Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Vul Asar


NAME: Vul Asar (birth name), Darth Aeterno, The Good Doctor, The Bone Man
FACTION: The Sith Empire
RANK: Sith Knight
AGE: 32
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 2 meters
WEIGHT: 85 kg
EYES: Black
HAIR: None
SKIN: Pale White Exoskeleton

  • Sorcerer: Despite his idiosyncratic philosophical views, Vul is a budding master of the mystic arts. Utterly devoted to learning all there is to know about the Darkside and more, over the years the Givin Knight has picked up some extremely useful and destructive practical applications along the way. Doctor, scientist, alchemist, and magi, Aeterno seeks a higher form of enlightenment than paltry physical power.
  • Rationalist: Eschewing typical Sith doctrine and rejecting some of their most ancient tenets outright, Vul Asar views the Force as an entirely scientific phenomenon. A student of Darth Plagueis the Wise's recorded teachings, the trappings of mysticism and religious spirituality are meaningless as far as he is concerned, and serve only as obstacles to a true understanding of the Darkside and its fundamental nature.
  • Rationalist: Aeterno firmly believes in a mundane universe, despite some compelling tangible evidence to the contrary throughout galactic history. His beliefs often times set him at odds with his fellow Sith, a spiritual order not particularly known for their inclusiveness towards new ideas and filled with devotees trained to seek out anything that might be perceived as a weakness. Vul is kept around because of his collaborative attitude, useful skillset, and natural affinity to the Force, but more than once he has been forced to kill fellow Sith who have publicly challenged his right to call himself one of them.
  • Unsettling: Vul believes the spiritual nature of most Force based philosophies to be irrelevant fantasy, and he views conventional morality as doubly so. Good and evil, right and wrong, these are all imaginary sentient constructs. Experimentation, torture, the most horrific Sith alchemy, there is no limit. The pursuit of knowledge is all that concerns him, everything else is just variables to be manipulated no matter how grotesque the outcome.


Tall and lanky, Vul Asar stands at around two meters in height. Due to their hardened exoskeletons, variation in Givin facial features are so minute as to be virtually undetectable by most humanoid species. If questioned, Vul would say he considers himself to be an aesthetically pleasing example of his species. The only visible blemish are a series of dark black lines beginning to spread across his "skin", all the outward evidence of Darkside corruption his alien physiology will allow.




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