Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What a great business!


Sworn To Avenge My Ewokese Brothers To The End!
Lork Richards stood there, cigar resting on his lips, as he stood on a Correlian landing pad. "Sir, we have weighed the cargo, it weighs 202 pounds...the maximum limit of cargo brought onto this pad is 200 pounds", The port guard explained. "Sir, it weighs 200 pounds, only. I ain't dragging that thing back aboard my fething ship!" The foul-mouthed smuggler cleared his throat, sighing.

"Sir, it weighs 202 pounds, two pounds above the limit!". "No, no, no! Your not listening to me...I", Lork was interrupted as the guard began speaking. "What is in this crate?" The guard asked curiously. "Spice of course!" Lork said, quickly reaching into his jacket, pulling out his DL-22 blaster pistol, firing a red blaster bolt into the guard's head.

The guard collapsed to the floor, Lork chuckling. "Sixty-eight years old and I still got to do this.." He thought to himself, leaning onto the crate. Now, he just had to wait for his contact, [member="Jeff Solaris"] who had offered him a decent job.
Sure enough Jeff arrived, but he was accompanied by ten of the EE Battle Droids that Suvian had oh so recently made. This was for security purposes really, and might actually save his life later. "So you are the smuggler that is looking for work?" Jeff appraised him. The guy looked like he could handle a blaster really well, and with that kind of talent and piloting skill well Suvian did need the pilots. "Suvian is looking for pilots and also someone to lead the pilots and the ships. I have decided you fit the bill nicely for a fleet commander. So what do you say? Are you ready to move up some in life and become more equipped? Be warned, the road ahead will be difficult. You'll be forced to sign all sorts of agreements before we even get into the technical information about your job. " Jeff was not one to idle around, and waste time. Time was as good as money, and neither should be wasted. There was so much to do. So many people to recruit, and so little time. At the bitter end however it would be worth it when his company soon climbed the ranks. For once they did, they could afford a space base as well as a land one.


Sworn To Avenge My Ewokese Brothers To The End!
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! I have not even met you and your offering me "Fleet commander" or whatever the feth you just fething said!" He looked at the Droid, rather overwhelmed. "I didn't come to lead nobody unless you can fething convince me! As far as I am concerned, you could be in prison, licking some guard's boots for credits! Now, I just fething killed a fething man, so could you please explain to me, who the feth are you?" He asked, sliding the blaster into his jacket. "I ain't got time for delay, I am in a fething rush!". He then tapped the large brown crate. "Are you the one that ordered two hundred pounds of spice?" He asked, glancing down to the corpse of the guard.

[member="Jeff Solaris"]
"Yes. That was a test. Which I am glad to say you passed."

This was spoken by Jeff in a monotone somewhat. "The test was to see if you were good at delivering cargo. Since it has been proven you are, I will put you on retainer. What this means is that you'll get paid ahead of time, and when I get orders for a delivery you will be the one to deliver it. Of course we'll need to make you a uniform and stock you with some of the gear Suvian has. Your blaster is good, but I have one you might like a bit better especially if you come across Force Users."

The galaxy was going to pot and something needed to be done. The only thing that could be done presently was to prepare as best they could. So Jeff was preparing Suvian as best HE could, by recruiting.

"Should you choose to accept. you will also be offered free room and board at my fortress known as Forst Suvian on Tatooine. You will be provided a supply of EE Droids, and other technologies for free. Should you not choose to accept, you will be made to sign a non-disclosure agreement."


Sworn To Avenge My Ewokese Brothers To The End!
"One question. Can I get free coffee?" He asked in a very, very, very serious tone. "If the answer is yes, I'm up for it", He then blew out another grey smoke ring, grinning. "Also, does the uniform come in black?" Lork's questions were all very well serious and legitimate. "Also, if you ain't taking this spice...I'll be quite upset. It's kind of difficult for a fething sixty-eight year old man to push a 200 pound fething crate", He then removed his cigar from his mouth for a moment, hacking loudly.

[member="Jeff Solaris"]
"Yes, you will get free coffee. More than that. You'll be in charge of recruiting pilots you deem capable to Suvian. We do need more than just one to deliver everything once it is all made and prepared. So the question is...are you in for it Mister ______________? Do you want to work for a company that may one day climb to the top of the galaxy's charts as the next Fortune 5 Million?"

While it was true he did plan for them to climb that high, and even higher Jeff had no intention of letting the man know that the spice was simply going obviously to be re-sold. At least not yet. The spice was useless. Jeff didn't need it, but there'd be people who did. And people who needed it badly would pay through the nose to get it. Finally Jeff stated.

"You will also be required of course to put the Suvian Logo on your ship. For the time being I ask that you desist on sales to the Republic, CIS and Sith because of the war that is going on. Or at least if you must sell to them, hide the Suvian Logo we'll put on your ship. Suvian is not prepared for a galactic scale war, at least not yet. I will take the spice. Some use will be found for it. "


Sworn To Avenge My Ewokese Brothers To The End!
"Yes, yes, yes! There is fething coffee, so I am fething in!" He said, chuckling. "Also, the whole logo thing...I'd prefer to not damage 'Ol Blood Leech 'ere. She's been with me for longer than I can remember and I ain't defacing it". "Also, you call me Lork, not Mister...just Lork. You got it?" He asked, throwing the cigar onto the ground and extinguishing it with his boots. "I assume you would like to see the inside of my...ship?" He then cleared his throat, nodding towards the ramp.

[member="Jeff Solaris"]
"Yes, I'd like to see the inside of your ship Lork. Since you'll be working for me anyway. "

As he said that Jeff pushed a button on the recognition arm band and the EE droids went into dormancy. They were not needed yet. But if they were he could easily re-activate them. After all droids came in handy most of the time. Finally he said.

"So Lork, how many years have you had this ship?"

Lork probably had an antiquated ship, one that would need to be replaced by a newer model. Suvian had a few newer ships they could let Lork choose from to use as his new base of operations.

"Should you wish, we do have ships for you to choose from as a new one Lork."


Sworn To Avenge My Ewokese Brothers To The End!
"I've had 'er for thirty-five years. Also, I ain't interested with your you'll see a made some slight...adjustments", He said, guiding [member="Jeff Solaris"] up the ramp. Once he made it inside, Jeff would easily smell the stench of cigar smoke. The ramp lead to a small room, which had a rather antique Dejarik table surrounded by a booth you would see in a cantina. There would be a small box-like storage device bolted to the wall, the words "Cooler" written above it. He led Jeff into the cockpit, which had two antique seats along with high-tech controls and levers. A small box would be hanging above the pilot's seat, blue lights flashing on and off repeatedly. The seats would have antique-looking seatbelts painted with a golden color. "Custom weapon systems, not too good of a damage resistance, though", Lork explained the entire process, grin on his face.
"Well Lork, upon tour of your ship I have decided something. As you will not accept one of our ships, we will pay to have yours upgraded. Better shields, better weapons, better armor. That is, if you want . We will however install a holo emitter that projects the logo of Suvian so it seems as if it were painted on your ship, rather than painting one on. "

This was an offer Jeff was putting out there because he did not like how easy it would be to take down this ship. The ship was too vulnerable and so needed some alterations to protect it. Thus Suvian could come to the fore, and help out some.

"So the question is, do you want an upgrade or not?"


Sworn To Avenge My Ewokese Brothers To The End!
"Of. Fething. Course!" He said, chuckling loudly. "It'll go down with one or two shots, it needs some upgrades. Also, the logo...uh...fine! It's all fine, I just need some coffee", He calmly sat down in the pilot's seat, gesturing towards the copilot's. "Sit...we'll go for a...ride", He quickly pulled back a lever, sealing the ramp. "SIT DOWN, SON! WERE GOING FOR A RIDE!" He hollered loudly, quickly activating the engines. Suddenly, the ship started to move and head off of the landing pad. "I'll bring you back 'ere once I show you the perks of this thing", He quickly pulled back another lever, preparing to jump into hyperspace.

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