Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Voice of Chaos - Faction Featuring

Voice Of Chaos

In Chaos We Reside
So the Voice Of Chaos team is off to a really nice push following the Holiday season and we're wanting to feature some more stuff across the site. One of the main features of SWRP: Chaos is the Open Faction system in which any member may create their own faction and pursue their goals across the galaxy. As usual, we always have more Factions popping across the board and many of them have simply splendid ideals and goals for roleplaying and could quite possibly change the board itself and how it roleplays.

So, we here at VoC have opted to start a new thing on our facebook found here. Each day we'll be featuring a faction or two and telling the world about what you have planned, what you've done so far, and what kinds of crazy people are riding into battle with you. This is open to all factions, be they Minor or Major and only need to fill out some information below to be featured. Keep in mind that factions may only be featured once every rotation.

Faction Name: (What's the name of your Faction?)
Major/Minor: (Are you a Minor or Major Faction?)
Symbol/Logo: (Give us a Logo or Symbol to represent your faction.)
Faction Owner: (Who's your fearless leader?)
Description: (What are you guys about? What are you planning? What have you done? Who are some notable members?)

So just fill out that form, reply below, and we'll get to featuring some of SWRP's best! We hope you guys and gals enjoy these little articles written about your beloved factions and we hope to do some more stuff like this soon!

- VoC Team

Kelik Corinthus

Faction Name: Moross Crusade
Major/Minor: Major

Faction Owner: @[member="Amorella Mae"]
Description: The Moross Crusade is a religious movement from the planet Exocron. The religion of Moross is based upon Norse mythology meaning that there is a pantheon of multiple Gods, all with their own domains. The crusade spreads it's belief throughout the galaxy to all who are willing to accept it. Those who don't, well they don't live very long after the denial of Moross. As of now, the Crusade is dominioning Kinooine and Manpha and we have plans to expand the religion of Moross to more and more worlds. Notable members include, but are not limited to, Jacen Cavill, Amorella Mae, Soliael Devin Tarith, Zoey Marix, Vascious Relens.

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