Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Well that's a bummer

Tags: | Mic Gallagher | Pravus Cruento Pravus Cruento |


A scoff had sounded from the blonde woman, though it had not been due to the fact that this other thief knew a place to go. Of course he did, and honestly that was a bit of a relief - hopefully. No, the scoff had been due to his comment about her disrobing. "You wish it had been undressing." Ashryn had quipped back, considering all she had done is remove the lab coat. And yet she found herself amused; she could appreciate sarcasm after all, but there was no time to banter at the moment.

She had been poised to follow, and when he stalled to address her again, it threw her a bit off guard. Or maybe it was that grin... "Ash," she informed him in exchange for his name, and then she made sure the pack was secure against her back before she followed him away from the building.

There were a few tight moments, and couple of places where keeping out of sight required close quarters, though nothing was as inconvenient as the desk incident had been. Mic lead the way towards the city, and Ashryn followed along. Why was she following along? She could ditch out at any given second! Run, take the Harp and get it to her employer without so much as having to discuss sharing somehow. She would disappear into the crowd, and that would be that with her never having to deal with this guy in front of her again.

Yet she continued to follow, keeping her eyes and ears open. The only time she gave pause was when she realized where he was headed. "The casino?" she piped up with a frown. "Not very inconspicuous, is it?" Though maybe that was their saving grace. Or not...considering the reaction of the droids. "Mic," Ash reached out to try and pry his fingers off of the droid; that couldn't be helping, right? "C'mon, we--"

But, the droids moved aside and Ash's brow pulled down in the middle. She and Mic were granted entrance, and honestly the smaller thief wasn't sure how that made her feel in the least little bit. She gave Mic a long look, glanced at the droids as she passed them, and made her way into the building. What in all of the Cosmos had she gotten herself tangled up in now?

Mic Gallagher

TAG: Ashryn Shiari Ashryn Shiari | Pravus Cruento Pravus Cruento

It was kind of cute - Ash trying to get his hands off the droid.

He was just about to listen to her, when the other droid opened the doors. Huh. It worked. Who would have thought? He grabbed Ash's wrist again and dragged her inside.

As the doors closed behind them, Mic caught sight of Pravus. Kark, he hated to ask this suit for help. Really he did. But what he hated more was the thought of sitting in prison. Lesser of two evils and all that. Hopefully he'll be more useful here than in a jungle.

"Mate, we are in a bit of a pickle. You got a place where the lady and I can hunker down?" he asked. "I'll even pay you." he added, flashing Pravus a grin for good measure. He then realised that he should probably introduce the two pains in his arse to each other.

Speaking of a pain in the arse.

"Where's Fly-girl? What's her face? Aela?" he asked. He'd honestly rather face the grunts than be in the same room as that woman. She's trigger happy and for some odd reason, she really does not like him. Dangerous combination.

Oh yeah, introductions.

"Ash, this is Pravus. He's a......what are you exactly in this relationship, Mate?" This whole situation was extremely confusing for Mic. He needed a whole crate of drink to figure this out without breaking his brain. It's amazing how an unimpressive suit and his blaster brain sidekick can throw over the applecart completely.
Pravus looked in abject...he wasn't sure what. But he knew it smelt odd. He watched these two as he caught them a little further into the Casino than he would have liked to have found them. It was lucky it was closed to the public already.

"I'm absolutely fine, Mic. How are you? Hope this hasn't been too disappointing an evening already. No? What a shame! Why not change things up a bit, live a little."

Pravus' disdain oozed sarcastically out of his mouth, grimacing at the rogue who had brought trouble to the door of his establishment yet again. He turned to look at the guest as Mic spoke of Aela. He momentarily forgot all about Aela. Standing in front of him was quite possibly the most attractive woman he had ever seen on Scarif. His demeanor changed instantaneously.

"Aela is away somewhere. Of no import at the moment. Ash, I am so pleased to make your acquaintance. Are you the thing Mic stole tonight? I mean, you ought to be kept under close guard-I've seen diamonds in crown jewels that pale in comparison with your eyes."

He turned back to Mic.

"You two will follow me. We're going upstairs."

He turned hastily, motioning for the droids to engage the lockdown procedure of the Casino. It needed to look closed, quiet and very inactive.

He turned back, motioning to the elevator to his office.

"Shall we?"

Mic Gallagher Ashryn Shiari Ashryn Shiari
Tag: | Mic Gallagher | Pravus Cruento Pravus Cruento |


Stepping into the Casino was like walking into a whole different atmosphere. Closed to the public or not, it was still spacious, and Ashryn could just picture it filled with people. Busy, distracted people...with pockets full of credits...possessions that weren't tied down, bags set off to the side, unguarded and unwatched due to all of the glitz and glam surrounding them. The level of noise, the volume of voices. This was the perfect hunting ground.

The blonde had been following along without really paying attention, so when the men stopped so that this contact could speak to them, Ash walked right into Mic. It wasn't with enough force to harm either of them of course, but it was enough to drag her from her reverie and make her focus on what was going on right in front of her. Introductions were passed, and she managed a polite enough expression and a slight wave. Though any pleasantries she could have offered died somewhere in her throat when this Pravus turned around, saw her, and spoke up.

A flush of pink spread across her cheekbones and the bridge of her nose, and she ducked her head to look away. "Thank you...I, erm..." She was flustered, big time. Clearly she was by no means used to getting compliments, especially such embellished ones, and it made her frown just a hair. Or perhaps it was something else that lined her lips in a frown, and once she and Mic had been asked to follow? Her tone softened and while she followed along behind Pravus, her attention went to Mic.

"Why do I get the feeling there shouldn't have been such an easy dismissal of this Aela?" she questioned, only just loud enough for Mic to hear her. Naturally, she had no idea what the history was here; between Mic and Pravus, Mic and Aela, or Pravus and Aela for that matter. But there was obviously some sort of history, and now her curiosity was piqued.

Mic Gallagher

TAG: Ashryn Shiari Ashryn Shiari | Pravus Cruento Pravus Cruento

Shiny. Suit.

He had seriously forgotten what a butter bum city slicker Pravus Cruento was. And he still did not like Mic for some reason and Mic could never figure out why. The sarcasm was pooling on the darn floor. Seriously.

He felt a bump as Ash walked into him. His hand instinctively shot out to steady her. When he realised what he had done, he immediately retracted before she could fling another curse at him or bite his hand off for that matter. Eesh.

When Pravus only vaguely answered his question about Fly Girl, Mic frowned. He sincerely hoped she was far away somewhere or there would be a dead Pravus on the floor next to the sarcasm puddle. He had two words for her. Trigger. Itch. And from what he had seen, she doesn't take anyone's crap. Butter Bum better watch himself. Especially after making Ash uncomfortable. What the kark was going on here? Aside from Fly Girl, Mic was also starting to feel a bit irritable at the man's advances on Ash. Like why would he care? But he did.


Pravus did redeem himself a bit to actually be willing to keep them hidden.
"Thanks, Mate. I owe you one." he said, despite his growing dislike of the man. He did hate owing a suit a favour, but hey. He's helping at least. So he and Ash followed him upstairs.

On the way, Ash surprised him by asking him about what was going on. She noticed that? Huh. She was shrewd.
"Yeah....I don't get why there was. He and Fly Girl were thick as thieves on a stolen credit pile. Clearly he likes to gamble, cause the bum is gambling with his life. Or at least a limb or two." he answered in the same hushed tone as she had. He looked at her. "You and she actually have a lot in common.....Shiny Suit over there and then your dislike for me." he said, flashing a boyish grin. Dislike was better than total ignorance in his opinion.

This Harp better be worth all this trouble and confusion. Seriously. Or he wants his money back. At least he got to duck blaster bolts alongside a pretty girl....even if she was spouting insults at him. What was it with short girls and insults? Seriously.
Pravus waited till they all arrived in the lift before activating the button to take them to the top floor. He smiled awkwardly at the two interlopers, looking them up and down to see if he could discern what sort of escapades they had found themselves in to need to hide here of all places.
The lift arrived and opened up into his Open Plan and rather extravagant living quarters.

He tossed his pass cards on a side table and walked into the open centre of the room, a large quadrangle of cushioned seating surrounding a holo-display unit.

He looked over at his desk, thinking back to the apartment for Aela. It would have to wait for now. He motioned to a receptacle and began pouring drinks.

‘Can I offer either of you food? Drink? A chance to explain yourselves?’

He turned and waited patiently.
Mic Gallagher Ashryn Shiari Ashryn Shiari
Tags: | Mic Gallagher | Pravus Cruento Pravus Cruento |


"Well, he does work in a Casino." Ashryn had commented about Pravus liking to gamble. "And I don't dislike you." she added off-handishly. The information passed along to Ash however made her frown in thought. It scrunched her face a little, made her lips pucker some, and set a crease in her forehead, but she didn't seem to care what the expression did to her features. No, she was chewing on what she had been told. So, clearly this Suit was close with this girl - woman? - and yet was flirting with Ash? Well, that was saucy if she did say so herself. It meant this Suit had brass, and that was a quality that could be tricky to work with. Testy, in quite a few ways that Ashryn typically tried to avoid like the plague. But, here she was, stepping into a lift and heading up to what she could only assume to be an office of some sort.


When the doors opened to give them access to the living quarters, the thoughtful frown on Ash's face was quickly replaced with some strange mix of shock and awe. While personally she would never live in such lavish conditions, she could most certainly appreciate a place when it was owed such appreciation.

And yet, her mind went to work right away. Instantly her eyes tracked those pass cards as they were tossed aside; easy enough to replicate. She was quite good at that, after all. Then her gaze swept the room, from one side to the other, slowly to take in all of the details that she possibly could in one pass. Plenty of things that would be easy enough to grab up and cart off with minimal effort but would still fetch the right price with any good Fence.

And then she was ripped right away from her casing of the place, and she made a soft noise in her throat. "Food?" she piped up. Her brows were lofted now and her curiosity was piqued in a whole different way. How long had it been since she had, had a snack? Her stomach growled quietly to help remind her and she placed a hand against it as if it would help quell the sudden awareness. "I could most definitely go for something to eat..."

Mic Gallagher


TAG: Ashryn Shiari Ashryn Shiari | Pravus Cruento Pravus Cruento

She doesn't dislike him!

Big win!

His grin was stupid wide as they walked into the elevator with Pravus. It did fade on their ride up, however. Luckily the elevator stopped soon enough, because if Shiny scrutinised him any more, he would have landed a punch. Why did he come here? Seriously.

When they stepped out into the room, Mic's jaw clenched. Was there anything this idiot didn't have? On the plus side, there was a lot of trinkets that he could carry away. But that might risk Fly Girl exacting revenge on him. He sighed. A headache was starting to throb at the back of his head. He needed booze. So when Pravus dropped his crappy line, Mic took his chance.
"I need a drink. Got any spicebrew?" he asked, dumping his pack on one of the sofas and looking around for any sign of alcohol. He had heard Shiny's offhand comment of explaining themselves. He just needed the booze first or he might throw something at this man that, for some reason, pulled such dislike from him.

When some spicebrew was finally kicked out from behind a bush, Mic flopped down on the sofa next to his pack. He leaned back and looked at Pravus.
"You want an explanation, Mate? Then you need to give one too." he said, taking a gulp of brew. "Where's Fly Girl? No side steppin'." he asked. "As for what we have been up to...." Mic looked at Ash. She'll probably have his head either way, but if Pravus knew about the Harp, it would be the end of the road for them. So he winked at her slightly. " none of your damn business. That, Mate, is private." he said with a smirk. He'll enjoy that little fake insinuation while it lasted.

He did not see any reason why Pravus had to know about this mission that went sideways. Mic will drop some money for his trouble, but that was that. This little trinket was going to it's buyer and he and Ash would split the money before going their separate ways.

How unfortunate, really.
"Spicebrew. How invigorating." Prav dropped his head into the cabinet beneath to see if he had any.

Mic brought out this sardonic sarcasm that Pravus usually reserved for his Father. There was something about his carefree attitude that really boiled Prav's blood.

"Fly Girl is on a mission. I'm not going to tell you where because, frankly, I neither trust you or your accomplice here. You have turned up in the dead of night, in my home and have prayed upon my hospitality. I think you're up to something nefarious and, quite frankly, I do not want the Scarif PDF roaming about the colon of my finances, accounts or property without the necessary time to bribe the living stuffing out of them. So, it not being any of my business doesn't quite sit with me. "

He stomped off to his desk and closed the data pad with Aela's apartment on it. He couldn't think about that right now. He was spooked. The Casino was safe. He knew that. His benefactors saw to that. But that didn't mean it didn't scare the living-Hoth out of him.

"Your new girlfriend and you can stay low for a while. Spend the night if you need. But if you have brought somebody I don't like here, I promise I will cut parts off you."

Mic Gallagher Ashryn Shiari Ashryn Shiari
Tags: | Mic Gallagher | Pravus Cruento Pravus Cruento |


This guy was kind of a jerk...Attractive she supposed, in a suit-y, pompous sort of way - if that was your thing, but he was still a jerk. Granted, looking at it from Pravus' side? Ashryn would have been a jerk too. Two people - one unknown and the other disliked - coming around in the middle of the night, clearly in some sort of trouble, asking for a favor and to hide? Yeah...She would be a jerk too. Now she kind of felt bad for Mic bringing her here.

"What about my snack?" she didn't care about whatever beef was between them and this Fly Girl they kept bringing up. Personally, Ash would rather stay far away from any love triangles, thank you very much. It did make her side glance at Mic though; honestly she couldn't see the pair of these guys having the same taste in women. Goes to show you can't judge a book by it's cover.

So naturally, when Mic started in on what the pair of them had been doing before coming to the casino, it caught Ash off guard. Was there not a love triangle going on here? She was usually pretty good at reading the situation, but apparently not. Mic was attractive too after all, so it would make sense for a woman to come between them. Still the surprise of this evasion didn't change her expression, no that was a much more coy look that colored her face and she reached out to swat him with the back of her hand against his gut with a shushing sound. Oh yes, she was good at adapting to situations thrown at her, and had no trouble following someone's lead no matter how insinuating the concept.

"Just for the record, I'm not his girlfriend." she point out to Pravus. They didn't have to be an involved pair for Mic's evasive explanation about why they were here to make sense, after all. "I am however, hungry." honestly, when was she not? Ashryn had a metabolism that wouldn't quit. "So...if we're all at least tolerating each other now, and we're staying here for the night...can I get my snack now?" Never did the woman have a one track mind unless it came to putting food in her belly.

Mic Gallagher

TAG: Ashryn Shiari Ashryn Shiari | Pravus Cruento Pravus Cruento


Ash played along, coyly swatting him. Maybe he should keep her around. It seemed she could be fun if she wanted to. Although it seemed she could get quite ornery if she wanted food. It was cute. But her saying she was not his girlfriend wounded his pride.
"Ouch." he pouted at her.

Pravus had been talking. Some babbling about them being rude. Mic had only started focusing at the end when he said it didn't sit with him. Mich smirked.
"Maybe a bigger couch then, Mate. To make room for it to sit with you." he quipped, still leaning back, his elbows resting on the backrest. "But I know you won't let this go, so fine. I was hired by some suit known only as Sachmo to grab a trinket from the facility. Ash and I ran into one another, the usual happened and now we are here." Details were not necessary.

Mic got up and walked over to the window behind the desk to look down into the street while sipping on his spicebrew. He really needed to get out of here now, square off the deal with Ash and then get his bum to a beach somewhere. He did not like spending more time than necessary in Pravus' presence. The street looked clear. No grunts roaming around. He really hoped they lost them.

He turned to Ash.
"How did you end up on this hunt anyway, sheila?" he asked her. It'd be interesting to hear how many creds she was promised.

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