Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Villis Mal || The Great Equalizer



The Great Equalizer

NAME: Villis Mal


RANK: Revolutionary Leader


AGE: 40

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 6'2"

WEIGHT: 210lbs

EYES: Blue

HAIR: Black

SKIN: Pale



+Revolutionary Fervor:
A true believer in his own cause, Villis will not be swayed from his own beliefs. While to most this passion is seen as insanity, to those who believe in his cause he is a herald of a better and brighter future. Over time, Villis has perfected his message and has become a passionate public speaker as well.

+The Body is a Weapon: In his crusade, Villis realized that his followers would need an effective way to combat force users. Over time, he has sought out the greatest warriors in the galaxy to learn of their ways, making him a master in Teräs Käsi as well as Echani unarmed combat. These methods combined produced effective results, and those who actively join the cause are taught these ways to give them a fighting chance against the force-wielders of the galaxy.

+The Great Lie: Despite the war he wages against the force users, Villis himself is a force wielder of great skill. While rather hypocritical, Villis does everything in his power to hide his abilities, strengthening the body rather than his own force potential. Despite this, the force passively grants its users increased agility, and speed, and improves their senses, something Villis puts to good use.


-Madman or Prophet?:
While the idea of outright destroying or controlling the force is not new, Villis has taken on a semi-religious perspective, seeing himself as a profit of the force that speaks directly to him. He must right the wrongs of those granted the force's gifts by force, most people are prone to see him as little more as a jumped-up preacher who desires personal power.

-A War against Light and Dark: Villis seeks to wage war against the Jedi and Sith alike, making him few friends among the most powerful beings in the galaxy.

-One Against Many: While an expert at combating a single opponent, Villis very much struggles against multiple opponents. Often, he fights unarmed, relying on his own body as a weapon along with several gadgets designed to distract and weaken force-wielders. Most of these advantages can be rendered useless by concentrated blaster fire or bringing allies into a battle against him.

APPEARANCE: With two decades of training, Villis had honed his body and mind into a capable weapon. Tall and broad-shouldered, Villis maintains peak physical ability in order to continue his war as long as his body possibly can. All of this is hidden beneath his attire, most prominently his mask that he is never without. It has become the symbol of his new movement.

There is little known about the figure known as Villis Mal, and that is purposeful on his part. This new identity he has taken on has consumed his whole life, his dreams are of a galaxy where the weak need not fear those with the unnatural abilities granted to them at birth. Why should trillions bow to those who just happened to be lucky enough to be born with extraordinary abilities? Galactic history is marred with the wars between the Jedi and the Sith, Light, and Dark fighting an endless war that has killed countless beings over tens of thousands of years. The time has come to put this cycle to an end the only way that is possible, to remove that connection to the force from every sentient being. Insanity to some, but to others it is the only way to find true peace.

What is known about Villis is that he appeared in the core five years prior to the Sith's invasion of the Rimward Trade League, and at first, he was considered little more than a mad preacher who was largely ignored. Eventually, words turned to action as Villis sought to ease the plight of the common man, targeting the vultures who fed on the suffering of the weak and helpless. A war on crime was hardly what he had in mind, but slowly Villis began to gain followers who sought to make a difference as he did. This core group of supporters sought equality among individual beings, regardless of species or background. While this could quickly turn into a class struggle, Villis was quick to shut this view down as he directed the anger of his followers toward the "true enemy". The Sith pillaged the Outer Rim, their Empire enslaving and murdering as it pleased in their desire for dominance. Most recognized this threat, but then the Great Equalizer directed their fury to the Jedi as well. Those so-called guardians of peace and justice only brought war and death, they ignored the suffering of billions while they mediated and sought some truth from the force. He was willing to admit they did do good in some cases, but that was little in the face of the countless Jedi who had fallen to the Dark Side and turn their power on the weak. They had to be eliminated, as did the SIth, and any other Order that sought to wield or serve the force.

This vision, a grand design in which the galaxy would be cleansed of the impurity that was force-wielding, was the driving mission of this new revolution. While this goal seemed impossible to achieve as children continued to be born with their unique abilities, Villis revealed his hidden "gift" that he claimed was delivered to him by the force itself to bring true balance, true equality.

While secretly an ability that requires the force itself, it was so strange and foreign to the average beings of the galaxy that it seemed like a religious miracle. An answer to the endless problems that force-users posed to the future of the galaxy. While he could not perform this ability on a massive scale or in active combat, should a defeated force-user be brought before him Villis can break any connection they might have, rendering them completely and entirely normal. They would understand what it meant to be average, to be like the countless trillions that lived each and every day in fear of those who used their power to torment and enslave. Now that his power was revealed, his followers had good reason to believe in his message of a force-free galaxy. Slowly, the movement grows, arming itself and infiltrating the circles of power in the galaxy as they await the coming revolution. Through outright murder or the gifts of their master, the galaxy will be free from the tyranny of the force and at last will know true peace.


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