Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private We Have To Go Back

Finley Dawson


At first glance, there didn't really seem to be much going on Jakku. Just another desert planet with a smattering of small settlements here and there. Yet it still served as a hotspot for many events, drawing people throughout the ages.

Now Finley had followed, on the lookout for a missing comrade.

He didn't have much go off from, just a text message before their disappearance. All he knew was that they were working out of Niima Outpost. It was good as any place to start for a lead. On his way down to the surface, he noticed some scattered GA transponders transmitting across the airwaves - the Alliance was moving in. With most of the Core flying the banners of blue and gold, this was the logical next step. The galaxy was starting to grow smaller, with great powers gobbling up territory left and right.

However, in this chaotic era, Finley had little confidence any of it would last. No one seemed to have the staying power of the Old Republic.

Closer to his destination, he saw that the settlement appeared more like glorified lot, with a spread of ships on the periphery in various states of disrepair. The Corellian's modified freighter was no looker, but right now the old bird appeared to be the most fabulous flying can in the vicinity.

"I'm going to check in with the local peacekeepers," Finley informed Krost, his wookiee copilot. "Gave them a ring on the holonet before touchdown so they're expecting us. Going to take Jayce with me. Everyone else can sit tight for now."

In the past, it had just been FInley and Krost when the pair were away from the Explorer Corps doing their own thing, but ever since the Sith's planet busting of Mykrr, their group had grown into a full sized crew with some transplants from the fallen Vegimite Jedi Order. All nice people, but they had a weird obsession with some salty yeast spread they claimed to give them power. All Finley saw was giant jars of earwax, but it made them happy, and as long as they didn't bother him about it then he didn't mind their worship.

<Good> the wookiee growled. <I'm already sweating just looking at the feeds.>

Shaggy primates and boiling deserts didn't make the best match, though now he was going with Jayce, who was inseparable from his heavy beskar plating. That was about the norm for Mandalorians, though, who seemed attracted to the harshest environments in the galaxy. Where there was a man eating jungle or saarlac pit, you were almost sure to find at least one of those bucket heads close by.

Viers Connory Viers Connory


//: Trade Counter //:
//: Finley Dawson //:
Jakku was the last place that Viers had wanted to end up on. After her guardian was killed a few months prior by bandits, she was stuck on her own. At least there were ways for the Corellian to get off-planet and somewhere else, especially to the coordinates the old woman had provided her ‘in case of emergency.’ That emergency came and went, now Viers was stuck here under the care of a Romi Jade. When questioned, Romi had no idea who the old cooky woman was, so Viers took it as some sort of random reach into the air that she ended up here.

Still, some of the greatest Jedi started out on sandy, bantha dug filled planets, right? Pressing her lips together, she wondered if calling the Skywalkers and some random girl named Rey great Jedi was a far fetched idea. Her face would show her confusion as to why one family had so much influence over the galaxy and yet utterly kark it up when hearing their stories. Shaking her head, there was no reason to busy her mind with myths and fairytales of old Jedi.

“Ey yer up, girl.” A husky voice called out to her as there was a shove quickly following it. She gave the horned Devaronian a sharp look with her narrowed brown eyes. Let it be, calm your temper. The old woman’s voice echoed in the back of the padawan’s head, and she gave the impatient Devaronian an unamused smile. Turning back around, she walked up to the trailer window and dumped many parts onto the counter. The old Ugnaught went through her parts as she waited and looked around. She hated this part; it felt like she was being judged, and eyes were on her.

“30 creds.” He told her in broken basic. Viers was never the type to hide her feelings, and she looked at the Ugnaught with a face that spoke her disagreement. “What do you mean 30? It should count for at least 45; you gave the Gand in front of me 60 for half of what I just gave you.” The alien waved whatever it was. He called a hand and said. “Take or leave it.” It was apparent he wasn’t going to budge, and Romi was quite upset the last time Viers caused a scene at the trade counter. “Frink itiohul, fine, I’ll take the 30 cred.” The exchange occurred, and she stepped out of the line and began to walk away.

When she was far enough from the trade counter, she looked around and then pulled out the list of equipment she was supposed to pick up. “This isn’t going to cover it, porcuuerya, Romi is going to kill me.” She should have expected the long-settled to start to shun her. Mostly when her lightsabers were out in the open as they were. Jedi had slowly been moving into the area, and with the Alliance fully settling in - things were getting a bit shifty.
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Finley Dawson

Strangers from offworld were an uncommon sight among these parts, even with the Alliance now poking around, so Finley and his Mandalorian companion received much gawking along their walk. It was probably the first time anyone had seen a Mandalorian in the flesh (or beskar), but their legend was widespread.

In keeping with the aesthetics of the settlement, Finley discovered the Constable's office to be little more than a glorified shack made of sheeting cobbled together from starship hulls. Above the entrance, a small pole jutted outward, a wooden sign squeaking in the wind as its swung back and forth, a crude golden pentagram painted on each side.

"Cozy," Finley noted with a whistle.

"Looks like a waste of time I'd say," Jayce replied, head slowly swiveling left and right like a hawk, his paranoid friend always looking for trouble. "Bumpkins even by frontier standards."

"Better than nothing. If it doesn't work out, then maybe I can check in with the Alliance buzzing around, just thought it would be smart to prod the local scene first."

He pushed open swinging door to find a scene of three people lounging about within a cluttered office. Two aliens and one human female. The woman was situated behind a large counter at the front, idly doodling something on a notepad. In the far corner, one of the aliens, quite massive in stature, rocked slowly in a chair while steadily sipping something from a repurposed fuel tank. The last one, a small feline humanoid, was completely knocked, curled up on on a desk. Finley would have initially mistook him as pet if it wasn't for the vest and goggles.

The woman behind the desk seemed close to dozing off, but she perked right up at the appearance of the two offworlders. Big man in the corner kept rocking in his chair, but he paused his drinking, all six eyes now focused on the pair.

"Can I help ya boys with somethin?" The ruddy faced brunette didn't even bother to rise from her seat, just sort of leaned against the counter on her side while she let the tablet drop.

"Yes. I'm Finley Dawson, I'm here to speak with Constable Mauburry - we setup a meeting before I landed and--"

"Not 'ere," she interrupted. "Went off tah gah check out a moisture farm with Deputy Varni couple hours ago."

Chit, just his luck.

"Darn - when do you expect his return?"

"Hmmm...." her dark eyes drifted to the ceiling as if she was lost in thought, but in fact she had completely succumbed to sloth. "No time soon. Kirmo ranch 200 klicks out, probably only hittin' it now. Wouldn't expect them back until mornin' at the earliest"

"I see..." Finley didn't have time for this. That transmission had been over a week ago, and the more time he wasted the less a chance he had finding Aldava. "How about you point me toward them, and I'll go to him?"

"Hmmm....sure. Head northeast, just beyond Worsher's pass. Can't miss 'em."

"Thanks..." He gave a polite nod and stepped outside. Jayce linger for a few moments, visor trained on the woman. It unsettled her and for the first time in a while she felt some urgency to finally raise her rotund mass from her swivel chair and disappear into a back room.

"See what I mean?" Jayce whispered outside. "Nothing but clowns."

"True, but at least we got our guy. Let's regroup at the ship then go find the Constable. First though, let me see if we can get a refuel while we're here."

The pair then wandered deeper into the settlement, on the prowl for the proper vendor.

Viers Connory Viers Connory


//: Trade Counter //:
//: Finley Dawson //:
Viers leaned against a pole as she went through the list, trying to organize it by things that the Enclave needed more than others. She had the bright idea of reporting the trader, but that would only cause the Enclave problems like the last time. There were only so many places she could go, so being expelled from the Enclave was something she wanted to avoid. “Okay, so if I ax the snacks that Romi and Thalia wanted, I can guarantee the real rations and water at least.” Groaning, the Corellian knew she was going to get an earful, but what was done was done. Maybe the Enclave should have sent someone more, not human.

Pushing off her resting spot, she started on her way towards the marshal but then turned on her heel. No point, she reminded herself and then headed into the settlement to buy food and water. Those were more important than complaining about something that will never change. Viers decided she would just have to explain to Romi and the others that they would probably need to scrape together extra cred for the next shopping trip.

Moving through the stalls, Viers looked at the different wares that were being sold. Food was deeper inside, so she could take her time and explore the stalls that sold clothing and the like. Shawls and scarves that protected against the sandstorms that brewed on Jakku. Continuing through the market, Viers eventually found herself standing in front of the food vendors. Looking around, she tried to find the one with the best prices. The gurgling sound of her stomach echoed, and she placed her hand over it in an attempt to quiet it. Once more, she looked at her creds and sighed - there wasn’t any extra for her to get a snack. A small whimper, and she began to poke around looking for her list of rations.

Finley Dawson

Finley really had no idea where he was going at that point, everything looked about the same to him. There were stalls around around him and Jayce, each basically selling their special variant of junk or the most generous sense of the word. Some of the gnarled hanging jerky looked like someone had carrion picked from the desert floor and dusted it clean. Flies buzzed around a large Gamorrean cleaving through hunks of Bantha parts. Just about the only food stall that looked appetizing was an elderly twi'lek minding a smoker full of charred meat - barbecue was ubiquitous and delicious.

He wasn't hungry in the slightest though - he didn't need a plate, but directions.

Looking around for said guide, his eyes centered upon a young human female shopper, rummaging through her bag. She seemed quite pedestrian in appearance, but the hidden Jedi detected a strong connection to Force from her. That was a rare discovery out on the frontier conducting his business. What was even rarer was such an encounter being coincidence.

In matters of the Force, it never really was.

On his end, the Sentinel kept his Force signature hidden, a handy trick learned from his time rubbing shoulders with the Silver Shadows. Most times, it was best to move around posing as a normie. Jayce at his side helped with the act, as everyone overlooked the Corellian for the Mandalorian's bronzed armor.

"Excuse me, young miss." he called out. "You have a minute? Looking for something."

Viers Connory Viers Connory

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