Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Watching the Tournament [Tournament of the Gods spectating]


Location: Dragon Palace Casino
Objective: Watch the Semi-Finals
Equipment: (1) DXR-2, (2) ECD, (2) MT-14, (2) V-1, (Armor) II/H, (Gloves) Crushgaunt, (1) Z50
Theme: Hunger of the Pine

Julian Solo forced himself past a cluster of belligerent drunks. He ambled over to a booth, taking his seat with a plethora of Ravens that had joined him. Everyone all over Antecedent, and even some off-planet had come here to watch the Semi-Finals of the Tournament of the Gods. A television set, the size befitting a god-king, was playing the two final rounds on its screen. Solo thumbed a control pad on the edge of the table, and the faint yellow radiance of a tranquillity screen rose around their booth. The raucous crowd faded to a muffled whispering. People here were placing bets, or sitting back, drinking and enjoying a peaceful afternoon as they watched. He kept his eyes keen on the left-half screen that displayed the fight between Ekul Selah and Ahani Najwa, with his eyes drifting over to Malik Rodarch and Tsavong Kraal on the right-half.

A laughter was heard from the other side of the table, "Yea I know, right?" The melodious voice who had just laughed said cheerfully. The voice belonged to Jennifer Phoenix, much better known as Jen within the ranks of the Red Ravens. She pretty much lived in the casino these days, she did travel every now and then to get some off-world jobs done, but there wasn't a whole lot of them as of lately with Life Day coming up. Not a lot of people needed a mechanic during this season, or well. She had finished a few custom jobs for someones daughters and another persons son who had always wanted a speeder, still. Today was reservered for relaxing, and there was no better way of doing that than 'chilling' within the grand Dragon Palace.

A laughter was heard from the young girl once more. She was currently sitting leant back in the couch like longue chairs by the table with a portable holoprojector in her hand. The blue-ish glow from it hovered above the round device, the light forming what seemed like a rodian with a mohawk. "Yea, yea. I will, cya Cindo." Jennifer said once more to the hologram of the rodian with a wide smile, pressing a button to shut down the conversation along with the device.

As the glow from the holoprojector slowly died Jennifer raised her gaze to those who was seated by the table and after a short while Julian showed up, activating the yellow tranquility screen to muffle out the constant loud chattering of the rest of the guests around them. She smiled, quickly going to put the holoprojector back into a pocket in her trousers before speaking.

"Did you order the drinks? My throat is starting dry up.. Like.." she glanced up towards the humongous screen for inspiration, adding her momentary pause to capatilize on the dramatic effect of it all. Spotting the beaches and sand which seemed to landscape the duel between Ekul Selah and Ahani Najwa, Jennifer spoke up, a wide grin seen on her face "Dry like a desert. Yes."

[member="Julian Solo"]
The semi-finals of the Tournament of the Gods was the event of the year, and Cryax Bane, Red Ravens slicer wasn't about to miss out on a chance to bet on the outcome. Cryax had a great mind for statistics and to the geeky Chiss, watching the fighting itself was much less interesting than pouring over spreadsheets of odds calculations. With a drink in hand, he spied his fellow slicer [member="Jen"] finishing up a Holocall with a Rodian. Once she was done, he flopped down in the seat next to her and [member="Julian Solo"] and gave the girl his drink along with a little salute. "I think you asked for one of these?" Cryax said with a smile.

His red glowing eyes scanned the Holoscreens of the matches as he flicked on his Datapad, executing commands to run some custom betting software that he wrote specifically for this tourney. Then Cryax turned his head to both Jen and Julian and said, "So, who's everyone rooting for tonight?"
She doubted any of these people could beat her in a fight. Ana would like to see them try as it would be interesting. The young woman may also even learn something in the process. Anastasia, if anything, was well aware that she still had much to do. Az could still kick her butt on any given day.

Tonight was not the night for such things as she was all dolled up in a pretty dress with a beer in her hands. Ana had never been one for those fluffy drinks with umbrellas in them. She liked the hard real stuff.

Plopping down on a chair next to the group she took a sip of her drink. "Which fight is more interesting?" Ana wanted to see more before she made up her mind on whom to place her money on. She would watch both but she wondered what the group thought.

[member="Julian Solo"] [member="Jen"] [member="Cryax Bane"]
At Anastasia's arrival, Cryax smiled widely. "Glad you could make it, ch'eo ch'acah," the Chiss said and, with a little sweet-talking in Cheuhn, leaned in to give her a kiss. He wanted to wrap his arms around her and pull her onto his lap, but didn’t want to be that clingy boyfriend who was always smothering her with public displays of affection so he simply took her hand under the table and held it in his.

He typed in a command on his Datapad and projected his spreadsheets, their luminous blue Holos almost taking up the entire view of the fight. “I have every statisitc about each opponent carefully calculated against one another.” he pointed a blue-skinned finger at the Holo, showing her his handiwork. “Everything from height and weight to assumed midichlorian count. According to my statistics, the Dark Man is the one to beat in this Tournament.”

[member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Jen"] [member="Julian Solo"]
She more or less had moved into his apartment here on Antecedant. Ana may as well with all the time she spent had here with him. Ana wasn't on the payroll but it was no surprise that most people thought she was. Her time instead was spent with Cryax or learning to gamble which she had gotten quite good at. When she wasn't here she was on Mandalore or her office on Asison.

"Impressive but also a little scary when you think about it. You have access to all the galaxies dirty little secrets." She smiled winking at him lightly squeezing his hand under the table. If he knew this than he could easily know the rest of her dark past. "Do your stats also tell you what they ate for breakfast?" Ana doubted that they did however it was amusing to think that they could. She had no idea what was out there on the holonet.

[member="Julian Solo"] [member="Jen"] [member="Cryax Bane"]

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