Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What a Dump...

Coruscant, Just before midnight local time.

It had been many many years since the Sith Princess had stepped foot on the City Planet of Coruscant. Much had changed by the way of Government control, but the planet seemed much the same. It was the same dump that it always was, especially in the lower sections where she happened to be walking at present.

Business had been attended to, and normally she'd be off the planet as soon as possible, but tonight, something intrigued her enough to rub elbows with the lower class folk. What was it? Still Unknown. But, she was investigating.

Her green eyes were offended by the neon sign hanging outside an establishment. She blinked. Already she could hear music, and feel it's vibrations on the duracrete beneath her feet. There were a great many presences inside the establishment. Perhaps one of them was the reason that the Force had prompted her to visit such a dive.

The Sith Princess threw back the hood of her cloak, revealing her long blond locks, which she wore straight and down her back. As she moved toward the doors, she nodded to the bouncer to open the doors. The Princess certainly wouldn't be touching anything with her hands that could be avoided. She entered, not bothering to look around with her eyes, and moved to the bar. Sure, it was the most heavily populated area other than the dance floor, but it was where every person that entered the establishment would be at one point.

She leaned against the bar backwards and then took the opportunity to have a look around.
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
The Old Man's Retreat, that was the name of the establishment. In many ways it -was- a retreat for the slightly elderlies. The drinks served were rough, so was the music and the patrons that were served. For a while Jared was not sure if this was a scene for him, at least until he noticed a couple of tables that were playing Space Poker. A grin appeared on his face as he took it all in. The tables were well-crowded, people were all among them looking at the contenders that were putting up their savings and hopes into the high stakes game.

Maybe this -is- the place for me.”

His steps were marked with a jump in his pace, while walking to an empty seat he indicated towards one of the waiters that a drink would be appreciated. “An appletini, please.” Snickers all over the table, it seemed there was a rule against sissy drinks.

Part of him wished to wipe the smug looks of their faces, but that would not be very classy of him. Besides, there would be enough time to do it in a more respectable way. For example, by taking all of their money. So Jared just laughed politely and accepted the remarks in good graces.

Then the game began...

@[member="Jared Ovmar"]

Crystal watched as Jared entered the establishment and went over to a table to gamble. That was interesting to her as she couldn't fathom why someone with a strong presence in the Force would be interested in gambling. Did he know about the game in advance? Was he a regular here? She could watch and see.

The Sith Princess moved closer to the table, where she could see the players. Not that she needed to be able to see them. She could easily read their thoughts. There was nothing particularly interesting about their thoughts either. So she supposed she would just watch for now.
The Admiralty
Codex Judge

Truthfully, I wasn’t entirely sure why I was there. I had money by the buckets, power and respect. But sometimes.. a man needs to feel the primal side of his persona, get in touch with the dark. How better than visit some scummy bar on Coruscant, and play some damn cards?

There were four people around the table, and I did the only thing I could do. With practiced ease, I started reaching out. Gathering a feel of my opponents.

Immediately I recognized two force sensitive people in the room, one of ‘em was an opponent. Minor force talent, nothing too fancy. Probably didn’t even know he had it in him. Other one.. definitely knew what she had.

I didn’t show my surprise though, instead I focused on my.. crap cards. Good thing I have an excellent poker face, otherwise this would have been a bust. Still, my curiosity was awakened.

“You are pretty bright, care to tune down the light?”

It was a not so subtle reference to her Force Presence. She was like a damn sun shining her power everywhere, was hard to focus. Besides, she ain’t too bad of a looker, that eh.. helped too.
[member="Jared Ovmar"]

Crystal smirked. Well, that hadn't taken very long at all. It normally worked to get someone's attention. And the Sith Princess was well versed on methods of getting attention. Her looks, her voice, her scent, her presence. Nothing about her was unattractive or insignificant. It was normally just a question of what someone noticed first.

In this case, her presence. Bright was pretty accurate actually, considering she was also dark. Complicated. But she certainly didn't smell or feel like a Jedi. Crystal concealed her presence before moving behind Jared and wrapping her arms around his neck and putting her chin on his shoulder. No, she didn't know him. But the others in the establishment didn't know that. "Sorry Love," Crystal said loudly for those in the immediate vicinity to hear clearly.

She took a peek at his cards and smirked. And she spoke to him telepathically ~Is that better?~

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