Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Weekend Treasure Hunt 1: Derelict -- Winner Take All (contest finished)

“Well…I’ll be broggled,” came Chloe’s exclamation of surprise. “That went smoother than I expected.”

She took what information was sent through and entered it into her transponder.

“Think we can use it also to get to Hapes for those jewelers?” she’d ask, seeing as now they had a free pass into the Hapes Consortium. A small beep would confirm her registry, and if any Hapan patrols would spot them, they’d have that added measure of protection to ensure no Hapan Battle Dragan would blow them out of the ‘verse.

She’d give him a crooked grin, “Have you ever been to Hapes?” she was starting to get more color on her cheeks. It was clear that his presence, tending, and the distraction of getting things done was doing her loads of good.

“Promise I won’t let ‘em handle you roughly.” she’d tease, eyes falling back down to the pendant as she sank into her seat again.
[member="Chloe Blake"]

"Hm? Oh, the necklace."

Well that was almost stupid.

The Hapan dragon ships watched closely as Jorus steered the Aurora Hawk through the Transitory Mists, safe enough under Persephone's aegis. Once beyond the Mists, a quick set of hyperjumps brought them out over Millinar. One world among many, almost identical to a thousand he'd seen. He'd wondered, from time to time, if all these identical worlds and all these single-biome worlds could be traced back to the Celestials, but A'nang hadn't been able to clarify. The Aurora Hawk settled down at a place Chloe suggested.

"Not sure which pillbox and compartment got the Sar Agorn holocron," he said, fishing in his bag, "but here's a couple taozin amulets to tag on. They've been close enough that our course probably hasn't been tracked, and I've got another couple for the rest of the trip. Council job's made me paranoid."
[member="Jorus Merrill"]

There was a fleeting glimmer in Chloe’s blue eyes that would show her amusement of his reaction and hide thoughts better left in the depths of the ocean of her mind.

She wasn’t so young a Warden anymore, afterall.

“‘Course,” she said, looping the necklace anew over her head, she’d come to her feet, leaving the blanket behind. The oversized shirt would dip a bit over her shoulder, but otherwise modest as she took the amulets in hand.

Like a newborn nerf calf, she was doing better on feet now, just had to hold onto the railings a bit more.

“I’ll get it,” she’d call out to him as she left the cockpit. “You’ll find the waterfalls up ahead.” she’d remind him. There were a series of under water caverns as well as miles of grottos one could get lost in. A low and almost ethereal mist would linger, framing the legendary landscape in that iconic ghostling tale ideal.

She’d join him outside some minutes later. This time with clothing a bit more suited for trekking the outdoors. No worries about bare shoulders here.

Pillbox with the holocron in place, Chloe would slip the satchel containing the amulets onto her back.

“Find a place?” she’d ask, panning her sky blue eyes from his scruffy visage over towards the waterfalls up ahead.
[member="Chloe Blake"]

"Not yet." He'd set up shop with macrobinoculars at the bottom of the ramp, scanning the hills, at least the parts he could see through the mist. "Got some probables, but this is a little obscure for my gifts to work with. A little oblique. My gut doesn't say much of anything. At least we're in a rare-travelled bit, no trails; means the easier caves won't be visited much if ever. There." He dropped the macros against his chest and pointed at one waterfall. "Comes out of the cave, little side ridge beside the current. Nasty fall if we slip, but a couple of ascension guns should help. I've got some in my bag."
[member="Jorus Merrill"]

Well, nothing like going all out from the get go, Chloe would muse to herself as her eyes would widen at the path he'd pointed out to her. Her shoulders would straighten and she would give a nod.

"Well... won't be able to store this just standing here." she'd nod, moving behind him to start unzipping his bag, searching for the ascension guns. She pulled two of them out, securing his bag after. Holding one out to him, she squinted out into the beyond.

"If we go up this little rockway..." she pointed out a dark flat area of slate, just enough for two to stand upon. "It should give us the angle to get a good latch towards that bit o' ridge."

The amount of humidity in the air by the falls was already starting to cause her hair to tighten its curls. A quick hair band and run of her fingers through the tresses secured the long length at the nape of her neck.

Okay, she was ready. "Let's go."
[member="Chloe Blake"]

He replaced one of his Tenloss Ambassador revolvers with an ascension gun, the underslung weapon slotting neatly into terentatek leather. A brief stretch of sward led up to the rock face. With a grunt, he got his fingers into half-seen crevices and hoisted himself a couple inches off his feet, enough that he could get a boottip into solid position. From there, it was a few minutes' work to get up to the ledge Chloe had pointed out. An ascension line snapped out into the elevated cave mouth, caught on stone, hauled him up beside the waterfall until he could slide up to the higher ledge. Spray lapped at his boots as he moved into the cave, giving Chloe enough room to get up. The cave appeared to go on for a while.
[member="Jorus Merrill"]

The sound of scattering pebbles and echo of foot steps would resonate within the damp cave walls as Chloe landed beside Jorus. Still a bit lightheaded, she would use Jorus for support for a few seconds before she managed to regain her balance.

Flashing him a brief smile, she’d turn her head down towards the cave. Low light would filter down from crevices on the roof, broken rays of light muted in the tangle of jungle vines. Black damp slate would line the walls among the lichen, moisture floating around them as mist from the waterfall would lightly shower.

A crack of a chem light would light their way, illuminating a small pale green sphere around Chloe, bathing her face a light tourmaline hue.

“Got a lumimarker?” the writer would ask, not quite sure if that even existed but hey, it sounds like an awesome type of tech that the writer will need to sub if it doesn’t. A waterproof illuminating ink that could be used to mark the walls and be a guide. Kinda like mindcraft where one would smack a lightstick to right side of the wall, knowing that if you needed to find your way out, you just followed the row of lights on the left on your way back!

Ahh forth wall breaking, back to our usual Starwars Chaos Programing - Indy style!

Droplets of water would fall here and there, and the sound of trickling water would grow louder the further in they went.

“Watch your step,” she’d warn him, her eyes scanning as she’d continue to walk along, carefully minding her steps.

How far it went? Who knew, the question was how to make sure they could get back.
[member="Chloe Blake"]

He braced himself against the damp rock ceiling at shoulder and hand, and set his feet to pry a rock away. It was dark, this far back and above the waterfall, a turn or two away from Millinar daylight. The rock revealed a cavity, into which he stuffed a pair of taozin amulets.

"This oughta do," he said, and was pleased by how little her scent in the darkness affected him. "Not a place that gets much if any traffic. My thought is, we stash it here with a little s-thread pulse keyed to the Aurora Hawk -- expensive, but I've got a budget now -- so if it's tampered with, you get a signal."
Chloe gave a nod to [member="Jorus Merrill"], bending closer to give their impromptu 'vault' a once through. A critical eye would go over to make sure it blended as well as it could among the lichen covered slate.

"Sounds like a plan," and she'd let him do exactly that. Once that was done, she'd take over. Chloe would slip one end of the chem-light into her mouth, allowing her hands to move freely as she would give a light brush of the Force over the plant matter to stimulate growth. It wasn't anything crazy, but similar to a breath of life to accelerate healing like any other organic individual. Not quite plant-surge, but the Force did work in mysterious ways.

Satisfied, she would pluck the chem-light out of her mouth and turn to Jorus, " Looks like we're golden," she'd flash him a green hued ghost of a smile, stepping around him to contemplate the mental maze to memory.

"Ain't too far out and workable." she'd confirm, knowing that at the least she'd also have the llumin ink to follow. A glance would be shot back out to him. "Ready?"

Here would be the hard part. Getting back down.
[member="Chloe Blake"]

What a precarious place to leave a treasure; it unnerved him. He paused at the lip to scuff over the marks of their ascension guns, the anchor-points and friction-spots. Plaeryin bol eyes flicked around, settled on a high crag.

"Alright, think I've got us an out, but this is going to get ridiculous." He pointed at the crag. The setup said it all. Ascension guns could hit the outcropping, and a parabolic path would take them down through ranks of loose foliage, then over water, then maybe to solid ground. If they could detach without running into a nastily rocky hillside.

His ascension gun spat fibercord, and he jumped for it.
[member="Jorus Merrill"] - Enter Indiana Jones Music!

One didn’t hesitate in these sorts of things. You just trusted the Force -- and a that handy amount of skill and tricks a lifetime of wandering the ‘verse taught you. Her training hadn’t revolved around a training room at a temple. No, her training ground was the ‘verse itself. Exploring it to the very reaches of that vasty blackness created by the Gods.

The whipping sound of fibercord would cut through the mist before piercing rock, attaching firmly. “Grace lay upon us,” came Chloe’s low prayer before she took that leap of faith.

Damp air would whip across her face as she swung down, blonde hair flying a banner behind her. Moist air, fresh water, and the scent of the jungle would blast her. A sense of euphoria would fill her, adrenaline running hot.

They swept past canopies of trees, their movement sending a flock of birds into the air, the sound of their wings beating against the majestic roar of the waterfalls at their side.

All of this would be mere moments in time, but there was a certain rush that made the blood pump through her veins in excitement. As they continued to descend in a pendulum motion, a spray of water would fall over them as they swung over the river. The ground and trunks of trees would now rush at her, as she would near the lowest point of --

[member="Chloe Blake"]

All he caught of that was 'tree,' which was sort of the relevant bit. Trailing foliage and shedding momentum with every frond that interrupted his arc, he brought him his legs and met the oncoming trunk at a glancing angle. Impact jarred him all up his spine, one hand came free of the ascension gun, and then he was spinning wildly. He rebounded off another tree, detached cable, and skidded the rest of the way in the mud.

[member="Jorus Merrill"]

Hands would fall away from the detached cable, fronds slapping and scratching her face as she fell. Mud would smear and stick thickly over her as she dropped and went rolling upon the ground, her hands held up to cover her face.

She finally came to a stop, and minus a couple of bruises and scratches, none worse for wear. Better than what Jorus had to deal with, what with the tree.

Wincing, she'd crawl up on all fours, trying to get out of the slippery mess as she would call out, "You okay?!" coming to her feet, she'd wipe her grime and muddy hands over her pants. A few minutes later, the Warden would stumble across Jorus.

"Nothing broken, I hope?" she'd ask.
[member="Chloe Blake"]

He slid or rolled his way to his feet, couldn't figure out how, found his footing around the time Chloe got off her knees. "What's the classic answer? Pride an' nothing more? Somethin' like that." He rolled out the crack in his neck and peered off through the trees, sort of back the way they'd come. "Well, ascension gun's gone, but that looks like a straightforward enough walk, mud or no mud. Looks like you're doing fine..."

He grimaced and set off across uneven water-covered rock, thick mud, soggy grass. All things considered, his mind was mainly on the Aurora Hawk's shower as he cleared the last of the trees and descended the slope toward the freighter. "I'll cover our tracks if you wanna clean up."
[member="Jorus Merrill"]

Her laughter would rain down on him, but she was happy with that answer. A nod would follow and her feet would join the trek as well

"Sounds good," she told him, moving up a head a bit, the slurping sound of mud following each foot step. The sight of the Aurora was a sure mighty fine sight.

Muddy feet took a small jump towards the descending loading ramp, hurrying up towards the access hatch. "Shouldn't be long. I'll leave it up to you if you want to make a pit stop at Hapes for a discussion with the jewelers there."

Her voice would fade, as her petite figure would disappear into the Aurora. Sonic shower and a fresh set of clothing would do just right.

She'd be done before long, holding two cups of fresh water were he keen on sating a thirst.
[member="Chloe Blake"]

He accepted the water gratefully, chugged it, then went to get cleaned up.

His agenda for their liftoff was as follows.

Find a way to open the necklace -- done. Couple of basic turns, the thing came apart in his hands. That was more about confidence and relaxation than anything, and having stashed this 'cron and taken a shower, he had both in spades. Moving by instinct was his only real power, and that extended to his hands. That, and the trick wasn't nearly as complex as they'd assumed.

Examine the Codex shard with inexpert eyes. Put the Codex together. See what it had to say.

Then decide whether to put the shard back in the necklace and send it along to Aaralyn Rekali. He wasn't wild about that, but all things in their own time.

In due course, they hit hyperspace, and Jorus' wish list was well on its way. Completed Codex of Tython in hand, he made his way forward to the cockpit.

" need to see this. There's a, well, a thing, a plan in here, I got it on camera. I'm seriously considering burning that camera and splitting this thing up again. Because this is nuts."

He showed her the bit of the Codex's contents that he meant. It was, indeed, nuts.

"On the other hand, even though it's the kind of thing that gets buried outta fear, it could get used in other ways. Construction...repulsion. You ever hear the story of Dorsk 81?"
[member="Jorus Merrill"]

Chloe's eyes would grow wider and wider the more she read, finger sliding across the display case of the datapad as she took in the information. One would wonder if her face became a little pale, her attention darting over to Jorus, jaw slightly ajar in shock.

"You have got to be kidding." she'd say in half awe, half shock. She'd sit down, reviewing it some more. At his question, she'd shake her head. "No, I haven't." she answered in turn about Dorsk 81. Loremaster she may be, but that didn't turn her into a walking encyclopedia.

"Tell me about it."
[member="Chloe Blake"]

"Wish I had the holocron -- Tionne tells it better, she knew the guy, she was there when he died, heck, she was part of the thing. Star Destroyer fleet inbound, Yavin temple as a pattern, the whole inaugural Jedi Praxeum class in a circle, Dorsk 81 as the focal point. They shoved the Star Destroyer fleet to the outermost part of the system, we're talking light-hours, in minutes. It burned him out; he died right away." He tapped the holorecorder. "Imagine this crazy mother as a wide-angle pressor beam, big and strong enough to throw fleets away. Planet-mounted. It'd be a target, no question, so you'd only get a handful of uses out of it, but it could buy...a lot of time. Maybe even scare them off."
[member="Jorus Merrill"]

"Holy..." she went plopping down on a chair, a bit dazed at that bit of information.

Her eyes grew wide. The ramifications of such an ability. " Yeah... but... who can we trust to build it and not go crazy?" she would ask, "Sanctum ain't got the resources to do something like this.... and them burlap brigade ain't one to really manage anything like this."

She gave him a look that said she also doubted the Republic would be good on it, they would be too much on the spotlight. "Where would it do the most good?"

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