage in Shyriiwook. “Look” Alistair started. “This was a big misunderstanding, I’m sure we-”. He was interrupted as the Wookie picked him up by the shirt and lifted him into the air.


Unbeknownst to Alistair, he was caught close to Charlotte Knyte hiding spot.

Charlotte Knyte

Location: Kashyyyk
Attire: [X]
Tags: Alistair Abbott Alistair Abbott | Open


The very last thing that Lottie had expected was to have not only some guy spill into her hiding place, but the very Wookie that she had, had her little tiff with come into view right behind him. The brunette's eyes widened almost comically wide and she attempted to flatten herself against the wall as if she were hoping that it would open up and swallow her - or at the very least hide her. But when it did no such thing she made a noise in her throat and had started to slink away until this other unfortunate soul seemed to be getting the brunt of the ire that Lottie herself had started.

"Hey!" she railed out. That durasteel backbone seemed to reconnect itself, and that no fear, inner dare devil surfaced full force. "Put him down, you shaggy carpet!" naturally she didn't understand most of the response that was given to her, and what she did understand wasn't nice at all. "You know, I have an amazing conditioner that I think you could absolutely benefit from. Would help with all those twigs and leaves that keep tangling up your fur..."

That didn't earn her any happier of a response, but at least the focus was on her now instead of this stranger who had blown her cover. It hadn't made this wookie let him go, but maybe with Charlotte's mouth helping with a distraction, it would make slipping from the beast's clutches a little easier.
Last edited by a moderator:
Location: Kashyyyk
Equipment: Half a bread loaf
Tags: Charlotte Knyte

- - - - -
Alistair had felt fear in his life plenty of times, but only rarely did he experience the ‘being shaken by a massive angry Wookie’ kind of fear. Sweat beaded on his forehead and the weightless as he was lifted up made him feel nauseous. ‘Feth, kark, sithspit’ his mind ran through all the curses it could as panic started to set in. He opened his mouth to shout, only to find himself spluttering as he inhaled the stench coming from the Wookie’s breath.

“Hey!” he heard, before being whipped around as his aggressor turned to face the newcomer. A short-ish woman around his age was confronting the Wookie. “Put him down, you shaggy carpet!” she shouted, prompting near hysterical giggle from Alistair. The Wookie gave him a vicious glare before turning his full attention back to the woman, shifting so he was only holding the him up with one hand.

While she continued to distract him, Alistair slowly came to realise his was still desperately clutching bread in his hands. He’d lost half of it in his attempted escape and the remainder was twisted and broken. Nevertheless, it gave him an idea. Trying to subtly move his arms in to better position, he then proceeded to do something he was certain would only make matters worse.

Getting as much momentum as he could, he swung his legs forwards and kicked the Wookie’s shin – causing the huge beast to roar in pain. He turned his head toward Alistair, fangs bared for only a moment before Alistair shoved one of the bread loaves down the creature’s mouth. The Wookies eyes widened in surprise and he started choking, dropping Alistair and stumbling back. The boy hit the ground badly, twisting his ankle, but was immediately up and moving despite the pain.

“Time to go!” he shouted, pushing the woman along by the shoulder. The chase wasn’t over yet, and now they’d both have to make an escape.


A rusty power droid trundled past.


That syllable encompassed a world of sympathy for the Wookiee baker, who was currently chasing an offworld thief and his accomplice. Both humanocentric racists, of course.

"Gonk," said Clem sadly. He kept moving, but not before plopping a power cell at the Wookiee's feet. Everyone likes a nice power cell.

Charlotte Knyte

Location: Kashyyyk
Tags: Alistair Abbott Alistair Abbott | Open


Well, that certainly had not at all gone according to plan, so it was a good thing that Lottie was good at rolling with the punches! When the Wookie started choking, the sandy brunette's eyes widened a tad and she took a step back. While her mother may have been an impressive healer, Charlotte was by no means comfortable with medical situations. Afraid? No, not at all. But the fact that she hadn't been trained to help with more than superficial wounds and fractures? Well, that of course set her back a step or two.

So when this other stranger got to his feet and began pushing her along at the shoulders, Charlotte was all too eager to turn on a heel and make a break for it. She had caught sight of some droid loitering in the background, though didn't have the time right now to go and investigate. An angry - and by now winded and most likely humiliated - wookie was not something she wanted to be around at all.

Her feet carried her down the rest of the little alley, and then she hooked a sharp left. Going this direction of course put her and her new found criminal companion against the flow of foot traffic, but at least this way it would be easier to lose their pursuer. Besides, it was easy enough for Lottie to bob and weave through the bodies as she worked her way up the lane. She wanted as much distance as possible between herself and the wookie before she even dared to try hiding again.

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