Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Warde's Legacy - Lord Sin


Well-Known Member
Titan had spent the last few months on the trail of a group who had recovered the Holocron of Suljo Warde. He had tracked the trail to Hoth, which was why he was out and about on the planet's surface trying to find the so called Echo base. Ancient home of the Rebel Alliance. He had been out here for two days, his ship had crashed, so he had deployed its emergency beacon. At the moment he was eating wampa meat which, for some weird reason, tasted like Nerf stake. The less reassuring and more realisitic reason for the taste was that Titan was going delerious for lack of sleep. Titan just hoped that a ship would arrive soon to rescue him. He had camped in the wreckage of the ship he had brought, a Redundance Class Corvette, using its flaming wreckage to keep warm. Titan was just happy his chair hadn't been in it.

[member="Lord Sin"]
[member="Titan Kryze"]

Crucifere's boots clicked along the floor of the Academy of Bogan, located on the planet Hoth, as he made his way to the school's landing pad. He had finished his dealings here and felt his presence was no longer needed here for the time being. The Vahla yawned as he stepped into the corridor that safely lead to the pad only to be stopped by a Dark Jedi of the academy.

"My lord, we have forgotten to tell you about a recent crashing ship nearby. We have yet to send any squads out there to check it out."

Anger built up in Romeo has he looked at the man who's eyes were the only visible things behind the cloth mask.

"And why am I just hearing about it now?"

The Dark Jedi moved back some in fear as Romeo's presence as it grew around the area.

"My lord, we only-"

The man's body flew backwards as the Sith's hand rose up, pushing a massive pulse at the Dark Jedi.

"I will figure this out on my own."

[member="Titan Kryze"]


Well-Known Member
Titan stood and picked up his gear. He had brought his podracer along with him for transport, so if he could find the cargo bay he might be able to find his pod. Hopefully it would still work. As such Titan climbed up the wreckage, the fires had been put out by the recent heavy snow. He had strapped the binocs to his face in order to help him see the armory, which was his first stop due to it housing his armor and weapons, currently he only had a spear, primitive by nature, powerful on this planet though.

[member="Lord Sin"]
[member="Titan Kryze"]

Taking a shuttle by himself, Romeo, had taken it upon himself to investigate who it was that dared try to trespass on sacred ground. With his two lightsabers on his hips, the scanner had the crashed ship was only a few clicks away, but of course the academy was safe from prying eyes. As the shuttle escaped the snow storm, it was clear that the ship was too close for comfort and clearly it's crew had survived.

Romeo pulled the shuttle over the crash ship, opening his hatch, to jump out as it was left on autopilot. As he landed softly with the use of the Force, he was within yelling distance of the intruder. "Don't move, you are trespassing. Give me one reason to not cut you down right here."


Well-Known Member
Titan grabbed his helmet, he had finished putting on his armor and had already grabbed the dark holocron. He had won it in an auction and had hardly left it out of his sight since then. Once he climbed out of the armory he heard a yell. Titan leaped off the ship's wreckage and landed not 30 feet from the man. "You live here?" Titan asked the man, who would be insane enough to live on this barren world "And who are you?"

[member="Lord Sin"]
[member="Titan Kryze"]

Putting on his own mask, Romeo took out both sabers, igniting them to life. One black and the other red. Taking in a deep breath, he focused on the here and now. "Those were the wrong answers." Quickly, Romeo darted forward for a cross cut with both weapons, not worried about what the man would try to do. His robes were specially made for combat. "


Well-Known Member
Titan drew his sword and parried both the strikes, his alchemised blade standing up just fine to the lightsabers. He brought it around in a powerful sidecut, even if it was blocked, the sheer force behind would jolt the man attacking him. Titan smirked inside his helmet, this amn would not stand in his way, he would find the Holocron of Suljo Warde if it was one of the last things he did.

[member="Lord Sin"]
[member="Titan Kryze"]

The man blocked the attack, then came back with his own. Romeo saw all this coming, but still even when Romeo blocked the sword with his own energy weapons, the impact shook his very bones. His body slid back to the side some from the block, causing snow to whip up from his feet. There was raw physical power in this trespasser. Titling his head after the attack, it was time for a new change of attack. The Sith Lord took steps then activated his special cell coating on the black lightsaber. Both men were now consumed in absolute darkness. Sight was now completely blocked, only the senses of sound, and taste, feeling could be used.

Opening up to the force more, Romeo whispered in the darkness, using the Force to make an echo.

"Do you fear the darkness?"


Well-Known Member
"The darkness is nothing, the Force is a toll." Titan replied, he made regular use of both sides of the Force, adhearing to the Mandalorian beleif about the Force, that it is merely a tool. Reaching out with the force, and acivating his helmet's heat vision, he found the man and lunged forward with the point of his sword. Titan would need to end this soon, he could fight well in the dark, but he could fight excellently in the light.

[member="Lord Sin"]
[member="Titan Kryze"]

The force entrenched Romeo in battle ready bliss. Already, Sin knew this man was more than ready for what he brought to the fight, but he already saw the lunge of the man with his sword at point. With a very subtle side step, heat arose all around the Vahla body, and it expanded out. Sin knew the weakness of the dark cells attached to his hilt. The intense would mask him, but that was all it would do.

"Then you are a tool."

His own saber's came down over the man's neck, and stopped. Just before cutting his head off.

"You know nothing of the Force, of the darkness that you walk in."

His voice echoed throughout the darkness they were trapped in.


Well-Known Member
Titan stopped, he felt the heat of the blade through his armor. "Well played." Titan said, the man had out mauneveured him. "Very well played." But Titan had one more card up his sleeve, switching back to normal vision, everything went black until Titan dropped a flashbang. Pulling out his Silver Thorn, Titan made use of the light to fire off a single round towards the man. *CRACK* *BOOM* went the blast as it fired off straight towards the man's chest. If this failed, Titan would not be doing so well. "I know something of the force." He said, "I know some people are too reliant on it." If the blast hit it would punch a hole straight through the man's chest and most likely drive him back several feet as well.

[member="Lord Sin"]
[member="Titan Kryze"]

Crucifere cuuld hear a soft beating in the Force, something about this man being here was destined. But that was short lived as his eyes were suddenly blinded, and a hot pain pierced his chest that sent him hurling backwards. Ringing, and hot pain was all Sin knew for a few seconds. Mandalorian, that was all Sin could come up with through the haze of pain, and anger that was now boiling up within, Attempting to stand up, he fell to his knees, a few broken ribs, and maybe internal bleeding, but that robes made of phrik had taken most of the high energy output of the weapon.
"Well played...indeed." Sin coughed,

One hand reached forward as a sinister red energy arced from his finger tips, the culling of the darkside increased around Sin has he focused on stealing this man's life in order to do some minor healing to the wounds received. "I will show you....true power." The power would race towards Titan, if he tried to dodge, it would follow. This was Drain Life, something Sin only resorted to when he most needed it.


Well-Known Member
Titan saw that enen though the blast didn't do what he thought it would, the man's robes were deseptively good, it still hurt the man quite a bit. He didn't recognize what ever that red bolts were, and he spent whatever time he did have trying to remember if he had ever heard about it. The loss of that time cost him, the red bolts touched him, and all Titan knew was pain. He felt as if his life was being drained out of him, ripped out even. The last thing Titan remembered was dropping his gun into the snow before he blacked out.

[member="Lord Sin"]
[member="Titan Kryze"]

As the life essence was stolen from the Mandalorian, if retracted back into the Sith Lord, healing his wounds in a minor manner, but giving him enough energy to stand up at least. He watched the man fall to the ground, probably out of it from the attack and walked over to his body. Upon further thinking, Sin decided this man did not want the location of the Academy, but probably something else that could found on the planet that Sin was unaware of. Grabbing a hold of the man's collar, Sin dragged his body back to the crashed ship, and opted to wait with him till he recovered. Taking his arms, and legs, Sin bound them with wires found from the crash site, and made sure they were nice and tight. So many questions, and not conscious Mando to ask them to.


Well-Known Member
I awoke bound by wires, in front of me, my assailant. He had the upper hand, I was bound and weaponless, but he was not. So I decided to repeat my previous questions, "Who are you? Why the Kark would you live here? And why are you here?" I used my most commanding tone in hopes that it would help.

[member="Crucifere Sin"]
[member="Titan Katan"]

Red eyes fell back on the man from the shadows, though Sin was still visible. The harsh winds of the storms surrounding the academy had expanded and reached the crashed ship now, bashing it in threatening to pop open what was inside. His voice was now commanding, asking who he was, and why he was here.

"Have you not realized that you are not in a position to be questioning me, yet? Must I continue to hurt you before you come to your senses? I would much rather not...but...I guess I can answer you first. Failure to answer my question, though, will result in more pain..."

Sin stood up, and moved over to the armored man then kneel down to the bounded man's level.

"I am Crucifere Sin, Dark Lord of the Sith. the location of the Academy of Bogan, a secret and hidden place for others to learn the darkside in safety. You not only have trespassed on First Order territory, but mine own., though I assume you did not mean to be so close to something so sacred."

With a simple wave of his hand, the wires released the man, letting him free.

"So I see it best to not have you has a prisoner, but as my guest, only if you now answer my questions from before."

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