Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Auro Sebastian"]

She had been quite ... pleased by the bounty hunter's abilities on the last job she had given him. Normally, she would not consort with a bounty hunter, but some things she couldn't do herself. Distance was sometimes called for in situations and plausible deniability. How could she have possibly killed those two idiots on the Sith Parliament when she was suffering through one of those ... irritations that were called teacher's lessons. How could she have known her primary rival would end up dead from a sniper bolt? She didn't own a sniper rifle, much less how to shoot she claimed.

Even if one looked at her account, there would be no movement in the modest amount of funds there. She had other resources she could use to pay the man, but this time would be a little different. Times were changing in the galaxy and he had been briefed on what the next job would be.

She was currently in the seedier part of Coruscant, the more dangerous side of things, waiting for the man's report on his latest target. A Sith Knight who had made the mistake of trying to steal from the wrong account. His error had been corrected, and if the man showed up, she would know he was interested in the next job.
The last couple of assignments hadn't been much. Sith were a dime a dozen those days, as were Jedi, but they had been in open war across the galaxy for years and were only docile when battles had come to an end only to begin preparations for the next. Ever distracted, Sith made easy targets, especially for a sniper, although sometimes he liked to get up close and personal. This specific Sith required a little of that special attention, seeing as he preferred to stay in permanent retreat within the casino he ran. He rarely ever left his office, and when he did he went to the part of the casino that was reserved for adult entertainment, having become fond of this rather attractive female employees.

Get a little frisky with a dancer while he's around and of course the over protective entrepreneur will rear his ugly head. A head that had been masked, just like so many other Sith. A head that Auro himself had lopped off of the top of his shoulders.


"Clink!", went the beat up and warped mask on a table at which a young woman sat, blood spattering from the inside of the helmet in a few places, instantly beginning to soak into the wood. A young woman that Auro wasn't necessarily friends with, although she'd been an exceedingly lucrative business partner. "Sith... always so cliche with their hoods and their masks.", Auro whispered to the woman as he walked around the table and plopped down in a chair. He then turned in his seat and swung his feet up on the edge of the table, crossing one leg over the other as he got himself comfortable.

"Two-hundred and fifty thousand cred for one threatening Sith. Very generous payment.", Auro whispered, wondering just how much more money she might be able to spare in case she had another mission for him. "I'll have a honey whiskey, by the way."

[member="First Daughter"]
[member="Auro Sebastian"]

"As agreed," she stated, sliding the remaining payment over to the bounty hunter with her gloved hand. "Messy, but effective. I just might keep you on retainer ... as I have need of your services again. You received the package I sent you on the next task?"

With a flick of her hand, she signaled the waitress to bring his order. She didn't mind paying for it either, one had to keep associates happy after all. Especially associates that were skilled with a sniper rifle. She wondered just what he thought would be a sufficient payment for the deed, she didn't particularly care about his morals. He was a mercenary for hire, plain and simple. It would be a matter of price, it always was.
"You mean the data chip and the republic crest you sent me?", Auro asked, although he displayed a knowing look upon his face instead of a pensive one that might have displayed his curiosity. He knew that these items meant his job was big, and the Republic crest was rather obvious. A little silver badge that they only gave to high ranking officers and politicians. "Yea, I got that, along with a feeling of uncertainty.", he told the female Sith with the lightest amount of hesitation in his heart.

He didn't like taking out those who meant no harm to the galaxy around him, and from his experience, those of the Republic weren't all that bad. Sure, some were blinded by dreams of grandeur and stellar wealth, but there was greed and envy on all sides of war, even to the most minute degree. That was why he was far less conflicted about taking out Sith, Bounty Hunters and other killers just like him. He wasn't a good man, but he was a man who wanted to live, and in order to live sometimes you had to take the low road. Sometimes you had to make the hard play and do what few else could.

"I assume I'm going to need my rifle and a little liquid confidence for this one...", Auro said, his words trailing off into nothing but a whisper as he looked the lightest bit regretful for his next assignment, but if the money was good enough, he'd take the shot. "Thanks, little lady.", Auro said as he took his glass of whiskey from a waitress who had come to deliver it, the lightest blush upon her cheek as she turned to leave them to their business.

[member="First Daughter"]
[member="Auro Sebastian"]

"Perhaps more than that," she said, placing the datafile on his next target on the table face down on the table. "Six million credits will be transferred to the account of your choice when the job is done. My only stipulation is I want to be there to witness the act. Your choice, take the file or enjoy your whiskey and leave ... and I'll find someone else to do it."

She could sense the conflict in him about the task ... it was a weakness in her opinion. But, he had been efficient and precise in his other tasks ... except for the currently bleeding out head on the table.
"Six mil...", Auro's eyes grew wide as he almost choked on the whiskey he'd been trying to gulp down. He reached out and took the datafile from the table, turning it over to gaze at it with his now extremely focused eyes. When he was able to gather the details and find the target his eyes grew lax, as did his demeanor as if the Sith had played a joke on him. He then turned the file back face down on the desk and leaned back in his seat, crossing one thick arm over the other as he watched his employer for a few moments.

"Nobody gets within two miles of that target with a blaster of any kind without getting noticed. So, unless you expect me to pull some suicide ninja hit, you actually need me...", he told her as he glanced down at the back of the datafile. He then shifted his eyes over towards his glass of whiskey, which he reached out and picked up to take another sip of. "I know of only two other Bounty Hunters that could make that shot, and I wouldn't want to make a deal with them either.", he said, assuming she'd done her research on the alternative options to Auro himself.

[member="First Daughter"]
[member="Auro Sebastian"]

"Indeed, your fellows are ... distasteful ... which is saying something coming from a Sith," she stated. "Your target will be hard to reach ... but then you should wait for the opportune moment to ... end them. I'll make sure you have anything you need to get the job done, absolutely anything. So, do we have a deal?"

She held out her gloved hand, waiting for his reaction. If the man fully accepted it ... she and her master would be quite pleased indeed. He might find more work after, his type of people would always be looking for the dirty work ... until they grew a conscious. That was when other arrangements had to be made.
Auro glanced down at the woman's hand for almost a minute straight, thinking about the circumstances of the decision he was bout to make. It wasn't something that someone should have had to make at the drop of a hat or over a stiff drink in a bar, but he didn't have the choice to just take his time. Even if he chose to think on this offer, though, he knew he was in a little too deep with a rather vengeful crowd that didn't like it when people quit on them.

Reaching out to take the young woman's gloved hand, Auro gripped it tight and shook her hand firmly with an uncommonly serious look upon his face. Typically Auro liked to be more fun, happy go lucky or just plain obnoxiously drunk, but rarely was he ever playing the part of the stern businessman who drove hard bargains or met in public places to discuss less than savory activities. "You've got yourself a shooter.", Auro whispered back to the young Sith woman in agreement as he raised the glass in his other hand to take a sip of it. He knew that perhaps it was time for his target to go, but it wasn't going to make him feel any better about taking the life of someone who helped people. She might have been the saint of the Republic, but he had been hearing some rather interesting gossip about the Republic leadership lately.

[member="First Daughter"]

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