Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Walking Down [PM for invite]

The Imperial Palace once home to the Fel Dynasty had now been claimed by the Host Lord, Anja Aj'Rou. Under the guidance of this Umbaran Witch, The Primeval have found themselves in a new place of power amongst the galaxy. The eastern fringes knew and feared their name and even the One Sith grew to respect the growing meritocracy. Bastion was considered to be the most defensible fortress world in the galaxy, the gem of the east; its namesake is a reputation upheld by the many attempts to fell the world.

Now on this occasion the Host Lord is not here to revel in the luxuries of a fallen empire, no, she was here to train her latest apprentice: [member="Kyra Moonwood"]

Anja sat in the throne of the palace, her eyes wandered to the various emblems that were maintained as a reminder of her people's authority of the Imperials. The hall itself was mostly empty; no guards to speak of and the nobles who once made it a court were in chains elsewhere. The quiet nature then was peaceful -- mostly -- the scurrying of slaves could be heard as their slippers muffled down the corridors.

"Your Worship, the one you requested?", a middle-aged man entered the hall, pointing to an open doorway.

"Yes, have her enter.", she nodded.
The events leading up to the moment were surprising at most. Most people took to avenging their own kind especially finding one of their high priests dead. Even though it wasn't such an incredible feat to Kyra, she was just a tad bit hungry and reached out as she always did, stopped him and fed.

"Yes, have her enter." She could feel the power behind the voice. So incredibly soupy, the woman in the room would've made a delightful meal if her power wasn't so beyond Kyra. On one of her hungry days she might've foolishly launched herself at [member="Anja Aj'Rou"].
Stepping into the room, she didn't really show any fear and after the indifferent slaughters why would their leader just take the time to finish a transfer-in bartender's life. The excitement was exhilarating, after a long time things were finally happing to her. Maybe this was a good time to quit her life serving drinks.
She walked in silent, most of these leader-types tend to have the most surprising low tolerance for just about anything that offends them.
"Welcome.", she said softly.

Anja's milky eyes followed the girl's every step; silent though they may be. No guards stood watch in the empty great hall where the Host Lord sat on a throne chair once reserved to the Emperor of the Fel Imperium. A girl of mystery was brought to her, those who escorted her left and soon it was just the two of them. A witch who leads an enigmatic crusade that purges world and a prisoner of her conquests. Two fingers bounced gently on the stonework of the throne, click-clack they made a subtle noise. The pause from her words was brief in time and followed by more.

The woman exhaled, "Tell me your name.", a light smile formed from her lips -- almost unnoticed.

[member="Kyra Moonwood"]
"Welcome." That relieved the atmosphere quite a bit, the escorts even left their leader. "Tell me your name."
"Kyra Moonwood. At your service." She answered whilst taking a low bow with her arms extended so her sides. A slight smile painted her face. Hopefully that high priest wasn't a relative of some kind to their leader, some people take their personal executions pretty seriously. "Might I ask why I have been called here instead of routinely dispatched?" The next answer that came from the woman on the chair mattered: if it was angry Kyra had to look for the nearest escape route. Though there were large windows she doubted she'd reach them before being shot or killed.

[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
"You've been found wanted.", she whispered... It was a whisper loud enough to be heard over the chilled atmosphere.

Two eyes continued to stride their movements, sizing her up. "I wanted to get to know you, just the two of us...", the witch continued. Of course it probably didn't seem like the Host Lord had any intention of making friends with one who killed her priest. Or anyone for that matter. Getting to know each other could mean little more than the juicy insides of the prisoner's dead body. Then again, it why not kill her now if that were the case? No, it seemed there was a more ulterior motive for keeping her alive.

[member="Kyra Moonwood"]
"I wanted to get to know you, just the two of us..." The whisper resounded across the entire room, seemingly louder than it really was.
She paused, "Know me how..." there was a hint of suspicion in Kyra's voice, maybe this conquerer from the stars had lost their royal drink bearer or maybe Kyra can finally get a job with decent pay and a trip off boring life. Yep! Positive thinking, like that never gets you killed. She was getting away and thats all there is to think about because it's not like that's a small option amongst all the others or anything...
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"] note: a craps i just used my writers acc ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
"What do you say?", she asked.

Of course a true request wasn't yet made, the Host Lord hadn't explained what she wanted her for.

Secrets weren't kept as a game, not for Anja, no. This lack of information was for other reasons and one could guess but it wasn't going to make the situation any different. The two were here and face to face. Besides the point, it wasn't like [member="Kyra Moonwood"] was going to suddenly find herself released if she said no, right? Well, that's an interesting thought...
"What do you say?" That was said almost as if she had proposed some specific activity. "Oh, I'd be happily to engage in any activity which does not require the dismembering of my limbs or any harm to my bodily functions." Her customer service voice, a skill which she had picked up over the years of serving many an obnoxious client. It was often an impenetrable wall with a tone of helpfulness and a backbone of loyalty to jargon filled policy to drive off even the most stubborn people. Giving off an air of passive aggressiveness which simultaneously provides absolutely no evidence of such hostility towards said client. In this situation however it was being used as a "oh yeah sure, as long as you tell me what the HELL you mean by that" type of tone.
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]

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