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Private Welcome To My Life



Themes: XoXo
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani

It was a brief, quiet trip.

Briana sat silently, watching out the window of their transport, her thoughts filled and distracted with the conversation she’d spoken to Astor Daraay about that morning before she and Iris left Ossus. She hated that they had to keep everything secret, and didn’t feel right hiding things from her friends, even if she understood why it was the right thing to do. Iris, Ajinar, and... others… were bound to find out eventually. How long could they keep this hidden?

And… she sighed, casting her gaze back to Iris with a smile and nodding towards the window. Right, later.

“This is where my family's land begins… that row of trees, right over there.” She leaned forwards, pointing out perfectly positioned, delicately trimmed trees. “It goes just up to those trees in the distance and right beyond.” Briana continued to explain, as the Sal-Soren Estate slowly came into view.

The new estate that her mother purchased, sprawled across rolling green hills. It was different from their old home on Naboo, lacking in that old-world charm and distinctly artistic architecture that Briana could pinpoint anywhere, but remained no less beautiful. Roses and ivy veiled the manor, with patios and balconies and staircases sprouting from its sides. The grounds were encased by woods, stretching so far that she could barely see the line of the city beyond it.

“It’ll be mine, one day… probably.” A hint of pride echoed in her tone, but it was tinged with a sort of somber realization. With Brandyn gone, everything that would have been his, fell squarely on her shoulders.

The transport carrying them came to a rest on a private pad just outside the main entrance, a crew of workers looking to be cleaning up from some recent event. With spring in full swing, Briana knew her mother would be endlessly hosting parties to hobnob with the other families of Nobility and improve their image. They were outsiders with the intention of staying indefinitely, connections were imperative to helping them fit in with society.

“Greetings, Mistress Sal-Soren!” came an automated voice as they stepped from the trasnport, Briana smiled, shoving a hand into her pocket. “Hey, Toov.”

‘Toov’ as Briana affectionately named her, had been her personal attendant droid growing up. “What ghastly garb have you fashioned yourself with, mistress?” the droid gasped, her bluish metal fingers grabbing onto the edge of Briana’s brown robes in horror. The droids programming demanded she always present Briana in grand style, something that Briana had never protested against.

She swatted away the metal hand and shook her head in amusement. “They are my Jedi Robes, and they’re plenty fashionable where I’ve come from.”

The droid seemed to bristle, or whatever was the droid equivalent of such, before turning her mechanical eyes on Iris.

“And whom is this lovely young woman that you’ve brought to grace your mothers home with, today?”

Briana’s hand waved. “This is my Jedi partner and good friend, Iris Arani. I brought her along so she could get a break away from the temple. Iris, this is Toov… she’s been with my family since… well, ever since I can remember. She was… is… my personal attendant. Anything you need while we’re here, don’t hesitate to ask her. Now… come on, why don’t we go inside and I’ll show you around?”

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Iris was fairly quiet the whole trip over. Her mind was.. Elsewhere. Too much worry, too much anger. After the train, she'd done so much to get back to a point where she could fight and save her friend, but she hadn't been able to. Not yet. Was Kai right? Should she have struck down Thalia? No, Domxite wanted to help the fallen padawan. If Domxite wanted to do that, the least she could do was try and do the same. Believe in her friend.

But why did she still feel so worried?

So lost in her own thoughts she hadn't even realized Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren was explaining the world they were on. Or at least the estate. She hadn't even noticed they'd landed. She blinked, looking through the world of colors to the mansion close by. This was.. It was a beautiful place. If a bit too clean cut for the street painters tastes. Her head tilted towards the droid, then back to Briana.

"You have an assistant?"



Themes: XoXo
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani

"You have an assistant?"

A rose of blush bloomed over her dusky skin, suddenly remembering that this was not something that Iris was familiar with.
"Yes," she answered plainly, shifting uncomfortably and looking at Iris with a side glance. "Three... actually." the other two, she'd recently inherited from her own fathers staff - one of which was Cam, a small time businessman who was as dirty as Corellian politics themselves. She didn't fancy spending time in his company, but she couldn't refute his usefulness to her in the months since her fathers disappearance, even if he questioned her on her commitments because of her loyalty to the Jedi, and challenged what she was allowing to be permitted through her actions, at every turn. "Like it or not, I'm the heir of the Sal-Soren legacy. It's in my blood to serve my family and their interests... it's...expected. Having assistants cuts the busy work that I have to do, in half."


"And... this would be my mother," she sighed, arching a manicured brow. They hadn't even made it over the threshold, and they were already being bombarded. "Mother," Briana acknowledged politely, before being engulfed in a tight embrace by Teyla Sal-Soren Teyla Sal-Soren , which she endured. Behind her, four pairs of scantily clad male servants appeared, standing at the ready to serve them. Briana cast a look at her mother in confusion, but was presently ignored. "Thank Shiraya you're safe."

"I'm fine," she sighed, trying not to sound annoyed.

"You can't stop me from worrying about you, Briana." Teyla retorted, a hard edge to the end of her name that made Briana noticeably flinch. "Being a Jedi is dangerous, and after everything that's happened to our family... and after I heard what happened on Cato..."


It was only then that the Sal-Soren matriarch paid attention, her warm chestnut eyes turning to finally glance at Iris. "Oh, you've brought a friend with you." Teyla smiled, motioning to one of her retainers who strode forward to escort the two girls. Briana had half a mind to object, but sighed and motioned with a tilt of her head that they should follow. "Welcome to our home, please... let's go inside and I'll get us all some refreshments. You two must be tired after your long journey."

The large doors swung open on silent hinges to welcome them inside, which was even more opulent. White marble flooring shone at their feet, flowing to countless doors and endless staircases. A long hall stretched ahead, scattered with various hall tables with vases that overflowed in giant bouquets of flowers, leading to giant glass doors on the other end of the house and opening up to a second garden that was more grand than the one out front.

They were escorted to a side room with large, polished wooden doors that opened for them. From behind them, four more handsome servants appeared, bringing cushioned seats and trays filled with food and wine. Briana should have known that her arrival would be met with spectacle and fanfare.

"Please, take a seat and help yourselves." Teyla said, taking up her own place with her hands folded delicately in her lap. "Now... I believe... you're Iris, right?" she asked, taking an offered glass of wine. "How do you and Briana know each other?"



There was an odd sequence of emotions Iris observed from Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren as the heir thought about her assistants. One that brought confusion. Apprehension but also.. Relief? What exactly did it mean to have assistants. She opened her mouth, fully intent on asking before another joined. One introduced as Briana's mother. A whirlwind of conversation ensued, leaving Iris to just blink in silence as she tried to keep up.

Then they were being escorted into the mansion.

She blinked slowly, turning her gaze around as they were brought food and drink and.. Pillows?


"Um.. We have the same master..?"

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