Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Welcome to the Kingdom

Marzena Vaas

Marzena stood near the entrance of the Kingdom Mall, waiting to greet a new business contact. The members of her customer service team and mall security formed a neat line, each with a bright smile and pristine uniforms. The employees of Kingdom Group greeted their CEO this way every morning, as she entered the mall every morning, and then ascended to her office space on the top level. Today she was scheduled to meet with [member="Matsu Ike"], to discuss leasing an open store front in the mall. Marzena had heard of Sasori Research, and became interested in their selection of clothing and jewelry. These items seemed that they could appeal to force-users and non-force-users alike.

She turned slowly and narrowed her eyes at her reflection in the pristine window, taking the time to ensure that her sleek black dress was smoothed down. Marzena pulled a small compact out of her bag and dusted a bit of powder onto her face and then touched up her bright pink lipstick.

“Bonnie.” Marzena called out for her assistant, and held her hand ready to receive her morning coffee. Her assistant quickly made her way over and set the latte into Marzena’s waiting hand, and held out a data pad that displayed her schedule for the day.

“You don’t have any appointments after Ms. Ike, but your mother would like to have lunch-”

Marzena frowned and waved her hand.

“I don’t have time for lunch today, send my regrets to mother.”

Bonnie nodded and shrank away to do Marzena’s bidding. After a few moments a sleek black transport was spotted, and Marzena knew instantly that it would be Ms. Ike.

“I expect that everyone will be on their best behavior… I shall be watching.” Marzena warned her employees, and watched as each one of them straightened up accordingly.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Marzena Choi"]

Matsu was looking at the mall when she finally arrived. All of it well was of interest to her and expanding their storefronts to different things gave her some enjoyment and major attention. Best of all her opportunities to help with the employees that worked for them allowed most of the major credits and easier manufacturing methods to benefit them. She arrived in one of the more elegant looking vine silk kimono's they had made with crystal and armor weave under the silks on the inside to make it protective while also pretty to others. Her eyes falling on the building while she walked with Harmony at her side allowing the HRD to be her organizer with a vender droid setup to show everything they had. Jewelry, gemstones and clothing that could be offered with custom orders in some of the things before she was standing there. "Thank you for having me." She said it with a smile on her face

Marzena Vaas

The Kingdom Group employees bowed as Matsu exited her transport, and Marzena stepped forward to distinguish set herself apart from the crowd. She gave a slight nod of approval at Matsu’s kimono, admiring the fabric and the way it draped most elegantly. A perfectly manicured hand extended towards Matsu, and Marzena smiled pleasantly.

“We are glad to have you, Ms. Ike.” She said in a friendly, but professional tone. “I thought we would start with a short tour, if you don’t mind.”

As the two business women entered the mall, the employees followed close behind and then scattered quickly back to their posts. The modern and sophisticated interior of Kingdom Mall was quite impressive, especially when the morning sun filtered in through the many skylights. The entrance of the mall opened up into a large court in the center of the mall, which had ample space for fashion shows and other events. The area was decorated with numerous plants and small trees, and there were several sitting areas and tables for mall patrons to enjoy.

“The Center Court is where we hold special events.” She gestured ahead. “Many of the prime store spaces are located in a circle around this area, as it gets the most foot traffic. We do have one opening there at the moment.” These store spaces were also the most expensive.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Marzena Choi"]

Matsu looked at her and the tour was just what she needed. All of their attention going to most of the things as the mall seemed perfect for something small... They might even be able to get in the food court possible a section for the hostesss club. The workers there liked to do things. "Well Sasori has several divisions that could benefit from locations within your mall. The least of which is out resorts and travel division for friends and employees." That was one of the fun ones, own a resort and casino they could give their employees free trips to for fun with some things like team building exercises laid in for them or group trust sessions. Then have ones like Saori that presented a number of things like dancers, hostesses and entertainment groups. "One of the places here in the center would be nice to have. Sasori makes things for the majority of the galaxy."

Marzena Vaas

"Fantastic." Marzena said with a smile to Matsu. "Please follow me to the conference room and we can discuss further."

As they made their way through the center court of the mall, she pressed the button for the lift. Once they had entered, she hit the button for the top level and waited as they rose to the business offices. Marzena's assistant was already waiting for them, leading the way to the open conference room. A small table had been set up with coffee and tea, along with a lavish spread of fruit and pastries. Her assistant also set out two bottles of water and any documents that Marzena would need for possible lease signings.

"Please, help yourself." She said, gesturing to the refreshments. Marzena chose to go with a cup of coffee with cream and sugar and then had a seat.

"The space we have open in the center of the mall is 1,500 square feet." She started. "We charge 200 credits per square foot, paid on an annual basis. The minimum lease term is one year. However, if you are interested in leasing more than one venue we can discuss discounts."

She took a sip of coffee and looked to Matsu.

"What did you have in mind for your stores?"

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Marzena Choi"]

Matsu followed and was impressed with more of it as she went into the conference room looking over the things. "I see." She smiled sitting down and reading it with most of the contract. Thinking about it, additional locations would be a welcomed thing and with the different things they offered it could come in handy as she spoke. "We will likely want a couple of spaces, given the different things we create a place in the food court a place in the center providing things to show off." Maybe three places would do it and she knew they had plenty in ways of funding with several aurodium mines and different sources of income. "I think some semi permanent leases will help with this."

Marzena Vaas

It was nice to hear that [member="Matsu Ike"] had taken an interest in their retail spaces, and was looking to lease more than one space. It was refreshing to do business with Sasori, as it seemed that Matsu certainly had her affairs in order and a clear view for her company. So many of the vendors she met with seemed to lack such vision, and a large number of them had been shocked at the leasing prices. It was a large sum of credits to hand over every year, but it was well worth it in Marzena's eyes, especially when your product was available to such a high class crowd.

"We could start with a three year lease, and then re-asses at that end of the term." Marzena said with a nod. She pulled over the map of the mall and highlighted the spaces they had available. "If you would like to lease three locations, I would be willing to throw in a kiosk space free of charge."

She took a small sip of water before continuing, figuring that it would now be best to explain how things would work as they moved forward.

"Once the paperwork is completed, the fun part can start." She smiled. "You would take ownership of your stores on the first of the month and would have the freedom to decorate and remodel the spaces as you choose. You would need to bring in your own contractors to do this work. Kingdom provides the basic utilities and maintenance, but if you need anything additional, it would fall onto you. Kingdom can provide staff for your stores for an additional charge, but most stores hire their own managers and staff."

"Do you have any questions so far?"
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Marzena Choi"]

It all sounded just right, really there wasn't much when it came to signing things. The place here wasn't lined with dozens and dozens of lines of fine print like some of the groups and companies would insist you not read but sign anyways so they have stakes and controlling interest in your company. She had a small grin on her face though looking over some of the things there while her fingers grasped the pen and signed it. Initialling and handling everything. She was happy for some good honest business before moving forwrd with a few of the things as she spoke. "No I much like it as it is, we have a training center for employees."

Marzena Vaas

"Excellent! You can go ahead and sign, whenever you are ready." Marzena clasped her hands together. Her assistant stepped up next to Matsu and handed her a pen. She perked her brows at her assistant, and nodded her head towards the bottles of champagne. It seemed the perfect occasion to celebrate. It wasn't long before the bottles popped and the two business women had flutes of bubbly in front of them.

"To new Sasori and Kingdom, I'm sure it's the start of a great business relationship." Marzena raised her glass before taking a sip.

Once all of the contracts had been signed, her assistant scooped the paperwork away to begin her work. Most of the store spaces were ready for renovations, so there wasn't much to do in the way of preparation. As she took another sip of champage, she had a thought...

"Perhaps I could model some of the Sasori kimonos, and we could use the images around the mall. It would give even more exposure to your brand." She smiled, it was about helping to advertise... but it was also about seeing her face around the mall. Modeling had been her first taste of the spotlight, and she always loved to be the center of attention.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Marzena Choi"]

Matsu signed and was more then happy to see the good news... some champagne for celebrating their harder work. She was happy with it letting herself relax with her signature and autoprint for the records on the paperwork. Only raising an eyebrow at the offer to model as she looked towards the woman and... "That would be quite a sight and I approve. A beauty such as you will certainly attract customers." She smiled looking at her with a nod of her head. Yes she was a very beautiful woman who wearing and modeling could provide quite a lot of attention for the others to come and see the items and then maybe, hopefully come into the shop.

Marzena Vaas

Marzena was very pleased when Matsu accepted her offer. It would be nice to step in front of the camera again, her mind was already swimming with ideas. She would need to reach out to some of her photographer friends, and perhaps some makeup artists as well.

"Thank you for the kind words." She smiled to Matsu. "It sounds like we have a plan! Once your store is set up, I will have my marketing staff select some pieces for the photo shoot."

Marzena's assistant returned after a few moments, carrying a leasing package for Matsu. Inside there was a wealth of information about the utilities offered, numbers to call for mall management, and current statistics for Kingdom Mall. Bonnie slid the folder in front of Matsu and smiled as she backed away.

"Please let me know if you have any questions." She said, nodding towards the packet of information. "We will make sure that the keys are in your hand by the first of the month, and that your spaces are clean and ready to be set up."

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Marzena Choi"]

Matsu looked at her and everything was looking good, now all they would have to do is the fun stuff. "Oh I'll have to work on a few special pieces if I can see you modeling them. We got some nice equipment for photos and holoimages." She laughed a little but all was in order and the serious parts were done. Why not go and handle the real trick of it all before she was bringing up her hand. "Pleasure doing business with you and it will be a pleasure to dress you up with some pretty things." Taking in the sight of her she was working out measurements in her head that they could use in the machines.

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