Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Vincent Jusik

NAME: Vincent Jusik
FACTION: The Empire
RANK: 1st Lieutenant
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 180lbs
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: White
RELATIVES: Davin Jusik: Dead
Monty Jusik: MIA


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Strengths: Very Perceptive, Good reflexes

Weaknesses: Lactose intolerant, squishy little human thing

APPEARANCE: Often dresses as an Imperial Pilot, Lieutenant Rank, when not in Sith garb. When in Sith attire he wears his black robes and boots.

BIOGRAPHY: Born on Bespin shortly before Monty Jusik, Vincent is the cousin of the currently MIA Republic Army Medic. As a child he was constantly questioning everything that was he was taught or told to the point that it got him in trouble at school. This amused the hell out of his mother, a detective, and irritated his miner father to no end. In his teenage years this curiosity evolved into legal trouble when Vincent broke into his school after suspecting one of his teacher's of spice abuse. Though he proved to be correct, he still received charges for breaking and entering.

After he reached adulthood his juvenile record was expunged after a bit of consideration from a local judge. Vincent graduated primary school soon after and left Bespin to look for a purpose on Coruscant, not wanting to be bogged down on a backwater little world like his parents had.

A few months of searching for a job proved fruitless and Vincent ended up homeless and wandering Coruscant's streets. It likely would've only gotten worse if he hadn't run into a Jedi who told him he was force sensitive.

For a time Vincent played the part of a Jedi Padawan, obeying his masters and learning all he could. It wasn't enough. He hungered for deeper knowledge. The Padawan sought out a Templar who taught him the basics of Vaapad, using passion in battle. Jusik continued to slip over the following weeks, using his anger in battle and yearning for secrets. Eventually his quest brought him to Korriban where he dueled the Emperor before being captured and tortured. He fell to the darkside and then served the Empire as an apprentice before transferring to the Naval Pilot Division and serving as a TIE Pilot for several months. After deciding the Navy wasn't the place for him he volunteered for the Stormtrooper Officer Academy and successfully commissioned.





Missions/Faction: (Skirmish)


Duels: (Duel/Fall)


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