Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"Welcome back Hot-head."

Glyph was bringing food to Felicity again, he had decided to do this for two reasons that were rather interesting to himself too. He refused to take food that he knew she would be there for, which included all times he had made sure that he had gotten her schedule down before hand. Or if she was there she was still asleep, it had been a few days now he had been doing this for his old friend, leaving the food there while she slept or while she was out of the room or on her way back. Of course this was on the times when she was not eating dinner with her mother or elsewise in bed.

He sighed and had looked after his friend a few times past the food, taking the guard duties that patrolled the hall no matter how many per day he signed up for, even patrolling it when there was no patrol. HE was not going to see his friend be injured again like she had been in the state before hand, his eyes making sure she was in the room every twenty minutes during the night. He didn't understand what was with him but when he had seen her return the state she was in was not something he wanted to see ever again.

So with that he silently pushed into the room that morning, thinking she was still fast asleep. The food held in his hands on a tray.

[member="Felicity Mason"]
Home at last. Felicity was relatively uninjured compared to the last time she encountered a hostile darksider. Just a few scrapes, many bruises, a bloody lip, three broken fingers and a twisted wrist. She could have been much worse off, all things considered. She considered it a blessing, really. Inconvenienced and tormented as she was, she found that she'd learned more about herself than she ever thought possible. Her capacity to feel compassion, for example. And her feelings for another young teenager she knew as well.
Felicity smiled as she blinked away the sunlight streaming in through the open curtains. Morning already. She felt like she only just closed her eyes. She yawned, ran her uninjured hand through her messy blond locks and sat up in bed. It was early. Still early enough to be dressed and ready for the day before the breakfast tray arrived.
Or so she thought. By the time she had picked out a dress for the day and was about to head behind her dressing screen to change, she heard the door open.

"Have you considered knocking?" she asked, whirling around to face the intruder, but stopping dead in her tracks the second she saw who it was.

Her pretty freckled face turned bright red and she snatched a silk robe that was hanging off her dressing screen. It wasn't often that she found herself alone in her bedroom with her ex, in her nightgown no less. She threw the robe on and closed it. He broke up with her. He wasn't allowed to look at her like this. Truth be told, she was still feeling a bit bitter, even if she had moved on by now.

"Set it over there," she ordered stiffly, nodding the the table on the opposite side of her room, "And send one of my ladies in to help me dress."

[member="Felicity Mason"]

Glyph went as rigid as her and stared for a few seconds before stuttering and babbling like an idiot as he tried to get out what he was trying to say. "I... you... sorry... though-" He turned and set the tray down, leaving immediately and sighing as he leaned against a wall before looking up at the ceiling and sighing again. After a few moments he goth his wits together and stood to fetch one of the ladies that Fel had, kicking himself in the back of the head for being so stupid into not checking first but he had expected her to be asleep.

It would take him about a dozen minutes to return, only the girl going in to help Fel as he himself simply turned the corner and sat down against the wall, making sure nothing went wrong before he would be needed somewhere else. She was still his friend and he had to make sure she was ok, make sure she was safe and altogether in her own mind as his empathy reached out to touch her mind.
In one hours time, with the help of a Lady employed by her Mother, Felicity was once again dressed and fed. She could stay in her room all day. By all rights, she should stay in her room all day. Nobody would blame her after her terrifying ordeal. She had to admit, it was tempting to simply confine herself to her bedroom and wait for Owain to come visit. Still, she couldn't hold her breath. Owain was under the watch of Uncle B. Uncle B was smart. He knew what would likely happen if he left them alone together for too long...

The gardens were Felicity's favorite place in the palace. Before she went to Ession to train with her brother, before Asterion took her away, she spent most of her time out here, just reading. She wandered through the orchard now, dressed in a pretty sunshine yellow dress, blonde hair curled to perfection. In her good hand, the one not covered by a cast, she held her favorite book. The fruit trees were in flower now. No fruit yet, but very soon, the petals would fall and little bulbs would start to form. She loved wandering the grove and picking fruit. It was a shame that she would be back on Ession before then.

[member="Felicity Mason"]

Glyph in the meantime stayed far out of sight of Felicity, but still close enough to make sure nothing happened as he walked about the outside of the garden with a looked not at Felicity but at his feet. He did want to talk to her but he had no words to say that wouldn't make her more mad at him past what he had already done to even ruin a friendship. He wondered sometimes if being friends was even possible, he hadn't been there when they saved her, he hadn't been there when she was taken and he had broken up with her when he knew she did not actually care the same way. Then he had tried to leave this place but never was able to get away, the only person that had offered had disappeared on him and now he was stuck looking once in a while at Felicity to make sure she was still ok. Soon though he simply stopped walking as he looked into the Garden, not at Felicity but at a plant that seemed to be dropping. With a sigh he entered it and paying no attention to where Fel was he began to water the small thing, smiling as he stared at it.
Felicity paused as she walked, noticing [member="Glyph"] in her path. Her... relationship with him was complicated. After the breakup, she'd left almost right away. Hadn't really spoken to him since then. She sighed, rubbing the cast on her wrist as she continued forward. It was awkward, being so close and so far away at the same time. Somebody was going to have to break the ice, one way or another.

"Glyph," she said, stepping up behind him, "Can I talk to you?"
[member="Felicity Mason"]

His eyes and head turned to look at her, his face calm and his thoughts shrouded as he didn't show any real emotion and stood to dust himself off. "Hey there Hot head, welcome home." He smiled a small bit and went to set the thing he had used to water the plant down on a bench before looking at her again. "How can i help you Miss Mason." He bowed to her and returned to being formal, almost coldly formal but the tinge of happiness and kindness was there, he couldn't hide it from her for now at least.
Hot head. Felicity felt her fingers twitch under her cast, as if she was trying to make a fist to punch him. She regretted that reaction immediately. She hissed with pain, rubbing her healing fingers with the other. He was being cold now. Maybe asking him to talk was a bad idea. Her crystal blue eyes narrowed.

"Are you the palace gardener now?" she asked harshly, raising a thin eyebrow at him, "Come. Walk with me, gardener."

Doing everything with one hand was difficult. Normally, she would have a parasol with her to protect her from the harsh sunlight. Well, for today, she was going to stick with the shade of the trees.

[member="Felicity Mason"]

He sighed, regretting even going near her in the first place as she spoke. "Yes miss Mason..." He started walking beside her, trying not to look at her face as they walked though it was obvious he looked at her a few times out of curiosity for his friend, even at her cast once and flinching as he looked at his friends wound and immediately casting his eyes down. "I'm Sorry... i should have been there." He muttered, meaning he should have stayed at her side, should have been there to stop the sith. Even been there to save her with Graxin... but he hadn't he had abandoned her and when he had tried to find her he failed her, he didn't even convince Graxin to take him to help save her.
They walked in silence for a good long moment. She was struggling to figure out what to say to him now. She supposed 'hello' was a good place to start, but at this point in the interaction, it would feel very odd indeed. 'Hello, I don't love you anymore.' 'Hello, I already love someone else.' 'Hello, you broke my heart. I hope you regret it.'
Thankfully, he spoke first. She almost tripped over her own feet. Of all the stupid-

"Why are you sorry? It had nothing to do with you," she said shaking her pretty blonde head, "Really. This-" she held up her injured hand, "Is nothing compared to what it could have been."

She shuddered to think. She'd felt his intentions once or twice while she was with him. She knew what he had been tempted to do to her. She knew how things could go when young women were trapped alone with a man. She was lucky.

[member="Felicity Mason"]

"Not just for that, im sorry for leaving our last conversation like that, im sorry for breaking it off. And yes i realize that you probably don't even love me though not like i even know what the word means. I am sorry though for that and for not being there to defend you like i was supposes to, i am sorry for not being able to find you, i am sorry for not being there when Graxin and the others did find you. I am sorry for Inciting you to hit me with a book, i am sorry for calling you hot head, i am sorry for acting like i did with Owain on Coruscant... And so many more things, but i am mostly sorry i did not say this back then." He kept his eyes straight now, he didn't look at her, he didn't frown or smile, his face was straight beyond normal and he was holding every inch of emotion in. "Is that all Miss Mason." Cold again, he didn't know what more to say, didn't know what more to even think at this point, he did want to be her friend again and more than anything else, but he was useless as a guard and needed to find a way to fix that.
She stared at him, face flat as he let out a string of apologies. Sorry for breaking it off. Sorry for Coruscant. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. She blinked several times. She had the urge to close the gap between them and wither kiss him, or slap him. Or both. But she did nothing.

"....You idiot," she sighed, "It's not your responsibility to look after me anymore. You're not my personal guard anymore. You were hired by my mother to guard the palace, but your responsibility it not to worry about me when I am off world."

she shook her head, offering a tiny smile. She really had changed. Cooled down a little. She was still a hot head, but the teperature had dropped considerably.

"Did you ever love me?" she asked, tilting her head to the side, "I loved you, you know."

[member="Felicity Mason"]

"Yes, though Did is the wrong word to use." He smiled, still not looking at her as he let the implication sit there in the air. "Atleast i think so, i don't even truly know but if what i feel is that then the answer is yes." He was messing with his hands now as they remained crossed behind his back, trying to see for once what would happen at those words. Her words hurt him worse though than if she hadn't, simply because it made her making him think she had been kidnapped worse even now.

That was awkward now. She hid her own hand behind her back, looking up at the sun streaming in through the trees.

"...Do you know why I ran away with Owain?" she asked, still not meeting his gaze, "I was bored. Sounds stupid and childish, right? But that's how it was. I mean, really, you try being told that you're only allowed to go two places- The Palace and the Academy. I wanted to see what was out there. I chose to go with Owain instead of you because I knew he wasn't going to worry over me like a mother bantha. Understand?"

She brought her clear blue eyes back to him with a smile, tilting her head to the side so that her long blonde curls swept across her back.

"I did love you, but you would have just worried if you knew where I went. Owain... he treats me like i'm just another girl."

[member="Felicity Mason"]

He smiled and continued to refuse looking at her as he stared off instead at a tree. "I know, ive realized this, same way i realized it the moment i broke off things. I knew i was not going to be the one picked so i did it before you could, even if it meant having you hate my gut... But Hot-head, even if that fact remains, its not dating you that left me so protective, even now ive taken every patrol at all times of the day that handled your room... you have been my only friend Fel, that is why i tried to protect you... you are the only one i really need to protect, because otherwise, im back without no one."

She blinked at him again, then backed up until her back hit the tree behind her. She pressed her back against it, once more watching the sun through the trees.

"You think I can just pick who I fall in love with? [member="Glyph"], you're so stupid, you know that?"

she laughed, bringing her gaze right back at him.

"Well, you were wrong before. I didn't pick Owain back then. I didn't pick anybody after you. Do you think I could? First love and all that. I was hurt."

She didn't mention now, though.
[member="Felicity Mason"]

"Yet you knew it wouldn't happen, i may be stupid yes, but dont delude the past and just say what you knew would have happened. Think about it, you left the planet with him, telling not even your mother, and when i did get told you were being 'kidnapped' and i had come after you you simply left without a second thought to stop and let me along. The moment i learned you weren't kidnapped is when i knew that my time with you was over and the events of Coruscant sealed this. So please don't delude yourself into trying to convince me that you hadn't picked. Perhaps not consciously but you still pick without understanding why until too late." He looked at her, and looked completely sad though tears were no where to be seen. He also still held onto that smile, the same dumb smile he always had. "So, if you don't mind, just understand that bit of information, i know you were hurt but what would have been worse. Dragging me along like a pack mule or simply ending it before that happened."
Felicity regarded him with a mix of pity and surprise. Not many people had the guts to talk to her like that. Honestly, she found it more attractive than a suiter falling over himself to give her what she wanted. A man that could stand up fir himself. She smiled after a moment, moving to walk around the trunk of her tree.

"And yet you loved me after that. Still do, if I'm not terribly mistaken."

She giggled, a nervous giggle, the giggle of an indecisive teenage girl.

"You know, my birthday was last week. Sixteen years old. In most societies in the Galaxy, that makes me an adult. I can legally do anything I want with whoever I want. Do you know what I mean?"

[member="Felicity Mason"]

He smiled at her and laughed as he waved his hand. "If you are trying to get me to suggest something, i had thought you knew me better than that by now. Plus, were ended, so im sorry Fel but its not happening after i and you both know that." He didn't know if she meant him or Owain, and he honestly didn't want to know as either way it only meant pain for himself and would simply torture his insides.
She laughed again, stopping her idle pacing around the tree trunk.

"Dummy. You just wish I was talking about you."

She shook her head and slid down the tree trunk to sit with her knees tucked under and her flowery yellow skirt layered around her legs. She felt like a classic painting, picture perfect. She patted the ground next to her, inviting [member="Glyph"] over to join her.

"I know we're over. I know better than you. I also know that deep down, you miss me. That you really do want me, don't you?"

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