Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Wayward Training: Those Who Can’t, Teach

It seemed like it was any other day on this dead world known as Vjun. Drauchir had been left to his own devices for a few days, while Ra was dealing with matters elsewhere. He had not inquired much, simply for the fact that her business was not his to pry into. That, and he was fairly certain he would not entirely understand what ever it was anyway.

So he had stayed at Bast Castle. Taking the time alone to train and practice his sword work, while also delving into the archives and teaching himself more about this strange existence that was quickly becoming his everyday life. Starships, planets, super weapons, data pads, the holonet, something called the Force. They were terms that once did not exist at all within his vocabulary. But they were quickly becoming somewhat common place, and he intended to understand their meanings. Or at least enough to not look completely out of place.

He stood in nought but a pair of loose leather pants and boots, with a training sword held firmly in his hand. While he would have preferred to train outside, the acidic downpour of Vjun meant he was confined to the interior of the Castle. Which was fine, since the place was filled with an abundance of large open spaces to train within. He lunged forward, and slashed at an invisible opponent. He dodged to the side, to avoid a strike that never came, before swinging around to strike where a vital organ would be...

[member=Rein Stalcry]
Rein had wanted to find a place of peace where she could train and the Bast Castle seemed to be bustling with it's own affairs at the moment which meant it was a good time to move about and explore. Something she always had loved to do even when young. Thankfully she was no longer confined behind the drab walls of her parents lavish home and their constant nagging of attempting to marry her off. It'd been quite some time since she'd been sought after and had to dodge a mercenary or two and Ra had beckoned her here to help with some sort of pirate business. What that was all about she had yet to find out about. Something about waiting for the rest of whoever she called her own.

There was a small humming within her that seemed to beckon her closer. Random exploring had turned into a hunt of sorts. Emerald green eyes found themselves washing over one of the larger training spaces within the castle where a rather rough looking, almost nude man worked to swing a sword. A crimson brow perking up in curiosity.

Her body shifting to lean against one of the frames of a doorway to study his movements, arms coming to cross beneath her breasts creating a small view of cleavage beneath the thin brown shirt she wore. Long legs accentuated by the black leggings she wore crossing over the other, knee high black leather boots creating a soft scuff against the floor as they came to settle.

Rose pink lips curling into a slight smirk. He moved far more differently than the pilots she'd known on her home planet and it seemed that her drinking in the enjoyable sight wasn't causing much harm. There was something about the hum she felt from him, though. The force, but it felt strange for some reason.
Even as he felt the presence of another nearby, he continued his training routine. If she intended him any harm, he would deal with it when she made a move. But for now she seemed content to just watch him go through his motions.

He rolled forward, picking up a second training sword as he rose to his feet. Increasing the pace at which he moved through his motions. His muscles stretching and flexing as he moved the blades through the air. Slashing here, thrusting there. He turned and made his way back along the room. His strikes going higher up this time.

And then, he came to a stop. Doing a one-eighty turn to fling the pair of blades through the air into a wooden target. His chest rose and fell as he took several deep breaths. Catching his breath from the training exercise.

He turned to regard the woman in the doorway then. His golden eyes glowing dimly with the light as he inspected her. His gaze dropping across her hair, down her chest, to her legs. His keener than normal senses allowing him to see her as if he were much closer.

He took several steps forward then, offering up a welcoming smile
“Enjoying the show darlin’?”
Her eyes seemed to sparkle a bit more mischievously as the man seemed to pick up another sword and begin to show off a bit.

Taking in every muscle as it stretched and flexed, head tilting slightly, causing a few strands of crimson locks to fall in front of her face, though she ignored them. Shifting a little more against the doorway to get more comfortable, drinking in his show in silence.

It was only once he regarded and stepped towards her that the smirk stretched to a curious grin.

"Almost as much as you seem to enjoy giving it."
“It would be a shame to not entertain someone as beautiful as you..” He folder his arms across his own chest then. His gaze meeting hers in that moment. Studying her like a predator might it’s prey. Where she had the gift of the Force, he had only his senses and instinct to go off of.

He took a step closer then, reaching out to brush back the rogue strands of hair. He gave her a wink then as his hand brushed against her cheek as he pulled it back. She really was quite a vision, even in clothes that most would have looked ordinary wearing
“So... what brings you here?” He left the question open ended, allowing her to decide just what he meant by here...
She made no moves of hesitation or withdrawing as he watched her and moved closer still. From the look in her emerald eyes it was clear that it took more then a swaggering man of muscle to shake Rein.

Arms uncrossing to come rest against the door frame and wall behind them in a relaxed manner. Her heart rate rising for the briefest of moments as their skin met one another.

"I was asked to deal with some situation that I've yet to learn fully about. Waiting for others or something. As to what brings me here, staring at a sweaty show off? I could smell you."

There was a playfulness in her tone, though she left that open as well, wondering how he'd respond to that.
He was glad she was not unnerved by his movement closer. The fun would have dissipated if she had withdrawn. Instead, she stood her ground, relaxing against the doorframe. His ears picking up the change in her usual rhythm when he touched her “Situation huh... I think I know what you were called here for...” He chuckled as she said she could smell him, calling him a sweaty show off “Show off? That? Darlin’ that’s nothing... you want a real show... well...” He leaned in closer, his right arm bracing against the doorframe. A mischievous grin spread across his face as he brought his lips to within mere inches of her ear “I wouldn’t be the only sweaty one after it...” He breathed gently against her neck, as he pulled back slightly. Still leaning against the door frame as he smelled himself “I do suppose I put off a bit of an alluring odor... Perhaps a shower might be in order...”
As he leaned in closer to her her cheeks flushed a deep red while blushing, though her eyes never wavered and her body still stood right where it had been. The lids of her eyes sliding closed only from the feel of his breath brushing along the sensitive flesh of her neck. He felt wrong. Dangerous and like he shouldn't be here. That which should turn her away only seemed to perk at her rebellious nature, though.

His comment about a shower made her laugh as she finally broke eye contact with him once more. "I didn't mean you stunk, though you are very wet," she'd pause saying this, letting a hand come up to brush some of his hair from his own face, fingertips sweeping a little of the sweat from his brow. "I meant I could sense you... Oh this show. Are you going to teach me to wield a sword?"
He ever so carefuly slipped his left hand down her side, letting it rest against her hip as she brushed his hair aside. His grip upon the door frame tightening for a moment “Sense me huh? Like a radar for half naked, sweaty men?” He chuckled as she asked about the show he promised her, her inquiry amusing him “Oh, I can certainly teach you to handle and wield a sword...” He lowered his voice, as he leaned in closer. Their faces drawing closer “And how to polish it, and how to sheath it properly...” His hand upon her hip tightened as he tugged at her waist. If there was one thing in this world he could not resist, it was the allure of a beautiful red haired woman. They were always trouble, but then, Drauchir did love trouble “I’ll be sure to pay the proper respects as well... It is a sacred experience after all...”
She'd laugh against and nodded as she leaned up a little more to bring her face closer to his. "You could say that. Looks like it works pretty good, wouldn't you say?" She felt her cheeks flushing a deeper shade as he took hold of her, as he tugged at her waist she let her body come up against his. Her green eyes studying his yellow ones. His words confusing her slightly as being untouched she didn't quite get the innuendo he was offering, though she knew the warmth she felt coursing through her veins was one she would hardly be able to ignore for long. "And how are you supposed to teach yourself how to handle and wield a sword? You seem proficient at it already."
He grinned at her comment “It has been quite the success...” His muscles tensed as she pressed against his bare chest. A small layer of fabric the only thing separating their bare flesh. He licked his lips as his right hand dropped from the door frame. Trailing the back of his fingers against her cheek, he felt his own heart beat quicken. His desire and hunger for her hardening between them “I was born with a sword in my hand, I had no choice but to be... but with the right training... you can be as well...” He could not resist the urge any longer, as he leaned his face down, pressing his lips against hers. His right hand sliding around to come to rest between her shoulder blades. Holding her close in that passionate embrace for a moment, before letting her pull back “But where are my manners... You can call me Drauchir, or Drau...”
*The night came and went and Rein found herself rather sore. The best way she had found to get rid of sore muscles was to simply work them a little more. This was why she now found herself in the courtyard once more.

She had no weapons, though, instead she simply moved to stand on her left leg while her right came up high to side as if kicking an invisible foe in the head, spinning and twisting to bring an elbow back as if it going into another before flipping 'him' over her shoulder and onto the ground. Legs twisting and locking as if to break the arm she'd been holding.

The woman had been at it for a while, pale freckled skin glistening with a sheen of sweat. A mass of crimson locks strewn across her face and the pony tail that had once been tight was now loosened and close to coming completely undone. Her tight grey tank top moist from her sweat.

She'd stop for a moment to catch her breath and wipe the sweat from her forehead with a grin as she thought on the day before, glancing around the room, positive he'd show up soon.*
Drauchir awoke the next morning, laying alone in bed. It almost left him wondering if the night before had been nothing but a dream. Except for the fact that he could still smell her scent upon everything she had touched. One of the advantages to having heightened senses, was that you could not be beaten at hide & seek.

He rose from the bed, pulling on some trousers and an old ragged looking singlet. And then, following He scent trail, headed down toward the training room. Taking a moment to stop by the castle kitchen to collect some breakfast for them both.

Rein was catching her breath, as he carried the two trays in. Sitting them down on a nearby table, before turning to take in her sweat drenched form. He stepped to one side then, and gestured to the meal
“You should eat something, before the real training begins...”
That pull within her felt Drau closing in on her, his feel was unmistakable. Pale cheeks flushing at the thought of 'in more ways than one' and shook her head as if trying to shake it away. Wrist coming up to push some soaked locks from her face as he came in with the food.

Fingers working to let her hair loose before retying it into a bun so that the majority of it was held off of her neck.

"Do you mean sword training this time? Or training?"

Eyes sparkled as they glanced over her shoulder at him as she made her way to stand at his side, bringing a hand down to one of the trays to grab cup of water, taking a drink. Never letting her gaze leave him. Obviously amused by her own questions and wondering how he'd respond.
He smirked as he watched her make her way across the room to his side. His gaze falling across her form, admiring the way she looked even when she was all hot and sweaty. "Actual weapons for the first part... After that though... well... we'll see..." He slipped his left hand down to lightly pat her ass, as he picked up a cup of water for himself. He didn't want to hold himself back from the lust that was coursing through his very being. Nor did her deep red hair help the situation. But he knew that if he did not contain himself, things would get nowhere. Not that he minded the idea of things turning into a several day marathon of passion and pleasure. After all, if last night was anything to go by, she had much to offer in the way of enjoyment.

However, he knew that he would be remiss to not actually teach her anything practical. Well, practical beyond how to spend a night embraced in ecstasy. He picked up an apple then, and offered it to Rein. The first thing towards that path though, would be to ensure she recovered some strength after her morning regime.
Her eyes sparkled wildly as they remained locked on him. Body shifting that much closer as he patted her ass and a soft laugh escaped from between her lips, setting her own cup down.

"Just be sure to train instead of gawk."

She'd bring the hand that had been on the cup up to pat his cheek, letting the tips of her digits slide down along his jaw only to drop down and take the apple from him. Bringing it up for a bite before looking around the open area he'd claimed her in. A sparkle in her gaze as the memories filled her mind. She may be taunting him but how was she to behave, herself? Every time they touched it felt like her very core screamed for it not to end.
He smirked as she moved closer when he patted her ass. He winked at her as she made her statement “That sounds like a challenge to me... I can easily do both...” His gaze followed her own, as she looked around the room. It didn’t take a genius to guess what she was thinking about. His own memories of the previous night coming back in flashes. What had started as a simple passing fancy, had quickly evolved into something far more interesting. And he was curious to see just where things would go from here. “Just let me know when you’re ready to begin...”
Full lips would curl up into a grin at his words. Attentions setting back onto the man she'd let take her. The only she'd let take her. It was distracting to have those memories flashing through her mind while attempting to think about training. On top of that she had quite the appetite this morning and was a little worried about looking like a fool in front of such proficience.

The apple being brought up a couple more times for a couple more bites before she set it back down on the tray.

"You brought quite the spread out here for us. Expecting to work me hard, Drau?"

That playful tone was back again, letting her body graze against his own while moving passed his muscular form. Hands lifting up to fix the messy hair into a more manageable bun. The movement causing the under shirt she wore to slide up the flatness of her abs and back. The woman walking towards where the wooden sword had been.
He glanced at the tray of food he had brought. He did not think he had brought a whole lot of food. At least not more than he was used to collecting for someone of his size. But then, Rein was not quite of his size. At least not in terms of height and weight. Parts of her were his size, but they were... far more intimate in nature. A thought which brought a smirk to his face as he watched her pass him by. Fighting back the urge to just grab her by the hips and bend her over the table. “When haven’t I worked you hard? That is all I have done so far...” He followed her across the room then, stepping up right behind her to help her choose a sword “Let’s start with choosing a training sword...” He slipped his right hand over hers, before reaching it out toward the hilt of each wooden weapon. His chest pressing against her back as he leaned into her slightly. His left hand meanwhile resting dangerously upon her hip “Feel the hilt. Make sure you can easily grip it in your hand... Too big, and it will slip right out, too small and it just won’t fit properly...”
Eyes sparkled at Drau's words, memories flashed through her mind as if they were happening right then and there.

"True. It is all you've done, though I think I can account for doing the same to you, myself, handsome."a

It was then she'd feel his chest against her back and his body pressed firmly to hers. The humming of the force within them seemed louder than ever when they made contact and it seemed to raise her heartrate once again. Slender digits reaching out and caressing the hilt teasingly from his words before she stood up fully. Still pressed to him as she held the sword. If they continued to tease one another she'd never learn properly... Then again the intoxication of his presence was a hard one to ignore.

"Like this?"

Glancing over her shoulder at him, waiting for him to tell her whether the way she held the practice sword was correct or not.

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