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Approved Tech Weeping Bows

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Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden

  • Intent: To create a unique weapon for use by The Nightsisters
  • Image Source: Link
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Restricted Missions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: Nightsisters of Dathomir
  • Model: N/A
  • Affiliation: The Nightsisters of Dathomir
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Minor
  • Material:
    Ichor Imbued Bark from "weeping trees" in the Dathomiri Rain Forest
  • Ichor Imbued Talismans to help power the bow
  • The Web From a Gapping Spider Ichor imbued for use in this bow

  • Classification: Force Energy Bow
  • Size: Handheld
  • Length: 1.8 meters (varies based on user)
  • Weight: Varies but relatively light
  • Ammunition Type: Ichor
  • Ammunition Capacity: 1
  • Effective Range: The effective range of this weapon varies based on the user's force aptitude. However, a novice Witch with adequate training in this bow would easily be able to make an accurate shot at 350 yards while the longest effective shot with a heavily practiced which with phenomenal training in this bow could make an inaccurate shot across a small battle space (about 1,000 yards), these ranges heavily influenced by the fact that this weapon requires force training to be used.
  • Rate of Fire: Single-load
  • Ammo only limited by the user's force energy reservoir
  • Bolts pass through most armor types
  • Bolts deal damage to target's life force (damage taken is healable and not permenant in non-death cases)
  • Limited Force User detection ability
  • Aura of Uneasiness

The Weeping Bow of the Nightsisters was a powerful, minorly produced ranged weapon that had an ammo capacity limited only by the user's force energy reservoir. Each arrow/bolt is drawn by the user siphoning their own force energy into the bow, which automatically compresses and focuses the energy into an arrow that sits on the web-based string. When the string is released, so too is the energy; the range only limited by how much energy was siphoned into creating it. Regardless of how much energy goes into the bolt, however, it passes through most armor types without dealing damage to the armor itself.

The arrow caused very little direct physical damage, aside from knocking the target back or onto the ground. The energy does damage the target's life force, however, draining away their essence in The Force and weakening their physical form. This often leads to internal failures of organs, the nervous system or other integral components of the body. This means that little bleeding occurs from the impact of the arrow itself, but may internally occur from the effects of drastically losing life energy in such a quick and violent manner.

This great power all derives from the tree of which is used to create the bow. Bark from "weeping trees" deep within the Dathomiri Rain Forest are used in the creation of these bows. These trees get their name from their detection of Force Users and the subsequent sounds their emit when in close proximity of non-witch force sensitives. A deep, sobbing weep can be heard through the force by both Force Sensitives and Non-Force Sensitives. As the Force User gets further away, the weeping gets quieter and as the user gets closer the weeping gets louder. The bow, however, is not directional and cannot pinpoint an FU it can only alert of one's presence and proximity. It is also during a time when a Force User of non-witch origin gets close that the bow emits an Aura of Uneasiness that effects nearby living beings; unless they are holding a bow themselves.

  • Passes through most armor
  • Long range for a bow
  • Silent when firing
  • Limited force user detection
  • Unblockable by lightsabers
  • Can be used as a limited blunt weapon
Weaknesses :
  • Does no damage to droids or vehicles
  • Can only fire a single arrow at a time
  • Weeping of the bow can be heard by all in the area
  • Requires Dathomiri Magic to use
  • Drains the users force essence through use

Deep in the rainforests of Dathomir is a species of tree that is known by the Nightsisters for its ability to absorb Ichor. When a Nightsister wishes to take on a bow of their own, they must go into the forest and cut the bark from a tree on their own. They must then collect the other necessary components, including the web from a gapping spider which is then imbued with Magick and used as the string. The entire bow takes usually a week to construct.

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
[member="Felix Hardy"]

I think that would set a precedent to not take damage from the bow as that is the primary way it deals damage. How about instead I note that

(The damage taken from this bow is healable and not permanent)

Would that be acceptable?
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