Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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We Know Where We Are [Open To FO]

First Order Territory - Endor - High Orbit Station - 5 Parsecs Out
"This is the way the astral charts say to go. I'm telling you, this is the way, we're on course, we just need to--" The woman paused, eyes glaring down at the screen before her in shock. Was it shock? Or was it fear. They often looked very similar so it was difficult to tell. "Something's not right." Mariya hated nothing more than to hear those three words spoken. "What do you mean, something's not right?" Chocolate brown eyes lowered as the girl knelt beside the console. "Is that..." Katerina cut her off mid-sentence. "A station? Yes. And by now they would have picked us up on their scanners and sensors." The brunette slapped her hand against her forehead. "Greaaaaat." Teeth sank into her lip as she raised her head up to look through the transparisteel viewport. Growing ever larger as the modest freighter drew closer, the station began to come into view. Whether or not it was military made only a small bit of difference. It had sensors and scanners, all stations did, meaning it would have picked them up. Perhaps fortunately enough the ship Mariya and her companion were aboard ran an illegally modified ID Signature, and bore no markings of any political affiliation. It was a smuggler's vessel, hijacked on her last voyage out when a couple of space pirates attempted to abduct and ransom her. The last thing they saw was her smiling face as she vented them out of the airlock and into the vacuum of space.

Payback was payback.

Now this had become complicated however. Katerina and Mariya were hauling some rather illicit cargo through the sector, some might call it Isotope-5. She might call it an honest salvaging job turning up fruit. Whatever the case may be, that space station was likely to put a damper on her parade. If nothing else, search and seizure would see the loss of her cargo, and as incompetent as some checkpoint investigators were, Mariya wasn't about to put her eggs in that basket and hope for the best. "They could be sending escorts any second. If we get impounded, we're going to be in for a world of trouble." The brunette nodded, Katerina was stating the obvious but that didn't make a decision on what to do any easier. "They will be able to track us no matter what at this point, and we aren't likely to have the fuel to burn recklessly evading them through the system." Mariya looked towards her friend and pilot, "We don't have time to dance around them through the system. Ideas?"

Rosy cheeks puffed as air filled the pockets inside before being released in a huff. "Well, if we've got a clear shot I reckon we can try a zipper maneuver, shoot right through their hangar and into hyperspace. 'Tis dangerous as all hell, but might work." She rubbed her chin, contemplating the idea a moment longer. "They'll still have our projected path, but they wont see it coming, and it will sure as hell cause quite a ruckus for 'em."

A wide smile birthed across Mariya's features. "Do it."

Briefly Katerina tilted her head, lekku twisting in silent prayer, and grimaced. "Alright, hang onto your butt lass, here we go!"

Nearer the station the freighter grew, and it became obvious that the hangars were open, yet loaded with cargo and fighters. It was too late to go back now though. Katerina pushed forward on the controls, activating the hyperdrive just as it reached the hangar bay, throwing the ship into a violent jump as dozens of folks shouted and scrambled out of the way, setting off a series of small explosions before the freighter disappeared into hyperspace.

Katerina dropped back against the headrest, setting her goggles above her temple and letting out a sigh.

"Well, we made it, though I suspect they'll be coming for a bit more than a chat soon enough. We'll need to alter our course soon as we make this jump though. Need to keep them in our trail and not on our back."
First Order State Penitentiary​
Warden's Office​
[member="Mariya Pyne"]​
Rhia was looking over the day's reports, one had her particular interest. It was the release of one inmate Sara Lee Jones, into the hands of Senior Captain Aran Piett of the First Order Navy. She had just returned to the prison from being away for a long time, and this was waiting for her on her desk. She thought to herself that Aran got lucky, cause if she was there when this was going on she would have never allowed it, or at least made the captain jump through a lot of red tape to get her out. Once getting through the reports, she looked over the plans for the new work camp she had in the works. It wasn't hard labor, it was just some clearing of the forests so the Auxiliary could come and put up a training facility there to reeducate some of the inmates into military service. She leaned back into her chair and looked over the screens that showed some of the cell blocks. All was quiet, surprisingly, normally by this time there would have been a riot in blocks three, four, or five, yet there was nothing. It was strange, but kind of peaceful to return to the prison running without a problem for once.​
Her console began to beep, with emergency comms notice, it was from the orbiting station.​
"Governor Novatinsky, we have need of reinforcements, a ship has just destroyed all the supplies we were about to send planetside."
"Wonderful and why were the hangers open to allow Commander?"
Her cold voice sent a chill down the man's spine on the other side of the view screen​
"We were in the process of loading then launching the shuttles ma'am"
"Ugh, fine....send word to the FIV Accuser, she should still be in the area since the captain was just here not long ago."
"Yes ma'am."
The word would be sent out to Captain Piett of the Accuser to pursue the assailant of this act.​
Wandering Naval Officer
FIV Accuser​
[member="Mariya Pyne"] | [member="Sara Lee Jones"]​
The Accuser was on her way out of the Endor system, destination was to Fleet Fueling Station around Bespin. There she would regroup with the rest of Task Force 191. Well that was the plan.​
"Captain Piett to the bridge, repeat Captain Piett to the bridge."
Not even out of the hanger bay, it would seem that there was something urgent. Aran took off with the rest of the bridge crew of the Accuser towards the bridge, upon arrival the comms officer relayed the message from the station over Endor's moon. Aran sighed and thought to himself well the task force will have to meet us enroute.​
"Navigator set course back to Endor, fast as possible." He paused for a moment, then sent out the alert to the ship for battlestations.​
"Crew of the Accuser man battle stations. We are now tasked to pursue a vessel that has destroyed First Order property. Obsidian squadron get ready."
Aran turned to the comms officer.​
"Comms officer send a message to the rest of Task Force 191 send them our coordinates, also send out a message to fleet high command about the situation."
"Yes sir right away."
The Accuser changed course and started to head back towards Endor, hopefully they could catch something of a lead to get on the tail of the perp, and bring them to justice.​
"Well, that bought us some time at least. Now lets see where we're going to end up."

Katerina looked down, fingers dancing along the console as the virtual astral charts shifted to a display in front of her, allowing Mariya to get a look as well. "We jumped from Endor." Her fingers tapped in unison against her chin while she pondered. "Which means, based on our trajectory and fuel, we should be able to reach Zakuul with enough time to make planet-fall, refuel, and hopefully burn like hell before the First Order arrives in the sector. It will be close, for sure, but we may be able to pull it off." The woman swiveled in her chair to another console to the left, loading information on another screen. "Zakuul is an oceanic and swamp laden world, but it has civilization, modern at that, and a number of large cities. We should land at The Spire, offer up a few extra creds to a dock hand to hopefully refuel us and not ask questions, and then be on our way. We're in pretty deep, but if we make the jump to Mindabaal, we'll be outside the First Order's expanse, and from there make way back inside Alliance territory and deliver our haul."

There was a reason Mariya traveled with Katerina. She knew her stuff and was a hell of a pilot to boot. Mariya was a decent shot with a blaster, lithe and small and so could fit into tiny places, and was damn good at convincing others to believe her. They made a decent team. It also didn't hurt that Katerina enjoyed the paydays, and Mariya loved the thrill. The younger girl was considerably rich by all accounts, so the creds didn't matter so much. In fact, it was why she had agreed to a 60/40 split on payments. Katerina wasn't a rich city girl, she came from nothing, sold as a slave and escaped. A drifter ever since.

"Sounds like a plan. And hey, nice job back there. Caught a look at one of those hangar workers, pretty certain that he thought for sure we were going to crash right into the station. Don't think he could have ever expected anything like that." Mariya tapped her on the shoulder, the smirk still on her face from minutes before. "I'm going down to check on the cargo and make sure nothing got tossed around. Give a shout if you need me."

[member="Aran Piett"] | [member="Rhia Novatinsky"]


Well-Known Member
Raider-class Corvette \\ FIV Venom \\ Near Zakuul
The cold embrace of space. It was one Gerhard's crew was well accustomed to, standard operating procedure under the Commander was to run a full twelve degrees below the fleet average on environmental. No one ever accused the Commander of running a loose ship. Other men had different methods of maintaining an edge, constant drills, integrated on the job training, Commander Maxim was a new breed entirely. A veteran of the Omega Conflict, he'd nearly lost his life - it was that day everything had changed. He wasn't merely in charge of a small corvette, he held the balance within his grasp, a well placed turbolaser blast, a carefully dodged piece of wreckage. Commander Maxim was the surgeon, his ship the scalpel. At least in battle, here on a routine patrol route, that tended to be less the case. No need for a scalpel, but instead a net - an ever cinching vice. Even so, the Commander's reputation for a hard crew was well earned.

Complacency. The silent killer. It was one fate Gerhard Maxim had decided long ago would not be the death of he or his crew. So it was they found themselves mid battle drill, their Concussion missiles set to dummy mode, their turbolasers set to minimum gain. The simulation had begun hours ago, but only now were they getting anywhere. Soon they'd enter the battle phase, their weapons firing into the void of space at a simulated target. Concussion missiles were set not to fire, but a simulated test would be completed. It was a time consuming process to set them dummy, but the result was that they could run simulations such as this without fear of detonating. As the exercise progressed, Commander Maxim watched his crew with curiosity. There was no fleet commander, there were no other ships, only the Venom, and that was how he liked it. The crew would have to make decisions on their own. In a way, it was also a test of his latest XO, Lieutenant Kiva.

Young. Brash. Ambitious. Most of all, untempered by experience. In some ways, the young man reminded Gerhard of himself as a young officer. All that had changed after Omega.

[member="Mariya Pyne"] | [member="Aran Piett"] | [member="Rhia Novatinsky"]
[member="Gerhard Maxim"] [member="Mariya Pyne"] [member="Aran Piett"] [member="Rhia Novatinsky"]

She nodded to Aran as he left and turned to her new squadron, she couldn't believe rise was back in the saddle once again with her very own squadron. She moved to one of the T-70s and put a hand on it rubbing the nose carefully as she gave a smile and sighed before turning to the squadron again

go ahead and take a hour rest, I need to get a few things in line before I make my introduction

They nodded and left without question, she still had her suit within her hands and left for the designated quarters for her and looked around the empty room and was like her first day being captain all over again. She chuckled and got out of her prisoner clothing and into the flight suit as she looked at the captain symbol in a mirror and vowed that she would never betray her countrymen ever again...

Not long after she got dressed and finished a general alert went out to man all battle stations, she grinned as she slapped her helmet on and quickly ran for the hangar as she watched other black suited pilots join her as they ran for the hangar. Sara quickly hopped into the lead x wing and watched as crew started quickly arming and fueling the fighters up

Just got back and the fun was starting she wouldn't have it any other way
Wandering Naval Officer
FIV Accuser​
Zakuul System​
Interdict criminal ship​
[member="Mariya Pyne"] | [member="Sara Lee Jones"] | [member="Gerhard Maxim"]​
The Accuser came out of hyperspace in the Zakuul system, and started a standard search pattern to find the ship that blew through the station over Endor​
"Comms send a message to Commander Kennedy of the Subjugator, and let her and the rest of the Task Force know we are at the Zakuul system."
The comms officer nodded, and proceeded to encrypt the message to Task Force 91. Aran looked out from the bridge, then walked over to his command console, keying up to send a message to the hanger.​
"Squadrons Obsidian, and Granite sortie out and start a search for this ship."
With that Captain Faust got Granite squadron to their station, her XO was in his ship and ready to launch. Once Granite Squadron was ready their T-70s launched out of the hanger bay and started to break off to the starboard of the Accuser in standard formation for a search. Now all Aran could do is wait, to find the ship and await for the rest of his task force to show up to help with the capture of the vessel and it's crew.​
"Conn, Weapons. Do we have permission to engage on sight?"
"Negative 'Weps' only engage if engaged upon, as far as we know this is a small ship we don't want to destroy it outright."
"Understood Cap'n"
Aran wanted to take the crew alive so they could stand trial for their crimes, though if it came down to it he would destroy the ship if they forced his hand.​
The YT class freighter dipped out of hyperspace within orbit above Zakuul ahead of the trailing First Order detachment. The Spire, central city and seat of the emperor rose through the atmosphere, the Eternal Throne standing defiantly against the galaxy. Katerina angled the ship down, breaking atmosphere with incredible haste to reach port. If Mariya hadn't been strapped in she surely would have been thrown about the cockpit. They were running on short time, knowing well that the ship they were in was not difficult to track. Impossible to ID, given its origin, but easily tracked all the same. Stygium wasn't exactly something easy to come by, much to Katerina's disappointment and misfortune. Perhaps the one thing they had going for them was that the ship was small, and easily missed on radar if flown at extremely low altitudes, for instance, just above the bog and swamp treeline that Katerina had taken to.

"City's just up ahead. We'll dock and refuel. I suspect that the skies will be a bit more crowded with some grumpy First Order karks by the time we're leaving, though." Katerina passed a momentary glance to Mariya who was already removing the straps to her seat so that they could get this over with quickly. "Gotcha." The girl slipped her blaster into the small of her back and covered it with her shirt and vest. Precautions, after all. Mariya had a few friends on Zakuul, but one could never be too careful. Their cargo wasn't exactly on their manifest, and it was a rather volatile thing to transport. The old YT freighters were masterful smuggler ships though, with countless places to stash cargo that even the most trained investigators would miss.

The ship settled into one of the many fueling depots on the outskirts of Zakuul City, with Mariya quickly rushing out to meet the staff. Katerina notably remained at the helm, the pair weren't exactly looking to make a vacation of Zakuul this time around. The Isotope was more important and the whole hyperspace jump through a station hangar was a bit more of a pressing concern than sightseeing the planet. Mariya then radioed to her pal waiting inside. "Ten minutes. Let's be ready to go."

[member="Aran Piett"] | [member="Sara Lee Jones"] | [member="Gerhard Maxim"] |​
[member="Mariya Pyne"] [member="Aran Piett"]

She watched granite squadron leave and lifted off and followed breaking off to the other side of the ship, she spread her squadron out so they covered in the maximum search range using their own sensors

She looked around visually as the r-8 unit beeped a few times as she looked to her read out

possibly so, um not picking up anything

The droid beeped back as she sighed and then sent word back to Aran

obsidian actual to captain piett, no sign of rogue ship in the vicinity. Orders sir?

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