Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Wait...You Do What Now?!

Ever since that moment her sister became overpowered by unknown spirits, which she had freely invited to possess her, Pom had not returned to the Mandragora, fearing all between them lost. At that point when her emotions began to rage, some power had stolen the Nightsister's presence away from among her own people, and she found herself deposited upon Coruscant. Since the moment she first heard the name of the suspected power, Pom has come to believe her arrival was the orchestration of Cyr's one and only Ashla. Residing amidst the historical Light of the core worlds, certainly none could discover her shadow were they to attempt such, neither could Pom reach out to seek an update of her old coven, or travel back from whence she came in the same manner she had arrived. The profuse Light hindered her ability to a degree.

At the most, her situation intrigued her. The inhabitants were not unwelcoming in the least, just the opposite. She had discovered an anomaly upon the planet itself. Her very first night, after meeting [member="Cedric Grayson"] and being invited by him to meet his Goddess, Pom had been lead to an abandoned place to rest her head for the night. Here among the lower levels of Coruscant, existed a reservation if you will, which as history states should no longer exist, for it had been land once reclaimed by industry and built upon. No land at all should be found on this planet; in fact were there no history ever recorded about this planet, one would think the entire mass of it solely man's grand fabrication. No dirt, no wild plants or grass, no ocean… Pom had recognized a magick down towards the concreted surface, and she broke off a flower at its stem, -how it grew here was in itself by magick,- she then walked under an archway, when lo and behold the land before her eyes transformed to what she could only define as being as that from out of Coruscant's past. There is no other explanation she could fathom. Records held that no such a place existed anywhere, anylonger.

Her new home holds many magickal mysteries, which its new sole inhabitant is still uncovering a little at a time. Ashla has proven herself generous, and easily holds Pom's interest. What better way to understand her, than through her children? Pom is not shy about asking questions, or answering those posed to herself. She just needs to realize what types of differences exist between their practices, in order to have any clue regarding what to ask about. A Nightsister's life is a sheltered one. The only outside influence they receive is by adults who are daring enough to venture to Dathomir. Mostly their's regards private matters with the women. When she learned through Cyr that a few of the Jedi whom she had met upon a recent excursion would be together again at the Temple training grounds, she wanted to meet them.

The feel of the planet had been difficult to tolerate at first. She had ingested Potion after Potion. But she found the once harsh burning sensation of the Light slowly subsiding over time. Pom could not determine why that was exactly. She does not feel any different since she first arrived. Perhaps it is by sheer ambition, she figures, for nothing else seems to fit, nothing solid.

She quietly made her way into the grand lecture hall and caught the end of the topic discussion, only to find the Jedi students began leaving a moment thereafter. She stayed behind, hoping they have a bit more time to spare for her.

She saw Cedric in the pulpit. "Forgive me, my lateness," she said. She did not mean to miss the lecture, but the sensations which emanate from this Temple commanded her focus long before her actual arrival, and held her mesmerized for far longer than she ever could have anticipated they would.
There were only a handful of students on Coruscant. They had all been present for the lecture - a talk on the nature of the living Force - and the rest of the class was made up of officers and curious intellectuals. Cedric didn't mind their attending. The more knowledge he could spread, the better off the Imperium would be, even if these people could not utilize the empyrean's power like his Jedi could. He breathed a quiet sigh as the people filtered out, eager to take a few moments to himself.

Or he would have been, were it not for Pomsty's late arrival.

Ever the patient one, Cedric offered her an easy smile. "S'alright," he gave her a light shrug. "I've nowhere to be for a little bit. I'm surprised you came, truth be told." He added, crossing the stage to lean against the podium he'd been speaking from earlier.

"Anything you were curious about?"

[member="Alyson Halle"], [member="Pom Stych Tivé"]
He is surprised that she came, [member="Cedric Grayson"] said right from the start, before anyone else spoke. She had yet to apologize to him for how she hexed him inside the Temple on Tython, when the Ashla had begun to barraged her with memories and remorse, and she felt desperate to escape. It was so very unlike her to actually have these feelings of guilt or regret over her actions. And yet, regarding what transpired as the result of her actions, how her god commanded them his puppets for his own amusement, she would not wish it all taken back. Not at all! Would he understand that? Or did she totally ruin the possibility of finding her place here? She felt a desperation to try to get him alone to speak in private. Something is happening to her and she needs a teacher. Throughout the whole ordeal, from the moment she had attacked him, she had learned a lot about how Ashla compares to her own god. She figured Ashla akin to the Winged Goddess. Even more suspicious is her idea that the two might very well be one in the same being. Pom plans to return to Dathomir and in due time to meet with the less popular covens to see what she can discover further. Since the moment she had been alone with Cedric in the Temple, her amulet has grown cold and useless for power. She can foresee that she will soon become powerless again, and therefore must learn all that she can, while her god abandons her to helplessness in his typical tirade. She will have to stay away from stepping into the Netherrealm for a while, unless she can find a way to traverse it without his discovering her within his home; maybe learn to access the Jedi's empyrean?

If he chooses to run her off she would go obediently, -another thing Nightsisters just would not customarily do without much drama, for she is accustomed to calling the shots,- but something inside her made her want to be here, and truly hope the Jedi Master has no intention of ordering her out. He asked if she has any questions like nothing out of the ordinary had taken place, like he suffered this sort of assault before. She wondered if his attitude is a good sign for her continuance, or a front to what is yet to occur between them.

Wouldn't it just be like her Fanged God to make it that Cedric doesn't remember any of what transpired, and Pom should fret over her actions regardless, while Ashla makes Pom want to speak to Cedric regarding what she had done?

"I've millions," she answered. She has a million questions, and no idea where to begin, her thoughts growing more chaotic by the moment.
There was much for the them to discuss. Things had transpired that the Jedi would never have dreamed of, and the emoyrean demanded answers to questions better left unasked. In truth, he was uncertain as to how he should exactly approach the issue, but he knew it was one that needed to be spoken of. Pomsty had come to him seeking to learn of the Ashla, and it was his duty to impart that knowledge onto her, past events notwithstanding.

He waited until the class had filed out entirely before calling upon the empyrean, willing the doors leading in to close with the last student's exit.

"Fortunately I've all the time in the world," not true, but his next meeting wasn't for another few hours. "I'm glad to see you haven't run off," he paused, brow furrowing. "What occurred back at the temple - that was uncharacteristic of me, and I apologize."

[member="Pom Stych Tivé"]
"You should not speak first. It is I who should," for she started it all. "I am sorry...and yet I am not." Would he ever understand that until she met him, no other man she has known has been aligned to the light? "By what transpired, you have proven to me things exist which are far too alien to me than you know. Had it not, perhaps it would have taken me far longer to...recognize and appreciate our profound differences." Nightsisters just don't apologize, and they don't feel for others. She knew it all tied to this place. Dathomir encourages very different life experiences. "If you regret it, all of it, I do understand; but I won't."

She wanted to express more, and wondered how he might receive it. "How it began, that was my way; and yet, how it ended...that too is now my new way, a way that I have only shortly known, which intrigues me." The pale woman blushed deeply. This way of his Ashla does intrigue her very much. She could not shake off her interest now. Nightsisters typically do not possess a conscience, but this one seems to have discovered her's. " much I have come to realize, and thought about. I appreciate every aspect, introduced to me, where not very long ago I never would have thought twice about things. I could never regret it, lest I should prefer to go back to (as I was) yesterday."

She smiled shyly. Even if he disagrees with how she feels about what she had done, at least she is honest with him now, no matter the future. "I never wanted to learn about anything more than this light," she said.

[member="Cedric Grayson"]
Cedric did not reply all at once.

He took several second to mull over her words, formulate a response. This situation was a complex one, and not one he'd had to deal with before. It needed to be handled with tact, lest he burn a bridge or cause some other sort of unpleasant situation.

"I don't," he gave her a light shrug, "It's not something I've much experience with, truth be told. I'm glad it's helped you," he bowed his head slightly. "And I am more than happy to teach you of the Light. The galaxy has been steeped in the Bogan for years now. If we do not set its path correctly, all we know will collapse beneath the boot of the Sith Empire." It was easy for him to shift the conversation to politics. It made things feel a bit less intense - something the Jedi greatly preferred.

Still, he realized doing so might be immature. He offered her an easy smile, "Perhaps we can speak of it later, in depth. For now, I'm willing to answer whatever might be on your mind. Speak freely."

[member="Pom Stych Tivé"]
She would plead with him to learn, if that is what it takes. For a Nightsister to beg a man for something, another patch of hell must be freezing over! But surely none is in the process of freezing over, for [member="Cedric Grayson"] declared himself steadfast in his original offer. Pomsty beamed with excitement at the same time. She felt the vibrant curiosity of a child again. Learning about the Bogan is one thing, all she has to do is figure out how to order magickal properties. But this seems like an adventure she has never partaken in; this Ashla used to twist her gut, but that feeling seems to have mysteriously faded altogether.

That remarkable sensation which radiates off him, she likewise identifies with his Ashla. She recognized him as dangerous waters for what had taken place, but has already resolved to learn all that she can from him regardless. No girl wants a new addiction, but it just presented itself, and she already surrendered to it. The sheer insanity! His obvious aversion to the mere subject caused her blush to renew.

She vowed to herself she would not allow her jealous god a foothold over her to taunt this man ever again. Her days as existing as the Fanged God’s plaything for his strange amusements has ended. Ashla has proven herself protective in the end. She wondered if the Fanged God clashing with Ashla the other night in the temple when she was with Cedric, had felt the very same type of anguish she felt at first coming here...if the gods too suffer effects under the approach of their polar opposite.

”Why is it your Ashla protects me?” she asked the Jedi Master.

She has obviously been brought here; but why? Could it all have been perhaps to save the younger girl back on Tython? ”Also,” she began, ”I am sorry for not following your rules, to be merely an observer while on your mission.” She simply had to react! ”I do hope I can find some way to begin to establish trust.”
Cedric responded to the blushing with an easy smile. He was pleased that Pomsty had found a change of heart. The woman had been stepped in the Bogan all her life, so far as he knew, and he could not fathom living such a life without the touch of the Ashla. It he could spread its teachings to another lost soul, he would do everything in his power to bring it about.

He gestured for Pomsty to take a seat as he made his way over toward one of the benches, settling down himself. She asked of the Ashla, and he allowed himself a few moments to give her a proper answer. "The Ashla protects anyone that wishes for her love," he explained. "She is like our mother. We mortals are wretched, broken being Pomsty. Left in our natural state, we fight, kill, rape, and conquer to sate our needs and desires. We do not know love, friendship, or understanding. These are the Ashla's gifts to us. All positive emotion stems from her, and she wants us all to be redeemed. You need only open your heart to her, and she will come, for we are all her children."

There was a passion behind Cedric's words, and a reverence. He truly believed every word he spoke - so much so that the weight he put behind them was almost over the top. "The Ashla protects you because you want and need her to. That is all there is to it."

He paused, brow lofting as she continued. "It's alright. I hadn't expected to be assaulted by hordes of Flesh Raiders. You used your powers to save lives - I can't dismay you for that." He shook his head, "You may have opened yourself to the Light, but you do not yet know how to commune with it. I can't blame you for using what you had at your disposal to help."

Another pause.

"You already have my trust Pomsty." He added, speaking in a tone that implied he was surprised she doubted such.

[member="Pom Stych Tivé"]
She sat with him. His remarkable Light had burnt just days ago and she knew how her darkness had effected him, rendering him feelings of an icy chill. It is by sheer gratitude for his time and his openness that she upheld a willingness to attempt to comply with his rules. Somehow just his general attitude commanded her respect and she had no problem offering it to him. For the first time in her life since Argus Volmir and she talked did someone take the time to share their faith with her. “My practices appall most, and I found the Sith mostly to be mortifying. Far too many of your kind never even glanced at me. They made me feel like I was akin to disease. I quickly developed my own stereotype opinions in response. I hope you understand how appreciative I am that you spend time to speak with me.” Attentive she was to his words.

The conviction sensations which combed over her thoughts constantly since Pomsty surrendered to her redemption inside the Jedi Temple on Tython, humbled her for the first time in her life. She understood a little about the opposing aspects of the Force, the delicate flow of the Light as Cedric described it, in contrast to the violent formations impounded forth from Darksiders’ demands. She understood for the first time where that intense detestation of Jedi against her kind had originated, but surely good character can overcome such prejudices, as [member="Cedric Grayson"] himself portrays. Before he, only her kind had ever bothered interaction. It left her world quite small, and opportunity for growth only among her own alignment. And she had toiled long and delved deeply indeed.

Cedric spoke of Ashla’s love. The Nightsister knew love to the degree her kind had been introduced to it. It was between herself and her sister. And Cedric himself seemed to represent and emanate what to a Nightsister is a rare and sacred emotion, saved for those bonded. How amazing it is that she is no longer so lost that she can actually recognize something good; for the truly lost run away from such contact when presented, like fire and ice.

Pomsty understood the magnitude of what lay before her, the opportunity awaiting. Her enthusiasm and awe was as if she discovered answers to the most splendid and secret mysteries to Life itself. She wondered next...

“I have no idea how you survive with the whisper inside. If I meditate, might I succeed faster?” She never had a conscience before. Oh, she knows spirits and Legion, and therefore knew the new gentle voice to be divine. Wouldn’t it just be better to get all those horrid convicting recollections over with and move on quickly? She felt a lingering ache in her heart over her past. She fears how big it might grow before it dissolves. What damage it seems to do!
Cedric gave her a light shrug.

"I understand. The Nightsisters have often been the enemy of the Jedi, so many of us are a bit quick to judge, I'd imagine. Up until recently many of your clan have served the Sith Empire." He explained, hoping to give at least some excuse for the actions of his brethren. "Still, Jedi are supposed to be open-minded. It's the galaxy we live in that has changed that somewhat," he added, a hint of displeasure lacing his words as he spoke of things on a galactic scale.

"But, I'm glad you've not chosen to be so, and that you agree with me on the Sith," he snickered, leaning into the pew as he folded his arms about his chest. "The more people we have to stop them, the greater our odds." He paused, a brow lofting as she asked her question.

What did she mean by the whispers? The Force?

"Well, I don't know what you mean by a whisper, but meditation is generally the best way to center yourself, in my experience. I usually meditate for an hour or so a day, depending on my mood. It keeps me calm."

[member="Pom Stych Tivé"]
She could tell, by the feelings which emanated from [member="Cedric Grayson"], that he felt dismayed by the state of the galaxy and the Jedi's relationship in it. Pomsty thought about her own experience and put two and two together. "So, the Jedi of one part of the galaxy are not at all like those dwelling among other parts? I can see that, myself! In that case I finally understand why the Nightsisters are discouraged from leaving Dathomir. I had my suspicions that the Nightmother's intention is in protecting our culture."

She wanted to be honest with him from the start. "I cannot deny, you have earned my attention, mostly that I would not have been receptive had I found reason. I have my own prejudices to break down. I never thought…" her words trailed off as a shy smile formed upon her lips and in her eyes.

Grooming of a Nightsister started very early on. All knew why the Sith would come to Dathomir. Some races tried vehemently to stop the whole ordeal, but such communion has never ceased. She wondered what this Jedi must have thought about such a lifestyle, with it too being like night and day between them. She could not believe how many secrets about her own people where actually well known throughout the galaxy. She thought it absolutely unbelievable to imagine the Sith would boast of such private interludes. And yet on the other hand, doesn't it just figure about men! She sure hopes Jedi have better taste than to go blabbing to everyone about private matters! But they are men after all! Pomsty suddenly froze, wondering. It is also Pomsty's customary upbringing to have little respect for men for their sheer animalistic nature. She thought it such an oddity that such reasoning could be broken down further; for instance, those men could never exhibit love and therefore now she believes they are not truly men at all. The universe is made up of its own Laws, and some are very much worth exploring.

Meditation before, had always been about communing with the powers that be, selling the Soul and making pacts with the etherial.

Something strange had happened since the engagement within the Temple, something very unexpected, and she currently struggles to survive it. She has a constant reminder of it since, it being the silence for the very first time in her life. The demons which had bonded with her since as far as she can remember, during her Infant Dedication Ceremony had gone away, their dark disposition against her inquisition into this remarkable Light has driven them out. To Pomsty, these entities had been a part of her self. They spoke to her constantly, guided her, helped her act, generated magick for or with her. These had lived vicariously through her throughout all circumstances and life events. Her spirits however, the one's remaining of those she had murdered and enslaved, much prefer their rest among this splendid Light, as stark contrast to the sufferings due to who Pomsty used to be and thus subject them to suffering. But while they always served her, for they were forced to do so through her Sorcery, they never became enjoined to her Soul as had her demons. The spirits remained still, silent until called upon. Pomsty knew the exact moment when this great abandonment had occurred, as her demons made a good spectacle of it after their attempt at one last stand; their attack upon Cedric was their first attempt, before Ashla poured out her saving Grace upon him and Pomsty. The silence which ensued within Pomsty's mind spoke a mountain of testimony to her regarding the levity of her current circumstance, her stand upon the threshold of redemption.

A question is, who broke their deal, herself for coming here and staying, or her demons for running away? Is payment still contracted, and if so, when shall it be dealt out between them?

Her only relief is in this newfound conscience, the voice of Ashla, another name perhaps for the Winged Goddess she had learnt about in her studies as a child. The witch picked her god, and Pomsty did so love the boys, therefore of course the Fanged God won her loyalty long ago.

"What was your childhood like? What is your story?" she asked, very curious of this unique man, and having only once been invited by anyone such as he, to speak in a manner of a meeting with the minds. Before, however, she was perhaps being mentally prepared to undergo this transformation today. She had no doubts that she was destined to meet these people. These people are much like who the Late [member="Argis Volmir"] had been to her, caring and selfless, personality characteristics of those whom she ran away from all her life, feeling condemned in her lacking, and unworthy of to even reside in their presence, outcasted. These people here on Coruscant could have shunned her as those Jedi she met before among the CIS, but that they did not from the start spoke volumes in their favor, causing her prejudices to quickly fade. Seeing their differences between herself and they, she believed they likely tolerate her because of their respect for the Will of the goddess. She thought Cedric quite noble to spearhead her learning, and only hopes he loses no respect among his own people for committing to the task.

His physical Force Presence she found to be utterly addicting, as much as it is alien to her. So much else could be culprit to breaking down walls erected due to past experiences gone very badly. "I also thank you in return for your open mindedness towards me, after all your people have been put through by my own."
He took her words in stride, but her question stirred something within the Jedi.

Childhood was not an aspect of life he enjoyed revisiting. War had been his way of life for the majority of it, and there was little by way of pleasant memory that remained. Nonetheless, Pomsty had been far more honest with him than she'd needed to be -likely more than she was generally comfortable with. It would be a disservice to the Nightsister to hide his own thoughts from her, despite his hesitance in sharing them/ After a few moments of silence, Cedric spoke.

"It wasn't a pleasant one." He began, the cadence of his words short and brief. "I was raised in a monarchy. Ession. I spent some time with my parents, though my mother died when I was very young, and my father was consumed by the war after that. I was mostly raised by advisers," he reflexively scowled at the mention of them. All he could recall of those advisers were predatory stares, honeyed words, and dark intentions. Cedric had developed a hatred for politicians at an early age.

"When I turned thirteen, I took leadership over my nation. We began an aggressive campaign of expansion under my leadership. It wasn't the right thing to do, but I thought it would slow the Sith when they arrived. It did not." He gave her a light shrug. "I wasn't a very good person when I was young."

He paused. "You?"

[member="Pom Stych Tivé"]
She could feel his tension and immediately wished to take back her question. The last thing she wanted is to cause him more grief, when he has shown nothing but kindness towards her. She began to fear that she might overstay her welcome if she persists making all the wrong moves.

"Please," she said after he had finished. "It's not that I need to know anything at all," she stated, "I am merely curious of you in general." She hoped its alright that she holds a natural curiosity over him. She looked down at the floor for a moment in thought. "Maybe I am grasping at straws trying to figure out why I am here." Truly, had it been her calling to heal the girl? Would something turn up now that would lead her away? There is absolutely nothing anyone has done that would cause her to willingly go, but her track record for living among those away from Dathomir is not a good one at all! "Maybe just hoping to uncover some inkling of kinship," she admitted finally.

"I wasn't a good person until this morning," she said and she meant it. "As for my youth, there was a competition to be the best, and it lead to many nights of staying awake, until passing out over books. Sometimes the potions were ruined because I just would not wake up until the discomfort from the stone cold floor became so unbearable that I awoke. I once had a friend who died that way, because of the fumes emitted from the burning pot. We elected to watch over one another, that is my sisters and me. We started focussing on what we were each good at, and helped one another get by in our lessons. That's how I got so good at potions, I didn't want to let my sisters down, where they would be called out on account of something I did wrong."

A strange thought hit her, some nostalgia that obviously held little meaning. "I always told myself there is no difference between your kind and I. I now know that I was only lying to myself all along; Ashla showed me that." She knew aspects of life were dysfunctional and very evil; it did not take coming here to realize that. If she could have only learned it sooner, maybe before wreaking havoc across the galaxy. "I feel different. I think differently." She took a deep breath, overcome by a sudden emotion. "I wish I had come here instead of where I had gone after I left Dathomir." Everything would have been different. She never would have lead her sister to her doom, when she had been overcome by possession. "I wish I could turn it all back." That feeling, she realized everyone can identify with, even perhaps [member="Cedric Grayson"], who perseveres in spite of his past.
The Nightsister were an enigma to Cedric. He understood their customs to some degree, their gods, but not the way they functioned as a society. Such groups had never been of much relevance to the Jedi Master. He'd only ever come across them on the battlefield, and always beneath different banners, never in a place of understanding.

He seized upon the opportunity.

"You already have it," he agreed with a slight bow of his head as she spoke of kinship. If the Jedi Order was to be reborn, then its members would need to have a strong rapport. Cedric fully intended to induct Pomsty into the ancient order - it was important he know her as a friend before he ever broached such heavy topics.

He paused to listen as she spoke of her experiences. A brow rose. "Different from the Sith, for certain. I'm not certain I would have survived such an environment, but I'm glad it ended with you coming here." Another pause, "
Whatever mistakes you may have made in the past are just that: the past. There is still time to change, to become something greater. I see that potential in you Pomsty - it's why I invited you with us to Tython in the first place."

Pom Stych Tivé Pom Stych Tivé
“I realize now that I had this insane notion that if you live among this Light Nexus and bask in it day and night, everything must be perfect for you all the time, meanwhile everyone else is faced with wantonness for their place in the galaxy. And like me, they had no idea what it could be they were wanting," she said in reply to the P Placeholder 0128 . It is a monumental event for Pomsty of all people who believed they had it all, to realize anything could be missing; for she could get by just fine without actually needing anyone at her side, and yet she did have her kindred. "Even after having all this majestic power at the ready for use at your fingertips, is there still something that you are searching for out there?” She thought for moment, "Maybe the difference between the extremes of Light and Dark is how we persevere. Some fight first and foremost, to compensate for their sense of loss through bending the Will of everything whose path they cross, and then there are those who persevere in spite of it all like a blessing bestowed upon them which the others just cannot understand or even perceive." She hadn't seen it to be able to identify it, before standing right in the middle of it.

Somehow Ashla feels like enough to fulfill her, and yet the Nightsister amidst her redemption, sought to prepare herself for a time when she might forget just what exactly she is going through right now. She can forget how haughty the Darkness feels compared to the Light, for her Talisman faded more with each passing hour. Ashla tore her god away from her sacred residence. Pomsty would work on filling her talisman with her abundant feelings of hope, to serve her in her future as a reminder of how loved and at peace she feels today.

“I know it’s cliché but it’s just as they say, that I feel I really could die today and be satisfied that in these past few hours I know I have lived.” She giggles before sucking her bottom lip for a moment. She won’t let herself ever forget, no matter where she must go next, hopeful there shall be much more of life here yet.

“If I never see you tomorrow, know you’ve impacted my life.” She knew that she would have to return to Dathomir to visit the Witches of Light there and learn from them. In doing so, she would be stepping right into the path of the Fanged God, who surely will make his move on her. He has so many willing bodies among the Nightsisters to fulfill his orders.

She recovered from her melancholy state, and patted her vest. “Oh, I almost forgot.” Pomsty reached into her inner vest pocket and drew out a strange pendant hanging from a leather cord. "I found this in my new residence. It feel so very strange though, perhaps not to your liking. I don't know what you want done with it. It is only because of its possible significance to a historical item I thought you might like to have it."
"Oh, I wish that were true. Life would be a hell of a lot easier," Cedric snickered. There was a view among the masses that the Jedi were near mystical creatures. It seemed many assumed connection with the Ashla led to true purity, which while partly true, was simply impossible. There are no living gods, no demigods, or any other supernatural beings - only men and women that faced trials as much as any other being. Cedric almost wanted the rumored beliefs to be true, but decided life would be far too boring in such a state.

"Something I'm searching for?"

Cedric paused to consider that. Several seconds of silence passed as his brow furrowed, his gaze travelling off toward the other bleachers as he pondered the question. Initially he'd thought he wanted a genuine connection with another, a family, a quiet life. Those were the ideals, but they had become lies lately. There was something he craved more than he could put to words.

"Truthfully?" He paused, meeting her gaze. "I want to see those that raped my people brought to their knees. I want them to beg for the Ashla's mercy, to beg for my mercy, to plead forgiveness for their sins." His gaze traveled to the floor, a hint of a smile touching his features. "And then I want to see their heads rolling across the floor."

It was a private hate. One Cedric never drew upon, never allowed himself to indulge in, but it was truth. There were certain wounds that could never be fully healed - Ession would have her vengeance, and no other world would suffer her fate again.

The tension in the room melted as she spoke of her contentedness with current events. He cracked a smile. "You as well," he paused, reaching out a hand to take the pendant. It was lifted up high so that he might examine it fully, his eyes going slightly wide as he appraised the thing. "This is..." his brow furrowed. "An old crusader pendant, if I recall. Some Jedi took them as trophies from Sith they'd slain."

Pom Stych Tivé Pom Stych Tivé
Pomsty’s eyes darted to study those of the Imperator. She recently reckoned with her past; Ashla put her through an onslaught of memories and emotion. She knew a life with ambition bent towards revenge would cause one to miss out on all that life has to offer. It’s a sad life. There is room for so much more.

“Do I detect a slumbering dragon nestled in your psyche?” she asked. “You tread waters even this Nightsister had not tested. But we both know how dangerous those happen to be.” She knew he must understand how he could lose his sense of self to the madness of revenge.

“I think if that is what you truly wanted, Jedi, you’d have had your revenge by now.” Everyone needs to know at least one person brave enough to slap them down a notch when necessary, from someone they respect enough to allow it; typically one hates that person at first. She still needs to recognize who exactly that might be for herself. She isn’t afraid of testing the limb with him. She doesn’t see an Imperator, or a Jedi Master. Those titles mean little to her. She sees someone respectable with a rich, turbulent and haunting past, who offers his time for others. One’s power lies not in material things, titles, or books knowledge, but lies in their measure of likability among the people. Cyr has all that and defines his life ambition as one filled with determination for revenge. How does a woman who just discovered the full nature of her heart respond?


His identification of the artifact as a totem seems to fit it well. He had not asked her yet about her residence. She thought that interesting. For all he knew she slept over a dingy bar somewhere. She would let it remain her secret for now. There is so much she has yet to discover regarding the place she was lead to. Had she known that P Placeholder 0128 did not believe in the living goddess, as his friend she would slap his face and tell him he is a fool. She would then prove Her existence to him, the goddess’s roots told as far back as the story of The Ones! Any man hell bent on revenge who preaches a dogma he doesn’t believe, and redeems others on the basis of what he perceives to be lies, doesn’t typically fair favorably in their quests for revenge!

Should she hear him tell it...
Cedric was well aware of the folly his chosen path promised him. It was one he could not run away from - the end of a long road that arrived at the same place, no matter what route he chose to take. If he could rebuild the order, restore things to the way they needed to be, then it would be more than enough. If he perished in his vengeance, and he wholly expected to, his life's work would still be accomplished.

"That we do," he agreed, " I do not let my passions rule me. I am human and because of such I am flawed - these things that I feel cannot simply be cast aside, but one can choose not to indulge in them. That has been my life's work: the rejection of indulgence." He met the Nightsister's gaze, curiosity in his own. "I have never touched the Dark Side. Not one. I know what it feels like in others, but not in myself, nor will I ever. I may have this deep seated desire, but it isn't what I work toward. There is no legacy in destroying things, only building."

Another pause as he leaned back into the bleacher, his eyes narrowing into slits as he met Pomsty's gaze again. "Remember, you asked me what I wanted, not what I am working toward. My concerns linger on the Imperium and its people - vengeance is a tertiary goal, and I doubt I would take it if it was offered to me."

Pom Stych Tivé Pom Stych Tivé
Passions which she understood were most like those he spoke of regarding his vengeance, fused with desire, carnal and brewing to the point they become uncontainable. Those P Placeholder 0128 represented and portrayed were as alien to her as his goddess' graces, and both poured out to the point she drowned in them amidst their presence here. Emotions soon became an addiction she wished whiskey could satisfy, but her physiology identified her disappointment in their differences. But did she really hope to discover them, as they bring with them indivisible ties?

How he spoke of things he wanted, how he tried to live, and not exactly as she saw him. Had she broken something in him, or reinforced something? He could not be feeling far different than she does, only he met her falling towards the opposite direction of her goal. She did not want to represent sin to him. But the idea of there being more to life than she knew, had awakened. And life is seen as even crueler today than she knew it to be yesterday, because of this particular awareness.

He spoke of rejection of indulgence and her own experience did breed regrets. She had been free with anything she desired whenever she desired it. Her way was to indulge, have your children and move on, encourage them and raise them within the only culture one knows. Some lovers remain true to one another. Some simply return to one another when desire could not be shaken. Some transposed deep seeded desire for one, secretly onto another, till they got their fill. Some just jump from one to the other, freely. Pomsty never realized just how vastly different her culture is founded by darkness, and the Sith loved the Dathomiri for it, literally, for the worst the word represents. She now sees it for as shady as it is.

As he mentioned legacy, "Then that must be it, foremost for you, to leave a legacy." He spoke of his past just moments ago, and such is the greatest support of legacy. It sounded like her own people, to thrive and live on in your children. The Nightsister protected their ways by definitely being persistently seclusive. It kept them safe as well to remain mysterious. Nothing ever happened on dathomir the witches did not foresee. And there exists a coven of Lightsiders who Pomsty must come to know next, to learn from them what she may!

"Show me something in this Force!" she pleaded with vibrant curiosity, eager to learn anything else.

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