Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Welcome to Denon [Darkwire][Criminal]

Wren had been trying to think of a delicate way to decline the offer of the questionable meatloaf -- it wasn't supposed to be grey was it? Fortunately for the twi'lek, there was a rather rude interruption as chaos broke out in the bar.

Her first instinct was to engage the threat that had come busting through the door. Blaster fire triggered a part of her mine that usually lay dormant, kicking it into overdrive. She grit her teeth, reaching for a blaster that was strapped to her thigh; but Solomon had placed himself in between her and the man with the gun -- she wasn't sure if that'd been his intention or not.

Cursing under her breath, she moved to follow Sam down into the tunnel and took care not to accidentally bump into anyone as she went.

The bickering about a sewer raised even more questions, but she reasoned those would be better asked at a later time.

Hacks Hacks | Soloman Priest Soloman Priest | Sam Rodarch Sam Rodarch
Leaping from the table, Enigma stayed ducked down as a variety of Corpo security burst into the club, the sound of their incursion oddly mixing in well with the club’s discordant music. It was inconceivable, Corpos attacking here!? They’re gunna get 86’ed in seconds and cut into the profits of whoever runs this place!

None of that really mattered however, as despite his mental protest at what was occurring, there were Corpo henchmen marching into the club with their weapons drawn. Following the hunched forms of Hacks and her two fellows, Enigma leapt over the bar and followed into the sewers, a growing suspicion of what may be coming beginning to grow stronger and stronger.

Corpo’s attack and then the barmen happens to have a secret escape. Okay, I can go with it…but he is willing to let some offworlders and me just jump on in without expecting some credits tossed first? Sure and not only that but we aren’t going to be followed down here too? There were a few offworlders who had just walked in before the Corpos, there was the Twi'lek's Wrenarias Wrenarias Sienn Ani who had looked like the age old phrase, what's a good girl like you doing in a place like this? Then that other one, Ciri Jade Ciri Jade that was the one who Enigma's money was on, she was sitting far away from the others, far enough that if blasters went off into the crowd she was safe. And then what, here was a safe place to hide?What else, there is a Sexy Hutt down here doing a slowdance from a trapeze? Thats about as believable.

As the four of them walked through the dark, Enigma looked to the graffiti that lined the pipes around them. While there was the usual slogans of anti-Corpo slander, the occasional sexual brag and even a few phone numbers, nestled amongst them all was a growing pattern, what even looked like a string of computer code?

I think you’re gonna be meeting the big dogs sooner than you thought Hacks.”

Hacks Hacks Sam Rodarch Sam Rodarch Soloman Priest Soloman Priest

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