Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Viona Thorleif, Champion of Effekt

Viona Thorleif
Apprentice, Warrior, Shield Maiden
HEIGHT: 5’ 9”
WEIGHT: 145 Ilbs
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Blonde
SKIN: White
Skilled in both armed and unarmed combat
Devoted attitude
Gifted singer
Often too proud or stubborn to prove herself
As an elite knight of Effekt Viona is often wearing her traditional armor, which involves a breastplate, cape and boots. While she IS a force user she does not carry a lightsaber, instead carrying traditional weapons like swords, spears and axes. Given how long her hair is she tends to keep it braided especially during combat.
In the history of Effekt there had been only one other prominent woman knight to be remembered throughout time. That was the Dame of House Balder, Guinevere. In the battles against the empire’s enemies she had taken up arms against an outnumbering force and with only a handful of men left at her back. They fought to the last until reinforcements had arrived, Guinevere being heralded as a hero.
The story had inspired many, including young Viona Thorleif. Unlike her childhood hero Viona came from no great house or heritage and was instead the daughter of a blacksmith and chambermaid to the Emperor. She’d dreamed of becoming a hero but lacked any proper training, especially with her parents saying she was better off aspiring to be something more real; like a teacher or handmaiden to the Empress.
Despite this Viona still continued to try and follow her dream, one day following her mother into the palace before finding the barracks where the guards were trained. She was found by Captain Borous Heimdall after trying to take a sword from the armory. When she explained who she was and why she did what she did he instead let her go as opposed to turning her into the Emperor for stealing. He did offer, however, that if she wanted to know how to actually use a blade that she would have to return to him at the break of dawn. Sure enough the next day Viona had arrived with Captain Heimdall awaiting her to train.
For years Viona trained under Heimdall and became a skilled knight in her own rights. Even with this training her mother had opted to teach her the ways of a handmaiden. It was not that she did not have faith in her daughter, it was only the fear of her failing her task with nothing else to accomplish in life that worried her. Viona of course complied and learned basics in knitting and bathing as well as learning to sing.
In time the current Emperor Victor had died and his wife, Empress Nimue, had taken the throne. With a woman now in power Viona had seen opportunity to reach her position as an official knight. Unfortunately such matters were on hold when civil war broke out between the Empress and the traditionalists’ lords who tried to overthrow her. Heimdall was taken away from the palace to aid in the war while Viona was left to remain a guard in the palace. During that time she’d become all the more noticed by Nimue, even to where she wanted her to sing to help her sleep during these ‘troubled times’.
The more the two spent together the more Nimue began to trust Viona, even to where they became intimate. The war had been waging for months and Nimue had worried what would come from this, even possibly her own death. Viona had assured her that things would be alright but, if she truly wanted to help, she would need to aid in the battles against the traditionalists. It was thanks to Viona’s words that Nimue was confident to reveal her force powers to her, and, in turn, she revealing her own to the Empress. Viona’s force gifts had remained secret even to her family.
Together both of them had made headway in the war, using their gifts to destroy their enemies. In the end Nimue’s forces had won and Viona was finally declared a hero. But the celebration was bitter sweet as Nimue found herself contemplating her own future and the need to end her debaucheries to have a real family. That meant ending her personal affair with Viona which, of course, had broken the young warrior’s heart. While she respected her Empress’ word Viona was still saddened by this but vowed to uphold her lady’s will.
It was then that relations further opened with other factions in the galaxy where Viona had found opportunity. As a token of good favor she would join one of these factions as prove herself to them as a representative of Effekt’s friendship. As a means of both finding a new path and diverging herself away from home, where enough pain lingered, Viona now hopes to be a hero to the people of the galaxy.


That is a LOT of weapons for someone! I'd be scared to hold that much metal on my person. >-<




I know right? Be careful not to let all that weight hold you down!


^w^ [member="Haruko"]

Alright friendo, if you say so! I hope to roleplay with you sometime!



Your faaaise. (Face.) :p

Hey, if you want, I can add you as a friend on my primary character and we can meet up next time we're both online.

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