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Visionary BioTech & Medicine

Krassus Magrody

Genes, like people. are easily manipulated


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Corporation Name: Visionary BioTech & Medicine

Headquarters: Commoner

Locations: Commoner, Alderaan, Selvaris

Operations: Biotechnology, Regenerative Medicine, and Cloning

Tier: 2


Visionary BioTech & Medicine focuses on creating and building upon the science arts known as biotechnology, regenerative medicine, and cloning. They seek to redefine and enhance living organisms, looking for ways to eradicate genetic flaws that hamper species by removing genes in some species known to be vulnerable to particular diseases or by enhancing their genetic codes to strengthen them to survive in any known part of the galaxy. Also, they seek to produce living organisms or products based off these living organisms.

Through their study of regenerative medicine, they work diligently to process the ability to replace, regenerate or engineer species cells, organs, tissues with the hopes of allowing them to restore to their normal functions. In some cases, they produce some tissues and organs to possess the ability to regenerate on their own, without outside interference such as medicine itself.

Their focus on cloning differs from those other companies that utilize it for ill intentions. Their idea is to save species on the verge of extinction, or bring back those lost through engineering their re-creation by using genes or cells discovered in areas where petrification has occurred such as in stones and organic materials like hardened sap. They have been known to clone species, mainly those void of sentience, to help populate worlds to aid in their ecosystems; which is far more feasible than introducing non-cloned species where the fear of resistance like lack of adapting to their environments or sickness/death from food sources like plants or other foliage can occur harming or killing "real" species.

They hold no loyalty to any government, however will refuse to work or take contracts from governments they feel hamper the growth or survival of the galaxy; and the species unable to protect themselves from over expansion.


Doctor Krassus Magrody, after lobbying the governments on Commenor and Alderaan, began using credits he earned when working for a certain seedy character; whom he believed at the time was a friend and a friend of positive scientific advances, to lay the foundation for the company. The governments saw the positive potential in such an idea, and poured credits into his project. To further fund his dream, he sold certain scientific findings to other already established medical based companies. When the first location was built, as the other two, he became the sole owner of the company, forming a board of advisers only to aid him. The board answers to him, but he has the final say in any proposed future project or for projects in progress to be scrapped.

His dream for the company is to aid, save, and protect the galaxy from the horrors brought on through wars, rapid expansion where some species are killed under the guise of advancing civilization or diseases, and to strengthen all species of the galaxy.



Parent Corporation: N/A

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