Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Wanted: A Few Good Surprises (Part 5)

Kay's insult made Cadan twitch, the pirates hand flew down to his pistol all though he didn't draw it. Cadan was only after Twi'lek and the occasional other species. Not large robotic men.

"I could blow that karks 'ead off before he could even do... something" Cadan said angrily under his breath, his hand still resting on his pistol.

[member="Kalous Anson"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"]
"Would you prefer the alternative," he addressed [member="Kalous Anson"], his empty left hand pivoted and began to fidget with his coat "would you prefer I go back on my word, simply reset all accounts by attacking with my force's, begin orbital bombardments. And if you escape and I stress if, we'd put a bounty on your head that not even your friends would consider turning down."

"I doubt you'd want that unless you're as stupid as you look. Now we'll begin on five." from his fidgeting he produced a sonic blaster that came out in one long mechanical movement he pointed it towards Kalous, and fired once than twice, thrice, fourth and finally five times. He smiled inwardly he didn't say on what five it would be.

He began to pick up speed the ground turning to debri under his feet, he'd follow any dodge or expected pivot from the Nautolan in an attempt to cut him off, "I'll bleed you dry!" he shouted.

[member="Kalous Anson"], [member="Lady Kay"].​


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Sonic blasters. Kay had bit hit with those fired by both Thraxis and Tiali. As [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] fired, she quickly moved out of the way. That was unexpected and for a brief moment, she had wondered what other tricks he had up his sleeve. Hopefully [member="Kalous Anson"] was ready for it. He seemed to be a good enough fighter or so he had claimed. Now was the time for him to show it.

Kay looked to [member="Cadan Tazi"] and saw his hand resting on his pistol. She shook her head as if to warn him that he shouldn't interfere. That of course would be cheating and two could play at that game. Of course she was also thinking of the various scenarios as to how this would end and what would happen to her afterwards. Win or lose....would they let her leave unharmed? No doubt she'd find out soon enough.
When [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] began to fidget with his coat, which was barely noticeable if it weren't for the slight ruffling and flapping of said coat, Kalous' mind began to piece two and two together. This wasn't the first hairy situation he had been a part of over his stint as a mercenary and bounty hunter but this would be a tricky enough proposition to react at such a close distance. There wasn't much time for Kalous to lose in his decision making and so he decided to leave most of it up to his muscle memory.

Kalous was skilled in hand-to-hand combat and those skills allowed him a better reaction time than most in close-quarter situations. This expertise applied pressure on the ball of his right foot--which he had moved behind the frame of his body earlier for better balance--knowing that Flannigan's movement would come vertically from his left hip. Kalous knew this because that was the only way Flannigan could draw anything from his left hip with his left hand and aim it directly at him. This knowledge, and his experience, was enough for his body to push off of his right foot toward Flannigan.

This movement would make it extremely hard for Flannigan to hit him due to Kalous' movement being more toward Flannigan's right side--which had a vibrosword in between the two men--but it also allowed Kalous to make his own attack as the first shot from the sonic blaster would zoom past his behind. This maneuver wasn't Kalous' only motion as he moved to clear the five foot distance between him and his opponent.

As Kalous had pushed off of his right foot to lunge toward Flannigan; Kalous' left hand--which had been resting on the top of the barrel of his ARC-9965 blaster rifle--pushed forward to swing the barrel of the rifle toward Flannigan. After Kalous' first step; they would be about three feet apart with Kalous' blaster rifle now about a foot away from Flannigan's torso. The only caveat to Kalous' plan was that he knew that if he went in for a shot at this point it would leave him exposed to Flannigan's vibrosword to come crashing down. This observation allowed Kalous to keep the barrel of his rifle pointed toward Flannigan's right shoulder instead of his torso. This aim would allow him to use his rifle as a shield against a strike from Flannigan's sword while he let loose a full-auto burst of three shots toward Flannigan's right shoulder. Knowing that stopping there would mean taking a sonic blaster shot in the back; Kalous would continue to move to Flannigan's right side in order to place Flannigan between his own blaster and Kalous himself.

Blaster shots rang out as each individual blaster bolt's heat was felt at his back. Kalous' first step, the step of a professional athlete attempting to make it past a defender, was something that was nearly impossible to keep up with all the time but there were obviously times when someone equally as quick on their feet could come to meet that first step. If a meeting of the two should happen, however, there would be nothing to stop either of their blaster bolts from hitting true and killing the both of them. Kalous' rifle versus Flannigan's pistol. This time it would be clear who really shot first!

[member="Lady Kay"] [member="Cadan Tazi"]

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