Cryax Bane
Red-eyed Snake

We have a new enemy in our midst! The Rebel Alliance has made a grave mistake in a grievous attack on Makeb, instigating riots, attacking our interests and infrastructure, and worst of all, viciously murdering our former Vice-President and one of our founders, [member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"]. This rebel filth insists that they are “freedom fighters,” but it is mere hypocrisy. It is OUR freedom that they aim to disrupt. Our freedom to do business the way we see fit in the galactic underground, our freedom to use “creative” ways to make our profit margins rise, and our freedom to dispose of our enemies the way we see fit.This scourge on the galaxy must be punished! Any members of the Rebel Alliance must be killed or captured on site and brought to our leaders. Stop at nothing to crush these so-called “freedom fighters." For Lysle. And for the Ravens.