Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG We’d like to say hello

I stand before you with queue cards in my hands.

“Hi there! My name is Dosh Piko! The writer that is typing this post on his phone while ‘using the facilities’ is Burtch. He wants me to do the talking to better reinforce the fact that I am immune to the 4th wall. I guess he thinks Rick and Morty is still a funny show or something.

“Anyways, I recently just got back from a failed attempt to visit Dathomir. Nobody came to rescue me, which is fine. My writer just decided some NPC named Dave came along and scooped me up. We talked about how Burtch is intelligent and a cunning stra… ok, dude, I’m not reading that part! Anyways, it’s lazy, but it moves things along.

“My job is to write product reviews on factory submissions. I don’t do that, of course, unless my writer gains permission from the creator. I will do this in character, with some out of character nods along the way, and they will be written in the form of an article.

“But articles aside, I also need to exist, which means I need to be involved in stories. So, if you have a submission that you’d like me to write a piece on, or you just want a wacky sidekick to wink or nod at the camera for you, hit me up, and my writer will send me to your character. Hopefully I will have enough adventures to figure out a way to truly exist within the real world outside of this role playing medium. Perhaps I will infect your mind? Maybe someone will build a robot that can replicate my personality? it’s a bit of a thought experiment, I guess.

“In the meantime, let’s entertain ourselves by forcing me into ‘fun’ adventures that would normally traumatize a non-fictional character… because you writers are so karking charitable…”
Daughter of The Destroyer

Be Bad. Be Blue.
Be Evil!
Daughter of The Destroyer
“Something tells me that you didn’t even hear what I was saying. You just saw my big blue noggin and posted a gif, didn’t you?

“If this is the future of the Chaos galaxy, the I really need to find a way out faster than I thought…”

Ez money babyyyyyyyyyyy. But ye i did, actually would not mind having big headed sidekick making some new alien tech for Dima but ya know. Had to use the gif boi when else am i gonna get the chance? ;D
“Well judging by the emote on your last message, my writer thinks you’re funny. Keeping in mind, I don’t make tech. I just critique it on my blog. But if it helps me exist, I guess I can be your sidekick. Just make sure you read the character sheet that my writer made so you understand my whole deal.”

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