Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Vulgar Display of Power.

The smell of smoke lingered in the air, droids and bounty hunters stumbled around in this hellhole. The large, slug-like Hutt slowly raised the hookah hose to his mouth, puffing on the device as he overlooked his operation, a large grin on his face.

"E CHU TA! Chuba, coona tee-tocky malia!?", The Hutt roared in Huttese as his personal protocol droid rolled up, carrying a small tray of Klatooine paddy frogs. With an irritated grunt, Jan'Moosh quickly plucked a frog from the tray, dropping the frog into it's mouth, chomping the creature into oblivion.

"Jan'Moosh, sir! Someone has arrived. We believe he, or she is attempting to speak with you." His protocol droid rambled in a panicked tone.

"Wee shahnit!?", The Hutt bellowed, clearly annoyed.

"I am not certain on his occupation, sir. Should I send him in?", The droid inquired.

With an irritated sigh, the Hutt took one final puff from the hookah, running his hand along the cold, silver stem, shaking his head. "Boska.", It muttered.

Thraxis was patiently waiting an audience, he had not come in formal clothing, he never had any to were, though he came armed, his visor was up so his face could be seen, and allowed him to poor some booze down his throat at the same time. He pushed his hand deep into his trenchcoat and started to rummage, "Huh. Looks like there ain't none left. Ah well. Best I be sober I suppose." he said under his breath as he patiently awaited an audience.

After a few minutes a droid arrived, of protocol make. Its robotic limb motioning for the Zeltron to follow, "Perfect!" Thraxis muttered as he began to follow the droid. After a few more minutes he was inside, and it seemed this Hutt had made a name for himself, Bounty Hunters littered the building, the smell of Smoke had tainted the very air, "Could have a bit more of an airflow, but then again who am I too judge. I live in the white palace torture chambers." he mutters once more, the smoke filling his lungs, it was not a foreign taste for it too dance along his taste buds, nor was it unwelcome, it was a familiar taste of better times.

Soon he was in the presence of the Hutt, he had heared whispers of a powerful Hutt and felt that the Cartel could use another, too many Hutts claimed strength yet were nothing more then fragile slugs who had only dipped their tails into the abyssal pit of summery. As he waled up he took a bow, a sign of respect he rarely gave, though he had little sincerity in it, he wanted to make sure that he seemed respectful of the Hutt.

He pulled himself up, straightening his posture as he took a whiff from the vial, its scent was pungent and sweet, and something that intoxicated his very taste buds even without it landing upon his tongue. "Hello there. I assume you are the mighty Jan'Moosh?" he inquired his visor still up as he raised a brow, his lip curling to create a almost sick smile.

The Hutt waited in complete silence, observing and listening patiently. The Hutt's gaze slowly settled upon the man, the Hutt shaking his head in disappointment. "Die wanna wanga, pateesa.", The Hutt boomed. The protocol droid quickly rushed to it's master's side, quickly spinning around to face the visitor. "Greetings, friend.", The protocol droid translated.

The Hutt proceeded to ramble on, the Hutt obviously showing very little interest in the man's visit, often stopping mid-sentence in order to take a puff from the hookah. "Master Jan'Moosh wishes to know your business with him.", The protocol droid declared, it's gaze set on the floor.

Slowly, the Hutt raised the hose of the hookah, drawing in a thick, cloud of smoke. After glaring at the protocol droid, the Hutt returned it's attention back to the man, exhaling a billow of white smoke. "Boska, or ban gon wan she co, cah?", The Hutt asked.

"Master Jan'Moosh requests this to be a swift meeting or there will be no bargain."
He listened with courteous ears, "Well. This can go as smooth as it needs to be. So, instead of pleasantries lets cut to the point as you are a busy Hutt and I have people who need to be interrogated. I have a proposition for you, I, Thraxis, am here extending an open hand to the Mighty Jan'Moosh and offer you a place in the Hutt Cartel!" he said with a flourish, his trench coat contorting with his movements.

Afterwards he patiently listened, his hand once more rummaging to grab his vile and start to snort the sweet scent of alcohol that once filled this bottle. Whatever action the Hutt took, Thraxis was prepared for three scenarios. He takes offense and Thraxis has to fight his way out, he accepts and is granted a position of power within the Cartel, or he declines and lets him go on his way.

The Hutt burst into laughter, shaking his head. Barely managing to speak as his laugh transformed to a cackle, the Hutt finally managed to blurt out a single sentence. "Master Jan'Moosh would love to accept your offer!", The droid uttered, slowly turning to the Hutt.

Quickly, the Hutt swiped the elegant hookah off of the nearby table, the smoking device clattering against the cold, stone floor. The device's stone bowl shattered, projecting shards of glass, sending them in all directions. Everyone's gaze was now set on the Hutt as it stared at the droid in a cold, emotionless expression.

"Wee shahnits...Mendeeya this e chu ta!", The Hutt barked in anger, resulting in the protocol droid to spin around in panic. Suddenly, several men approached the droid. The largest man was a broad-shoulder Chiss who held a DL-44 in hand. Slowly, the Chiss raised the blaster pistol, squeezing the trigger.

A fluorescent red blaster bolt struck the protocol droid square in the chest, sending it sprawling to the ground in a heap of scrap. Slowly, the Chiss slid the blaster back into his bantha-hide holster, bowed to Jan'Moosh and Thraxis, then slowly backed away into the crowd as the Hutt cackled like a complete lunatic as he stared at the currently destroyed droid.

Quickly, the Hutt gestured to another one of his men for a replacement protocol droid. With a nod, the man quickly obeyed and disappeared further into the crowd. Slowly, the Hutt's gaze swung back to the visitor, the Hutt nodding in appreciation, ignoring the random act of violence that had just occurred.
Thraxis looked with greedy eyes, not to the Hutt, but to the droid, his eyes filling with a sick madness, and as the bolt blasted through the Droids ribs and circuitry was left exposed, a sick grin would start to spread like a disease, and soon he joined in the chuckling of the Hutt, though he quickly realized that he now had no way to communicate with the Hutt. Though considered the fact that since he could understand him and it didn't seem to work in reverse, he would have to manage.

"Well then, it seems you will be a splendid addition to the family." he said with a grin, "But if we need to conduct further business, I am afraid we will need to have another droid replaced. Though I imagine that wouldn't be too difficult." he said with a grin as his eyes peered over the carcass of the droid, the oil slowly pouring out of it and spreading what Thraxis saw as its inside seep through the palace.

Slowly, the Hutt raised his hand, gesturing towards Thraxis, then to the deceased droid before bowing slightly. Slowly, the Hutt gripped onto the glass to his right, raising it to his mouth as he gulped down a large quantity of Potwa. After emptying the mug entirely, the Hutt slowly placed it back on the table, directing his attention back to Thraxis as the alcohol dripped out of the creature's maws.

Uttering something to Thraxis in Huttese, he once again gestured towards the deceased droid then to Thraxis, attempting to allow the man to know he would be permitted to take the deceased droid if he so wished.

(Sorry for the short post)
(Don't mention it.)
Thraxis was not the best at sign language, nor picking up on subtle hints though from the few movements the Hutt made he assumed that he was allowing him to take the deceased droid, an odd offer if he was to say. He had never taken pleasure in a dead body before, robotic or otherwise nor was he taking much pleasure in it now, merely the sight of hope slowly drifting out of its body and the little that it left behind. Though he was not going to deny a Hutt's gift.

He bowed with courtesy, this time sincere, this Hutt had proven himself to a small degree, to act with ruthlessness over a trivial action is the kind of Hutt the Cartel could use, "I thank you, Jan'Moosh. You have proven yourself both ruthless and generous. A powerful combination." he said with furled lips as his eyes were filled with joy at the sight of a true Hutt.

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