Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Visions of the Future.

Location: Sobrik, Balmorra

Viktor was not content to sit back and lets things continue business as usual. He had plans for what he wanted not only for himself but for the planet and the sector. To say Viktor was ambitious would be like saying water is wet and Tatoonie was hot. Today was devoted entirely to making sure his vision saw the light of day. To do that he needed Sith support. So he put in a call to the Sith inviting the Sector Voice to Balmorra so he could pitch his vision to them face to face.

His request had apparently been answered. An honor guard was established and set up with Viktor himself standing on the other end of it with an assistant. He was dressed up for the occasion wanting to make a good impression.

He had chosen Sobrik specifically because it was a Sith Stronghold and one they were familiar with. It was part of history and he had been told the Sith loved history. Or at least some of them did. This particular delegation who could not speak for but it was a safer bet than tryign to have a formal meeting in Bin Prime while it was still largely under construction.

Viktor stood his arms clasped behind his back waiting on [member="Darth Venefica"] and [member="Darth Timoris"] to arrive. Each member of the Honor guard stood at attention in highly polished ceremonial armor. The delegation would pass between the honor guard before reaching Viktor. Behind him Sobrik Imperial Base.
Loyalty was a word that, if looked upped, would hold different meanings for different people who knew the meaning of it. To some, it meant an undying love for a cause, regardless how strong or weak the ideal was. To others, the word meant simply a word; two vowels and five constants put together to form a single word people would either embrace; or reject. Sith, in most forms, knew what loyalty was. Or did they? Brutality or the excess killing of the weak was loyalty to those that held true that Sith were supreme as long as their name or head was not put forth to the Dark Lord for judgment.
Loyalty meant that if you believed yourself equal to another, that in times of pain or distress that a sister or brother would rescue you from destruction. Loyalty meant that no matter what your views where, as long as they were held in secret, surfed among the waves of normal thinking that you were accepted. Loyalty meant that one never questioned Law, but blindly walked where the cane directed them. Loyalty meant that if you forsaken your right to be some different and embraced the path of equality you were family; loved and cherished until you exhausted your usefulness. Like peace, loyalty was a lie.
For the greater part of her life, loyalty meant something to the Dagobah Sith. She killed, she bled, she went beyond of what was required of her. She was the blind that was paired with a crutch. She was Sith. She was Sith. But Sith, a name that installed fear in the galaxy, was no longer the sum of it's definition. She had met an exile who was there at the end, and in her words; "All Sith are failures. They don't know it. But it's true."
The Queen of Madness, and many names she went by, stood in the shuttle that took her to Balmorra in silence. The dead were gathered at her feet. Looking at the massacre dealt by her hand, she thought of the planet she returned to. Few, and it was a small few, had done their part to bring Balmorra under the rule of the Dark Lord. Squabbles and poorly handled politics made it a planet of dissidents. She wasn't a traitor, she was tired of the lies. Elsewhere, on a separate shuttle, was her Apprentice. A Knight deserving of the title Sith Lady. Together, with a few loyal to a different belief, could bring the Sith Order to it's knees; but to what end?
The Bone Collector, with her Apprentice, came to Balmorra as guests. Their host was alien to her, and to ensure her own survival, she eliminated everyone on her shuttle not as a sign of her power; but as a warning that her time was precious. Games belonged to children. Reality belonged to adults.
[member="Darth Timoris"] l [member="Viktor Alexander"]​
Viktor popped to attention as [member="Darth Venefica"] approached. He gave her a short bow before he spoke.

"Welcome to Balmorra My Lady." "I am Viktor Alexander thank you for coming." "I will be as brief as possible as I do not wish to take up too much of your time as I know you are busy." "If you will please come with me I have an office set up near by where we can talk."

Viktor half turned towards one of the nearby office buildings taking a step towards it but not walking away. He waited for a moment as a though hit him.

"Pardon me my Lady but I was told there would be two of you arriving?" "Shall we wait on the second?"

As he spoke Victor turned back towards Venefica not wanting to be rude and speak over his shoulder towards at her but rather facing her and speak to her.

[member="Darth Timoris"]

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god
Apologies - Friday night (my time) was the worst time to start a new thread as I can't always guarantee posting over the week-end.

But I'll make up for it this week - I promise :)

Melori arrived on her own ship - a Sicarius Class Infiltrator. She wasn't entirely sure if she had been invited or summoned - and was unsure who or what her host was. But her Master said come, and so she obeyed.

Theirs was an old-fashioned Master-Apprentice relationship. Melori needed no new schooling in the ways of the Force, but she most certainly did in the machinations of the galaxy. She had ambition and drive - and her Master was the one to teach her. In the old days, Venefica or Timoris would be on borrowed time. The younger deferred to the elder as Master, even though she was close to a Lord title herself. But for as long as she had things to learn, she would continue to accept the role of Apprentice.

In theory the day would come when Melori had nothing new to learn. The likelihood is that then the younger Sith would simply declare herself an equal - no longer stand slightly behind her Master, in her shadow. Only time would tell. The bond that they shared that many Sith would not understand was that they were Sisters. Not biologically, but ideologically.

But that had little to do with the matter in hand - except that Venefica had given notice she planned to vacate the role of Voice of the Dark Lord for this sector and Timoris - as co-Voice had yet to be informed if that meant she would assume the role, or if it were to be given to another. Again...only time would tell.

So she stepped off her ship and saw her Master and a suited and booted man together and decided they must be waiting for her. So she walked over, her simple black robes and cloak flapping in the breeze she created as she walked, her baby blue eyes taking in all the details - the honour guard, the cut and therefore expense of his suit...everything. It had been part of her training after all.

And as she reached the pair, she gave a curt nod but chose not to speak. At least not yet...

[member="Viktor Alexander"] | [member="Darth Venefica"]
As a woman approached Viktor stopped.

Addressing [member="Darth Venefica"] his expression went from curiosity to neutral.

"It seems like my question as answered itself."

When she got to the group he addressed [member="Darth Timoris"] giving her a bow like he had Venfica.

"Welcome to Balmorra my Lady." "I am Viktor Alexander." "Thank you for coming."

He then addressed the both.

"If you will please follow me there are drinks and refreshments in the conference room." "I trust the journey was pleasant?"

Viktor's tone was formal and business like purely professional. It was like he was genuinely interested in knowing if they had run into any troubles getting there..............because he was. It had a direct impact on why he had requested Sith presence on Balmorra.

It would take them less than ten minutes to get to the conference room which took up most of the building it was in. At the center of the table was some fruit and other snack type food on a banquet style plate. Around it were pitchers of various types of drink mostly teas and water. At the head of the table was two chairs which he offered to both ladies.

"Please if you would Ladies..............I don't want to hold you up anymore than absolutely necessary."

He would wait until they took a seat or didn't. If they did he would take the lone seat at the other end of the table.

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god
It may not have been her turn to speak, but Melori decided to take the lead. For just before landing she'd heard through the grapevine she'd been removed as co-Voice for the Sector. She'd received no formal notification - but the rumourmongers were invariably correct in these matters.

Was she bothered? Not at all, it was a title - and she was no collector of those. Maybe it was a test? To see how passionate she was to be a Voice of the Dark Lord? Perhaps. But here and now, someone needed her assistance it seemed and she would never be derelict in her duties.

So she followed the man to a room that seemed very formal and helped herself to a glass of water. And then she sat down. She was still unaware what he wanted and how long this meeting would last. So standing seemed pointless.

And still she hadn't spoken...

[member="Viktor Alexander"] | [member="Darth Venefica"]
A cold smile was her response to the man that had invited her and her former Apprentice to Balmorra. She didn't know what his end game was. Darth Venefica was quickly falling out of favour with the One Sith and she didn't care for the political game they were playing. She had fought, she had bled, and she had nearly died for them. Her reward was a simple one; the turning of their backs on her when she selected to step down from her position. Did she care? No, she was Sith and an educated Sith at that. She understood how the game was played; those that posed a threat in terms of power was a problem.
And she was a problem.
Darth Venefica followed the man in grave silence. She had no issues with this man other than he had enslaved himself to the One Sith. Again, she could not fault him; power and the prospect of power was tempting. She glanced at the chairs arranged in a equal fashion, each person seemingly being one. With her left bare foot, she pushed the chair away from her; opting to remain standing.
"Hold us up longer....time is precious....I hope your slave masters have taught you that much," she said breaking her silence.
She wasn't trying to be standoffish. She just wanted him to get to the pointe of asking her here quickly. Because her time was precious.
[member="Darth Timoris"] l [member="Viktor Alexander"]
Viktor looked at [member="Darth Venefica"] with a nod he himself remaining standing.

"Ok fair enough I only sought to be a graciosu and respectable host."

He hit a button on the table a few read out plans popping up for all to see.

"I asked you here for two reasons." "One to solidify the legitimacy of my position here." "I know you normally pick Governors yourself." "The change was necessary for the continued stability of Balmorra."

He paused glancing at [member="Darth Timoris"] before continuing his explanation.

"The second is to request permission in short to turned Balmorra into a Forward operating Base for future incursions into Republic space." "I have plans for a Naval Base, an Army base large enough to hold an entire Corps, and if need be I will set aside space for a Temple or Academy so that the Sith of course get their own slice of the pie so to speak."

Viktor paused.

"I will touch base with the Navy and Army on the specifics but just wanted to get the needed pre-approvals in place."

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god
Melori held her tongue. She was still learning the art of politics and her Master was assuredly one to follow. But her face would no doubt betray her feelings and...if she was totally honest, she wanted this meeting over with.

If her host hadn't already been appraised, Melori had found the rug pulled from under her. As she sat there, a communication came though and she glanced at her datapad as her Master and this man talked.

It was official now, someone else was the Voice for this sector. Although another sector was immediately dangled as a carrot for her, with just one small proviso.

She would have to abandon her Master and leave the Sisterhood. The decision puzzled her. Many of the Hands and Voices were affiliated to other Factions within the galaxy. She didn't pretend to understand it. But she knew one thing for certain. She would not abandon her Sisters. Not to be awkward to the One Sith. She would continue to serve them...and they seemed happy for her to remain a contributor - just without a title. The bauble meant little to her. Loyalty did.

But the decision was not hers to grant their host. And even if it were, in the same room as her Master, she was just her underling. Venefica alone could grant this man what he requested. So she sipped her water, turned of her datapad and waited.

[member="Viktor Alexander"] | [member="Darth Venefica"]

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