Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Wanted: A Few Good Surprises (Part 5)

Location 1: Inside the Village
Objective: Hold off the pirates and slavers lone enough for the villagers to escape

Xavka looked up from his work on setting explosives in the current home he was in when two events occurred. One, screams and panicked shouting began to echo off of the surrounding homes. Two, a voice he recognised as Kalous Anson crackled through the commlink in his ear, breaking the radio silence that had lasted for a short while.

Growling out a curse in his native language, Xavka primed his last explosive and quickly evacuated from the building before using his clawed hands and feet to scale the building and emerge onto the roof. Breaking into a run, Xavka leapt from building to building, passing over both empty and crowed streets, heading the direction he felt the most foreign presences. As he did so, he swung the blaster rifle strapped to his shoulder around and primed it for firing, preparing to fight.

Following Lady Kay's announcement of the comms, Xavka broke his radio silence. "Lady Kay, orders received. Kalous, do you have eyes on the enemy? if so, how many strong?"

[member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Kalous Anson"]
Location: Drussel.
Objective: Get Down And Get Some Slaves.
Allies: Hutt Cartel & Co.
Enemies: Kay and Co.

Some pirates achieved immortality by great deeds of cruelty or derring-do. Some achieved immortality by amassing great wealth. But the captain had long ago decided that he would, on the whole, prefer to achieve immortality by not dying. It was on this particular day that he did not listen to his tiny voice in your head, not his conscience but his self-preservation, cowardice. And so he walked at the head of column of men and towards the village.

"Cadan." he addressed with a deep granite voice, it was if rocks were sliding against each-other and their subsequent rubbings made his word's. "[member="Cadan Tazi"], fall into town. Have [member="Thraxis"], and [member="Tiali Orazio"], move in. And I don't care what he says about slavery, threaten him with a shaved head if he disobeys."

"People, your new life awaits you. Form outside your homes, do not try to run we will capture you and punish you." he paused for dramatic effect, a second past, two seconds and finally three. "And you will regret it."

[member="Xavka Duquo"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Kalous Anson"] [member="Flora Burn"] [member="Sakon Xarabia"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Usa'ar Obath"]
Location: Drussel - Approaching Location 1.
Objective: Get Down And Get Some Slaves.
Allies: Hutt Cartel & Co.
Enemies: Kay and Co.
NPC: 25 Pirates.

Cadan wore a confused face upon his scarred face as he recived the message from [member="Flannigan Mcnash"]. If Cadan had eye browns, one would be raised. "Cap'n, [member="Thraxis"] ain't 'ere. You know 'e don't like slavin'." Cadan looked back to his men. He could see the village in front of him. Although before they begun their slaving attack Cadan opened comms to [member="Tiali Orazio"]. "Hunter get down 'ere. We got us some slaves to get." The pirate said before he drew his vibroblade and pointed in the air.

"Let's get us some slaves!" He shouted before charging up to the village.

[member="Xavka Duquo"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Kalous Anson"] [member="Flora Burn"] [member="Sakon Xarabia"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Usa'ar Obath"]
Location: Above the planet
Objective: Get down and help Cadan
Allies: Hutt Cartel & Co.
Enemies: Kay and Co.

Tiali receives the message loud and clear, throwing his data pad to the side, he switches on the com to Cadan "Alright I'll be down soon." probably need me to beat some peasant or something, he thinks to him self.

"R9 move the ship into the atmosphere, I'll make a jump today save finding a place to land." He stands from the chair allowing the droid to take over. He makes his way through the ship towards the airlock, where he can make his exit at the right time.

Tiali's ship the D5-Mantis Patrol Craft Makes it's way into the planets atmosphere as Tiali walks through the ship.

[member="Cadan Tazi"]
He brought his ship down a d landed it on the outskirts of the village. He stood up looking around the ship before putting his gear on and walking outside of his ship, stepping down onto the planets surfice "woa.." He said looking around the suffice "this is new..." He said and soon after he began walking towards the village
Location: Drussel - Approaching Location 1 from the opposite direction as [member="Cadan Tazi"].
Objective: Something about slaves, or was it slavers. I swear there was some burning in there too.
Allies: [member="Xavka Duquo"] [member="Lady Kay"]
Enemies: [member="Sakon Xarabia"] [member="Tiali Orazio"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"]
NPC: 1 squad of Shadow Legionnaires

Solan listened to Flannigan' voice over the comm as it moved over the open channel. "Hes pulling my line of shit. Touche... Hmm " He reached down to his side as his men moved towards the village slowly, his sniper and anti-tank riffleman was prepared for anything a good deal away from the village in order to make sure that they were not caught by surprise if at all possible. So with that, and their own force about a good three hundred meters from the village as his men rushed on ahead he took a comm in hand and cleared his throat before speaking over an open comm system.

"You know, i don't really like copy cats that much... The threatening your enemy over a comm is my thing there Mcnash. That is who i am talking too, is it not?" He smiled wide and stood there while he was alone, moving slowly towards the village while his other men rushed into position and the sniper kept sight of him. Sure he could be silent, work for the moment of absolute surprise, but considering how short of a burst it was, pinpointing the location would be quite troublesome as Solan would not take more than a few seconds. But in the case they had some experimental tech Solan did not know about, he still expected them to now be on high alert up there in the sky. The thing that happens after hearing Solan's voice is usually the arrival of a fleet, which is why Solan with nothing more than one squad is going to be quite surprising. Especially when they reach the village that Solan was about two hundred meters from at this point, his men just now reaching the outskirts and telling those to stay in their home and take cover somewhere.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Kalous Anson"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Usa'ar Obath"] [member="Tiali Orazio"] [member="Xavka Duquo"] [member="Flora Burn"] [member="Sakon Xarabia"] [member="Nate Drake"]

Location 2: In the Village

A blaster bolt shot out towards [member="Cadan Tazi"] as he ran, striking one of the pirates beside him as they charged the village and taking him down. But it wasn't one of the mercs that fired upon him. It was one of the village men that decided to stay and help. As everyone else had escaped to the caves and the mercs took their positions, the message from Flannigan Mcnash caused the man to take action. He wasn't about to start the new life that the pirate had offered. He'd rather die fighting and take out as many as he could while doing so.

Another blaster bolt from his rifle illuminated the area, giving away his location. But he didn't care. The bolt had hit it's mark and claimed another pirate slaver victim behind the first one. And since he lost the protection of his position, the villager left his hiding spot and charged at Cadan and the other pirates, blaster rifle firing blindly and a war cry emanating from his throat as he ran, fully expecting to be shot down. But he just didn't care.


Location 1: In orbit over Drussel

Kay leaned over the screens as she heard Solan and Flannigan. It was going to get more intense down there. She could feel it.

A look out of the viewport confirmed that Tiali's ship was heading down to the village. However Flannigan's vessel still remained in orbit. "Keep where we are...don't move." She glanced quickly over her shoulder to see her newly hired bodyguard, Nate, approach from behind. "So far so good.."
Location: Drussel - Location 1.
Objective: Get Down And Get Some Slaves.
Allies: Hutt Cartel & Co.
Enemies: Kay and Co.
NPC: 22 Pirates.

Cadan watched as two of his men were shot down by some pesky soon to be dead man. Another one of the crazed man's shots took down another troop, leaving Cadan with only twenty two. This sent anger flying through Cadan's eyes. Quickly he charged forward, raising his vibrosword and brought it down and across the man's neck. The blade would slice clean through, removing head from body.

Cadan was still yet to click that this was a trap, although he wasn't going to risk anymore men to the fire, he a quick command the men began to move lower to the ground and spread out to avoid any sort of explosive damage.

"Might need some more men down 'ere boss. These bastards 'ave blasters." Cadan sent the message over a secure comm to [member="Flannigan Mcnash"].

[member="Nate Drake"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Sakon Xarabia"] [member="Tiali Orazio"] [member="Xavka Duquo"] [member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Cadan Tazi"][member="Lady Kay"][member="Solan Charr"]

Sakon looked around theplanet before sensing the presance of slavers on the surfice "{what the....slavers are here? of all places?" he said more to himself in a state of shock before anger quickly took over "alright then..." he said as he looked over and walked off through the woodland heading for the village
Location 1: Village inside of Drussel
Allies: [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Usa'ar Obath"] [member="Xavka Duquo"] [member="Lady Kay"]
Enemies: [member="Tiali Orazio"] [member="Flora Burn"] [member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"]

Xavka Duquo said:
"Lady Kay, orders received. Kalous, do you have eyes on the enemy? if so, how many strong?"
Kalous remained in the building that he had bolted into to hide from the incoming enemy forces. He was as curious as anyone about what the enemy brought to this fight but he wasn't stupid enough to poke his head out of the door for too long in order to get Xavka a simple answer. The whole point of an ambush was that it was supposed to be a surprise that the enemy hadn't seen coming but it was also in that instant that the entire plan had been, seemingly, foiled by a villager with a blaster and no sense between his ears. This would be no surprise to Kalous, however, as lately every single plan he had formulated had been turned on its head lately. It would seem that this mercenary, or bounty hunter, was doomed to poor luck and a requirement of immense skill in order to stay breathing for another day.

"Ummm, I think," Kalous began to answer Xavka before the blaster bolt rang out--echoing through the village proper--that had decided a new course of action for the mercenaries. "I think none of that matters anymore! I hope you didn't plan on livin' forever!"

Securing his blaster rifle in his hands; Kalous began to formulate a strategy on how to leave this building without getting killed by the numerous slavers that would be walking down the street, right in front of him, in mere moments. If they were true to form Kalous knew that they would be searching door to door in order to grab anyone that they could find in order to enslave the poor souls. That thought was not something that Kalous could afford to wait for. There was always the possibility that he could kill the first few slavers that tried to break into the home but he knew that he could not outlast the company of raiders that would surround, and most likely bombard, him until he was no more.

With the thought of his imminent demise rising to the forefront of his mind; Kalous darted around the home--not caring about silence as the raiders were almost upon him already--in order to find some kind of escape route he could use in order to regroup with the rest of the mercenary forces. There was always the possibility that the raiders would be stupid enough to continue with their own plan and reach the ambush point near the center of the town but Kalous knew that nobody that lived long in that line of business was that stupid. And so, Kalous smiled when he found his exit point.

"Be ready for them, and if you follow any sort of religion, pray for me on this one, buddy," Kalous exclaimed as he dropped one of this thermal detonators near the front door.

Dropping the detonator was the first part of Kalous' plan; this plan would happen as soon as Kalous would hear the rustling of a raider trying to open the door. The explosion would be Kalous' main distraction before he would burst through the ceiling and on to the roof. It would seem like such a herculean feat to any casual observer but Kalous didn't quite have the strength in order to break through the solid material that was layered on the roof. Instead, however, Kalous would come out through a lighter material that covered a particular part of the roof due to its link with the house's ventilation system.

Shock and awe was a large part of Kalous' tactic--the explosion to draw attention and his "bursting" through the roof to illicit an intimidation factor--before he simply ran toward the ambush point in hopes that the raiders would be angry enough to follow him blindly. Kalous wouldn't waste his time shooting at the raiders as he ran from rooftop to rooftop, instead, Kalous simply focused on zigging and zagging his way away from the blaster bolts that were sure to come his way. He was still in his simple disguise so the raiders could still assume he was nothing more than an abnormally enthusiastic villager at this point but this villager had a nifty plan up his sleeve but at this point he didn't even know it yet.

"Comin' in hot," Kalous remarked as he continued to run to the ambush zone--in hopes that he was being followed by enough raiders to make his daring count for something more than an idiotic ploy.
Tiali was wearing his custom made Urban camo suit Mk-I his visor covering his face vibroblades on the top side of his forearms and awrist mounted sonic pistol on his right under forearm. The tikulini leather covering most of his body with durasteel helmet, shoulder pads and chest guard. His belt had an assortment of grenades and a JT-12 jetpack attached to his back. to the lower parts he wore magno-grip boots, with two LL-30 pistols either side of his thighs.

Opening the door Tiali slides his helmet onto his head, leaning forward he allows gravity to take him, to be swept away by the air, falling towards the surface.

The ground appears into Tiali's view through the clouds getting larger and larger, closer and closer. Tiali readies himself and his jet pack for a quick Landing. Igniting his jet pack with a sudden burst, he slows himself down enough to land softly on the ground planting his feet with a solid "thump."

His information visor system begins to mark out and signal the direction for the area Cadan is in.

[member="Cadan Tazi"]
Location: Drussel.
Objective: Get Down And Get Some Slaves.
Allies: Hutt Cartel & Co.
Enemies: Kay and Co.

"You know, i don't really like copy cats that much... The threatening your enemy over a comm is my thing there Mcnash. That is who i am talking too, is it not?"
He understood there were very special types of people in the galaxy, the respected, the powerful, the insane, and he knew it from the moment he heard that voice he was dealing with the loud, you couldn't threaten you couldn't negotiate with the loud. 'Click' he applied pressure to the com link silencing [member="Solan Charr"]. "Block this specific com link, and all similar to it. But do leave our link's open if speech is possible, I'd like to speak with someone who doesn't give me a headache, I shouldn't be able to get a headache." he tapped his metal head consiprationally before shouting to his companions. "In the buildings now!"

'Thud' 'crunch' and 'pop' these were the sounds of springs and gears and tightly wound mechanics, forward the metal mass ran his shoulder pushed forward knocking the door in with a 'crunch'. Splinters they ran down his form in thick rivulets only to be shaken off by a movement of his torso. "[member="Cadan Tazi"], get your men inside the buildings begin to call for reinforcements. I want more men down here imminently."

"[member="Tiali Orazio"]." he addressed striking up his com link with an audible gurgle of static, and than a sharp florescent green sphere began to form. "Have your ship on auto-pilot, your droid have it find the opposition and commence a bombing run or whatever it's armed with. I'll get you a better ship and droid after this." he did the sums in his head, there was a sharp incline of his head and shoulder's as he visibly grimaced at the credits this would cost him, he was rich sure but this stung.

[member="Xavka Duquo"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Kalous Anson"] [member="Flora Burn"] [member="Sakon Xarabia"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Usa'ar Obath"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Kalous Anson"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Usa'ar Obath"] [member="Tiali Orazio"] [member="Xavka Duquo"] [member="Flora Burn"] [member="Sakon Xarabia"] [member="Nate Drake"]

Location 2: In the village

To the surprise of the pirates going into the houses. They were all empty. No matter which door they opened or stairwell that they climbed or descended,the houses were empty. By now the feeling of something not quite right should start to surface.


A couple of Kalous' detonators exploded right on cue, leaving debris and bodyparts to land on other unsuspecting pirates. The trap's spring has been sprung and already the casualties was starting to mount.


Location 1: In orbit

Kay held her breath as their communication signal became jammed. All she heard was static. She tried other frequencies that the others of her team used, but got nothing. She quickly stood up and looked out of the viewport, watching the ships in the area. "Be on alert. They could be onto us...We have to be ready to rescue them if we need to. I don't want to leave any of them behind."
[member="Cadan Tazi"][member="Lady Kay"][member="Flannigan Mcnash"][member="Tiali Orazio"][member="Kalous Anson"][member="Nate Drake"]

Hearing explosions skaon raced down the path only coming out to see some slavers running into the building. "right...." he said as he walked towards the buildings as well, getting ready to attack if he needed to.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Kalous Anson"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Usa'ar Obath"] [member="Tiali Orazio"] [member="Xavka Duquo"] [member="Flora Burn"] [member="Sakon Xarabia"] [member="Nate Drake"] [member="Cadan Tazi"]

Location 2: In the village

Fires broke out in some of the buildings caused by the explosions. Black smoke billowed up into the air. What was to be a simple slave raid ended up turning into a war zone. And this time the Jackals were on the defensive. Another villager that had remained behind and took up arms began firing at Cadan's men, drawing some of the attention away from Kalous and Xavka so that they'd be able to attack from behind. One by one, the numbers of pirates in the village started to dwindle.


Location 1: In orbit

The screens on her ship brought up details of the firefight below. They were winning. For once she appeared to be on the winning side.

Time to pick them up. It wasn't as though she had wanted to kill all of the Jackals. Kay just wanted to send them a message. As far as she could tell, that message was received loud and clear.

Right away she informed her pilot to dislodge from the space port and head towards the village. Weapons were armed and as they began their decent towards the village, Kay kept her eyes on the screens and opened up whatever channel was available. No doubt the pirates still needed to communicate with eachother, so she hoped that they would hear her too.

"Hello Jackals. It seems that not every village is willing to bow down and surrender to you. If you don't want to suffer anymore losses, I suggest that you pack up and crawl back to that desert you call home."
Location: Drussel - Location 1.
Objective: Get Down And Get Some Slaves.
Allies: Hutt Cartel & Co.
Enemies: Kay and Co.
NPC: 14 Pirates.

More and more bolts and shots flew down into Cadan and his men, in just one barrage he had lost 5 men. Cadan's armor also wore a few extra scorch marks. Surprisingly, his Captain [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] was charging forth. This inspired Cadan's men, and Cadan.

Quickly Cadan and his men clear a two storey house, although in the process he had lost a further 3 men. Now they sat. "This is Cadan Tazi! Get us more men down 'ere now!" Cadan screamed through his comms, to the ships orbiting the planet.

[member="Lady Kay"] [member="Sakon Xarabia"] [member="Tiali Orazio"]
Location: Inside the Village
Objective: Beat back the invading pirates and slavers
Allies: [member="Kalous Anson"] [member="Lady Kay"]
Enemies: [member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Tiali Orazio"]

Smirking, Xavka slipped from one shadow to the next, moving through the gaps between building with near unnatural grace for his large build. He was skirting around the edges of combat, keeping out of view as he avoided fighting, so as to be able to get behind the steadily advancing group of pirates and slavers, hopefully this would enable him to catch them by surprise with any attack he made.

Coming to a stop, and offering a quick prayer to his old teachers on Iridonia for teaching him how to feel the presences of others through the Force, Xavka leapt upwards, grasping onto the ledge of a boarded up window and, using that as his starting point, began to scale the side of the building, his rifle hung from his shoulder, nocking against his side as it swayed with him motions. Making sure to keep out of view of the windows that would allow those within a view of him as he climbed, Xavka soon reached the roof and pulled himself up with a quiet grunt.

Removing his sword from where is rested at his hip, Xavka channelled the Force through it, causing it to become enveloped in faint blue shroud which solidified over the blade, proving protect. Mentally manipulating the particles of the sword, Xavka caused them to vibrate at high speeds as he slowly drove the blade through the concrete roof he stood on. Finishing the cut and catching the falling slab before it could hit the floor below, Xavka dropped into the hole and sheathed his sword, replacing it with his rifle which he charged as he moved on silent footsteps through the house.

Coming to the top of a set of stairs, Xavka couched and aimed his rifle up with the head of one of the pirates bellow. With a slight squeeze of the trigger, a bolt of heated plasma tore through the air to impact with the slaver, dropping his motionless body to the ground as the life left him. Acting quickly, Xavka aimed his rifle again and fired, wanting to take down as many targets as he could before they responded to the attack.

Note Cadan:
I've left it open to interpretation of if this is the building you're in. I'll leave it up to you on whether it is or not.
Location: Orbiting Drussel
Objective: Reinforcements
Allies: Hutt Cartel & Co.
Enemies: Everyone Else.
NPC's: Droid Crew & Personal (Droid) army [300]

[The Exarch's]
Two ships came out of hyperspace in the orbit around Drussel they went to low power mode, their cloaking devices activating.. In each one of the ships a large glowing core of data covered above a command console, these were just holograms made to represent the programming that was responsible for maintaining the ship. The droids in the ship moved about rapidly, the fighters were already scrambling, three in each. Two hyena-class bobmers followed by four vultures, they begin moving towards the surface of the planet, meanwhile a larger ship came out of hyperspace from behind the two Exarch's, from the Yacht, Eight pods in total launched from the ship, three designated to each location, two of those locations being close to a certain building. A comm-way opened up between [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] and [member="Cadan Tazi"]
Hyperspace was always annoying.. A series of coordinates plotted in an exact location, he had already been on his way from a different planet, his army in tow. He spoke with his program-advisers, his large glowing orb streaming data placed on the captain's command point, another hologram, but this time it was needed. Humanoids and Droids ran about beginning to get the siege ready. the cold metallic voice spoke between the three ships, echoing throughout the hulls.
"Guardian, as soon as we leave hyperspace make contact with Flannigan, Overseer, begin the assault as soon as we arrive. I will be taking my personal vessel down to the planet." at that, the ship was beginning to come out of hyperspace, the planet laid before the glowing mass of data. The com waves opened "Flannigan, this is ADAM, I have arrived.. Sending troops now." ADAM had already begun launching the [TITAN] program in hyperspace and within his private quarters a large being sprung into life, covered in a cloak the large hydralics made a buzzing sound with each movement, the creature grabbed two weapons wrapped in similar cloths, one went over it's shoulder while the other attached to the bottom of one of it's arms, two burning yellow sensors stared through a hazy veil of darkness.

Hyperspace, the penultimate moment before the fires would begin, OVERSEER was already attempting to make contact through the regular coms with the other members of the hutt cartel, it proved successful.
The program had already began readying the drop pods before they had even left hyperspace and the moment they were out, it followed it's orders, going down the command line and strategy, it would begin sending the pods.
"Orders complete, ADAM. Remaining in automatic mode."

A command line ran infront of guardian,

​The encryption of the holocron line had been secured, it began sending down probes from it's Exarch down towards the planet, attempting to establish communication with the armed forces below, it would attempt to hack into any surveillance available to gain a tactical advantage, playing as an eye from the sky. The probes would make contact roughly the same time as the droids, so while the droids made a war path the probes could inspect the terrain and gather more information.

He had uploaded himself into the [TITAN] and now walked confidently down the hallway, the large droid pushing aside the smaller ones as they attempted to move past him, on his shoulder the giant held a Jet-Hammer and attached to it's left arm was a Rotary cannon, installed in it's wrist, a flame projector. The cold metalic voice spoke to a specific humanoid crew member, one of the Hutt cartel's finest.​
"We're moving to the ship bay, stay close to me.." [member="Ashalah Ky"]
The two would make their way to the ship bay and board a designated drop ship that had been filled with B2 super battle droids, flanked by the two Vulture droids the drop ship would begin moving, entering the atmosphere quickly and proceeding to the LZ, the dropship made it's way towards Cedan, the vultures began giving cover fire, blasting at the forces with rather poor aim.​
"Roger roger!" The B1 battle droids began rolling out of the pods they had been launched onto the planet from, forming squads and marching on the enemy, a spray of blaster fire filling the air. Four came out of each pod blasting away.

[member="Xavka Duquo"] [member="Kalous Anson"] [member="Lady Kay"]​
Edited for more fun for everyone! Overdid it there with the numbers, thought there were more forces than that! Sorry guys! -Typist
Ash couldn't help but role her eyes as she waited on the droid ship. The Jackals had gotten into trouble, again. They were currently in need of reinforcements, again. And for some reason they had called on a droid army. She was grateful for the help, sure, but it was hard not to feel weird when you were the only organic lifeforms on the ship. Droids moved everywhere, at all angles. If Ashalah closed her eyes and focused her senses on what her montrails picked up, it would be comparable to a night club party. With things moving so frequently this way and that, Ash had to open her frosty blue eyes in an effort to not overload herself.

Then [member="A.D.A.M."] passed her, calling her to his side. Pushing off from the wall she had been leaning against, she followed him with a 'yes, sir'. Droids, all around them. She didn't need to see to know they were being watched from each corner of the ship. It sent shivers down her spine, being stared at with cold, unemotionless eyes.

[member="Cadan Tazi"]
[member="Flannigan Mcnash"]
[member="Tiali Orazio"]

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