Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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We're Staying Minor

I know this is almost ironic given the previous news post. However, we are staying minor.

Many of you are new to the Primeval, and i know there are those of you who have been with us in the past--happy to return and take part in Primeval adventures again. After a discussion within the faction staff, and given the recent dip in activity, we felt it prudent to redact our major faction add request. We still won the rebellion, however we have chosen to neutralize the hex rather than claim it for ourselves.

As we haven't conducted any major faction activities, it'll be as if we were never major at all. We are still looking forward to roleplaying with those of you who want to continue their stories within the Primeval. We simply wished to relieve ourselves of the burdens that come with a major faction, when our activity is still that of a niche small circle. Perhaps if some proposed rule changes push through, and our threads continue to remain active, we may apply for major status in the future.

I apologise to anyone who had their eyes set on us being a major faction
Hey all, I wanted to make you an offer on this topic. Loved writing with you all so would you have any interest in joining us on more, as a built in "enemy"

Long and short of it is we run neutral enough for you to set up shop in our territory. We can offer you a full sponsorship so you can do fun major stuff, but also the autonomy to write as you want.

Let me know of you would have any interest in that?

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