Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Waking to a New Era (Solo)

.... Data Online......
Occupant Statue.................... Operational
Hyperlink Data Stream.................. Damaged
On Site Retreval Mode.............. Operational
Energy Diverted To Beacon......................
Global Positioning Satellite Found.............
Establishing Link........................ Found
Location: Kuat, Warehouse District, Ring Ruins_

Occupant of Sleeper Bed 952114 is Now in Full Revival Mode_

-- The fatigue of waking after a long Crabonite Sleep was a difficult thing to move from. However, it was the image of a Rodian looking down at me that sprung me to actions. He was not able to let his tools drop before I reached for the individuals throat and lifted him off the ground. The motors of the suite sounded as if awakening themselves. My helmets glowing eyes must have scared the reptilian being as it moved in an attempt to remove my power glove.

-- "Who are you!" The words escaped my mouth as I was fearful of who had found me after the battle.

-- The being wiggled in my hand and I stood my course. A female voice escaped the mouth of the Rodian, "I am Tolat, just a scavenger"

-- A scavenger then, it seemed that the Army of Light was not able to reach them and considered them dead. I had to get back to the Order.... The Order!!!! My eyes locked back on the women. "Tolat, where are my friends?"

-- She had one of her hands lifted off my hand and pointed to some of the other kneeling statures around them. "You were the first I woke up."

-- I dropped the Rodian and ran over to them. She fell to ground with a thud and gasped for air, but I did not care. It seemed the other four where here, even the Grandmaster. I turned to the women again, "Wake them now." I was impatient to see if they were okay.

-- The women in a mixture of fear and caution picked up her tools and started here work, I did not mean to hurt the women, but time was of the essences.
-- While the women worked I walked around the room we were in, it looked a lot better then I had remembered it. Actually it was much better, the walls were not destroyed too much and the ceiling was not caved in. It was weird to think, but I could only assume we were moved from our original place of..... Then it hit me, the Computer informed me that I was on Kuat.

-- Outloud without thinking on it I yelled, "I am on KUAT!!!!"

-- The women Rodian behind me scoffed a little and cut herself off with control. "Well to be more accurate your in the Treasure Hold of the Kuati Family, Ring Section 133 Subsection..... Something, the other Scavanger took those things of value, but left you all thinking you were a statue."

-- I turned to face her, it made sense. The armor had a build in Carbonite System that would save them but mold out to look like stone in case they were captured by the Sith Brotherhood. However, I did not know why we were moved to Kuat, what would they have to do with statues of a Knightly Order. Wait, the ring was on planet? "Tolat, what year is it?"

-- She stopped on her work and looked at me thinking, "Makes sense, you must have been tombed up for a few years," He took out her datapad and threw it to me, "The year is 857 ABY."

-- I looked at the Datapad, she was not wrong, "What is ABY?"

-- She stopped and looked back at the man and had a blank stare, "After the Battle of Yavin 4, your telling me your before the Civil War."
-- It took some time and interrupted most of her work, but the women spent a long time explaining in broad strokes what has been going on. To my astonishment I was a little under 2,000 years old. The Republic must have one the war of my era as they had not one but two Civil Wars break out. Most history for these people are little more then legends after that time. This Plague that destroyed the galaxy also took most of their history. However, the battle between the Jedi and the Sith had not been decided yet, and many nations continued the age old tradition of gaining supremacy. She finally showed me how to use her Datapad and just left me to my own devices while she continued to work on Brother Cruxis.

-- While looking at the datapad I spoke up, "Be careful with Brother Cruxis, he is what some people would consider a Dark Jedi."

-- She stood up and stopped her work the minute I said that and looked at me, "Say what?"

-- I grunted, "Dont tell me you people do not know what a Dark Jedi is, he was brought from the dark side of the for-"

-- I was interrupted as she felt comfortable around me because she threw a wrench at me, "I know what a Dark Jedi is, one of their kind destroyed Coruscant." She stood tall with her hands on her hips staring daggers at me and it just reminded me of the Librarian from the Jedi Temple. "How could you trust someone like that?"

-- It was understandable, the war in this new age was never ending. However, it was Brother Cruxis he was defending, one of their best Inquisition Sorcerers he had known. "Maybe it was used less liberally back in my time, Brother Cruxis has hundred of Sith kills under his belt, he even protected a refugee center by himself from the Brotherhood so as long as you dont have a Sith marking on you, that should be fine."

-- Over the limited time we had talked, we had build a little bit of trust. With that trust, she just nodded and continued to work. As for me, I continued to read through the mountain of information.
-- It was some time before we spoke again, finally however, I broke the air. "Tolat, I am sorry for attacking you after I had woke up."

-- Still working on the Grandmasters Systems, she shook her head, "Its fine...." There was a pause, "Actually, you never gave your name, after that, lets call it even."

-- I totally forgot to do that, in my own head and the weird situation I was in I must have forgotten. "Apologies, I am Deputy Grandmaster Gregor Yoor of the Poor Protectors of the Light and the Temples of the Force." I finally took off my helmet and bowed my head as well as giving our orders salute. She looked at me and stopped working. There was a long pause as she just looked at my no longer metal face. "Is something wrong Tolat."

-- That snapped her out of it, "Sorry, just figured you would be older, you know for your age." She shook her head quickly and went back to work, "You dont look a day over thirty if it makes you feel better." We both laughed a little about that. Then the quite entered the room again, that was until she spoke again, "Dont worry about the little scare before, the galaxy has become a lot more rougher since your day, I have been beaten harder by my father and even harder by the police."

-- It was hard to believe that, the War I left behind was a tough place to grow up. It was a little sad however, that he went to sleep during one war and was awoken by another. However, no matter the age one is in, its still the people who suffered. He looked at Tolat as she worked and only though of the troubles she had before now. Living was always the hardest thing to achieve in any age.

-- "Maybe Tolat, maybe."

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