Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Virtue and Vision (Romi Jade)

Drifting through space aboard the Providence, the massive Praxeum Vessel of the Jedi glided through the asteroid field, her thrusters cut off entirely that they only followed the wake of the rock wing surrounding a nameless gas giant. Today Veiere was once more resuming his duties as the Jedi Master responsible for all within his care. The Students had over time become used to the new environment, the holo-emitters working wonders to simulate a more relaxed and natural visual impersonation across the living and training decks of the great durasteel giant, a true gift of the engineers who had considered the probable flight sickness and loss of solid earth well into their venture.

Recently he had returned to his home-world, now Commenor where his wife lived and resided over as the Queen of the central trade and political market of the Commenor Systems Alliance. They both struggled to come to terms with the complexities of their marriage and their commitments to the paths that so differed from one another and yet both too understood and believed in the good that they could do for others within the Galaxy. In Veiere's mind, training a new generation of Jedi encouraged and emphasizing the virtue of the Jedi Code once revered in the past, would lead them towards a safer future, not only for generations to come but his own children as Kay had shocked him with the news that they might be expecting.

Away from that life now however, his priorities went beyond his immediate family to the other family in his life and those whom needed guidance, structured and more so than he had been able to offer them as of late. The need for experience and leadership within the Jedi Order today was more crucial than ever with the rumors of the Rising Sith Empire. Veiere also knew of the Galactic Empire and the First Order, hearing of the two making controversial moves yet they were affiliated with the CSA. Having received no word from the North, he had no reason to intervene in what were only rumors, however always paying attention to the territories of the Systems Alliance, he did worry for Commenor when he was away for such long periods.
"Master Arenais. Report to Hanger Bay Alpha-Seven. Repeat. Master Arenais to Alpha-Seven".
The announcement across the intercom systems within the great vessel caused his eyes to lift to the roof in question, he hadn't often been called to meet with those coming and going, there were few that knew of the Vessels location at this early point of their venture thus it was one of his that he presumed he was going to find giving some sort of trouble to the maintenance crew or some such incident, yet another problem to fall upon his shoulders of late. Sighing in resignation, he rolled his eyes at his own expense and set off for the designated hanger bay.

[member="Romi Jade"]
She Left Behind A Legacy
She shifted her weight onto her right leg, as a slight curve formed into the left side of her body. Her left arm reached across her body; folded. Her right rest on top, her hand rest on the side of her face while she pondered her current environment.

"Interesting..." her voice low, she stretched out the end of the word.


She'd been...gone for the last few months. Exploration mostly...trying to find pieces of herself. The state of the galaxy then was something she was less interested in, and so when she got her last assignment that took her away...she later really went away after it was complete. She figured she'd deal with the lectures to come later...Veiere would likely scowled her for her lack of communication as he normally did but, both of them knew that it was just how she was.

Perhaps that would be changing soon...

Really she just missed home...and the only home she'd really known was wherever her Master was. He always maintained some sort of stability. It was that, and she couldn't ignore her duty as a Jedi. She'd been taught well enough how important such a calling was. So here she was...

[member="Veiere Arenais"]
As her vessel came in to dock, Veiere immediately realized the reason he had been summoned. He had made the request to those of the crew that were they to pick up the identification codes of such a ship, they were to seek him out and inform him at the first opportunity. [member="Romi Jade"], she was his former Jedi Apprentice, now a Jedi Knight under his tutelage and though she still had much to learn and her youth often stood out far above much else, her commitment to the Order was true to heart and she, at the core of who she was, sought the best for others.

Within training he had been a man of high standards, he had lectured her many a time over the expectations of how a Jedi were to behave, both inside and outside of the Temple walls back upon Yutan and during the time in which they resided on Commenor with the less reserved Order of Commenor within the Force Praxeum he had established there long ago now. She had been quick to progress in her abilities yet struggled with patience as many youths often found. Against his frustrations and her negligence against his wishes, the two had grown to adapt and learn to live with one another. Both of them beneath their differences recognizing the mutual compassion that they had for the people of the Galaxy caught within strife and the incentive to learn and further explore the mysteries of the Force itself.

Moving across the hangar to stop at the bottom of the landing ramp descending out from the hull of the small craft, Veiere's gaze lifted to land upon her, his brows lifting in brief study of her appearance, a slight shake of his head in typical disapproval of the attire she bore before commenting on the lateness in the hour and her disregard for communication.

"That bad habit you had of always disappearing without telling me where you are going...still hasn't changed"
She Left Behind A Legacy
Her eyes fluttered before her gaze fell on her Master, when he approached the vessel her arms shifted and came to fold into one another. She greeted him first with a warm smile, and as she descended the ramp to meet him she playfully rolled her eyes before matching his own words,

"Were you always this talkative? I never noticed..." she came to stand just in front of him though slightly standing higher than him due to the incline. She winked before stretching her arms and embracing him.

"Master..." she said sighing and releasing it all into him. She withdrew before tilting her head and smirking up at him, "I know...I know...I'm sorry" she said poking out her lip. "You know I forget...but i'm here now so you don't have to have a heart attack, huh?"

She ran her hand over his shoulder to straight out his robes, all before she trailed off and took a few steps in another direction. Stopping just a few feet away, her index finger came to rest just under her lip. Bearing a perplexed look "Some vessel you got here...what's the occasion?"

Her hands then clung to her hips.

[member="Veiere Arenais"]
Veiere half scoffed, his laugh soft yet swift following her remark over his apparent like for hearing his own Voice. Rolling his eyes he then resigned to embrace her in warm and welcome greeting after such a time. "My...-how you like to keep reassuring me..." He responded pessimistically though not without sarcasm in humor as he turned to allow her to gaze over the vast size of the hangar, one of numerous within the Praxeum flotilla. She was a starship fit for an empire yet bore no weapons nor means of offense of any kind. "Some times I wonder if you weren't allowed to succeed me too early..." He mused over the notion of her being Knighted at such an age, a number of years back now though she still carried that kind of swagger that most students were left to grow out of before moving up the chain, so to speak.

"The Providence..." He gestured to the hangar around them though speaking of the entirety of the vessel naturally, "She's manned by a civilian outfit, a skeleton crew that the rest of the Order has little contact with. The easiest way to describe this thing is the Temple back on Yutan, drifting through space with a cloaking field and the technology to clean her up a fair bit more...-I know that old monastic setting wasn't quite you...".

"A fair bit has changed since we were last in each others company" he continued as he moved to lead her away from the lesser craft and motioned towards the entrance into the lower deck ahead of themselves, the doors snapping open with a sleak hiss of hydraulics and air expulsion while they two moved into the first of many corridors roaming off to either side of them; several students and younger Jedi roaming those halls on their way to classes and lessons taught by some of the civilian volunteers in the crab outfit (engineering). "We've many students...-Few practiced Jedi Knights...-Yutan fought to encourage the senate to remove our presence from their world. They refused yet I saw no point in animosity between us and others given what we hope to achieve...-The problem I'm left with however...-Well, it's an on going process with a lot of weight baring down on us".

[member="Romi Jade"]
She Left Behind A Legacy
"Oh c'monn, you knew I was ready." she teased before taking enough eyeful at the workings of the vessel. Wasn't unheard of, but she'd never been on one. Seems like this was the next step..." certainly does have that temple feel going on...I like it. Heard so many stories about these types of vessels, now I'm on one." Her mind drifted back and forth through time, recalling accounts of reading about such praxeum ships.

"Oh you know me so well..." she smirked while turning to face him once again. Her smile fell soon after, her facial expressions becoming more serious in the moment he mentioned that much was different since she'd last been back. Crazy how fast those few months flew past for her, but she'd return to something entirely new. Time did that...

"I'm starting to see." her voice soft before she followed his lead towards the lower deck. The subtle and gentle hum of the ship vibrated through the soles in her boots with each step.

Her Master broke it all down, so this was the response to moving away from Yutan. She nodded, pondering it as she absorbed it all. "I can seem a bit stressed." she mentioned

"Well if it helps any bit...I have news from my mission. I haven't found conclusive evidence that proves the existence of this new Sith threat we've gotten rumors about. Granted, I covered as much ground as I possibly could these last few months. I'd say for right now...that's one less thing to worry about, until something else pops up."

She proceeded with elbowing him in the arm playfully, "Don't be such a worrywort huh? Just tell me what you need me to always"

[member="Veiere Arenais"]
Veiere was glad to have [member="Romi Jade"]'s support on hand, for he did indeed have expectations of his Apprentice and knowing her rather carefree attitude on the outside, on the inside he truly believed that she'd live up to them none the less. "I need you to consider taking on one or two Padawan Learners under your wing as I did you...-Typically Jedi Knights are only encouraged to take the one student at a time but I have other needs of you too..." his initial response faded as he found himself considering the result of her efforts over these last few months. The Force felt more erratic lately, frenzied though so were his nerves at times with all that he had carried on his own. The students were all coming along nicely if not a little too slowly what with his group lessons trailing one after another in the time he was on deck.

"Over the years I've taught you all the ideals that I carry with me from day to day..." He turned to glance to her with a wary smile as they moved down the corridor walking in their own pace as the students passed them by every now and then; "Though a little rough around the edges, you've done well to follow the Code and to respect others, right or wrong. I have admired the progress you've fought to make and yes you did well to earn your Knighthood, though I jest otherwise from time to time. What I will ask of you now however goes beyond the responsibilities I've had you take up before...".

"This Grand-master business, it's a title I want not to hold. Though it's been necessary for the Jedi here with us to feel secure, it's not the vision I have for the head of the Order, nor as you well know, do I want to be treated like some martyr on high" he rolled his eyes to himself, though offered something of a pessimistic chuckle in soft expense of himself, trying to keep the tone of their discussion light despite its serious nature. "The Jedi Order requires a Council to work cooperatively together to see our students and Masters on ahead with the ideal's you and I both share. The traditions of the Jedi respected and held close to heart...-I want you to be one of these Councilors, effective immediately".
She Left Behind A Legacy
She shrugged, and slowly nodded her head "Okay..." it was fair. Probably expected given her current rank. She'd have to look more into the process but it wad doable. Her attention falling on another passing student before she recognized the pause her Master took. So much so, her head whipped back around in succession. She knew he was thinking...

"Oh wha..?" she raised the question almost knowing something else much more was coming. She playfully glared back at him, because now he was reminiscing "Mmhmm...?" her eyebrow rose, "Spit it out know I don't like when you beat around the bush. It gives me anxiety." she had a slight whine in her voice, more so because she was being overdramatic.

Her entire demeanor shifted, her posture had become more fixed and her lips parted just as her eyes face would drop. She blinked a few times to have a mental check, of course she needed to make sure he was really saying those words. "Wha...what?" a breath escaped her lips.

"You want me to sit on the Council? Oh no, Master you know that goes against tradition. I'm no Master...surely there is someone else you'd be considering before me...Honestly I can't believe your actually saying this. Are you actually saying this?"

[member="Veiere Arenais"]

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