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Character Victorio Ulgo

Victorio Ulgo





Monument to your sins.

NAME: Regent Victorio Ulgo

RANK: Regent of Alderaan-in-Exile, claimant to the Kingdom of Alderaan | Unlanded Warlord of the New Imperial Order | Head of the New Alderaani Branch of the House of Ulgo

SPECIES: Human, New Alderaani

HOMEWORLD: New Alderaan

AGE: 26

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 5’10

WEIGHT: 160 lbs

EYES: Hazel

SKIN: Pale

HAIR: Slicked back, dark brown.



Galactic Basic | Native | Spoken and Written

High Galactic | Fluent | Spoken and Written




Our Revenge

Victorio is driven by several factors, but none of these are more important than his will to claim revenge for his entire people. He views the Alderaani as a disparate and disenfranchised people that have had their right to self-determination stripped from them time and time again, and his own homeland was sacked and pillaged by marauding forces outside of his control.

He views himself as the voice of New Alderaan, and it remembers what was done to it.

Lead from the Front

Victorio, in his drive to reclaim his people’s native lands in a sovereign realm, has aligned himself with the New Imperial Order and what remains of the Royal Army. He has taken training through the New Imperial Army and Stormtrooper Programs, along with traditional Alderaani noble combat schooling. Through this, he makes an effort to lead from the front, charging in front of the lines with a banner in one hand, blaster in the other, calling for his men to follow him into the fray. He has developed a reputation as a Battle Regent, and those that fight along side him hardly know any other loyalty or worth than that of this self proclaimed King.


Faulty Claim

Victorio has never seen Alderaan proper, and his time spent on New Alderaan was cut short after his fleet was routed by Sith-Imperial vessels. His exile has further created a divide between him and the rest of the Alderaani people. While he fully believes in his ability to reclaim his home planet and instate himself as the local despot, his ability to reach Core Alderaan is something he views as more of a distant dream. Other houses have better claims, and other individuals have more reputation on both Alderaans. As it stands, outside of his branch of the House Ulgo and the New Alderaani Exiles in New Imperial space, he has a lot to do if he wants to make his claim seem legitimate in the eyes of the people.

What to Return To?

New Alderaan, just like it’s predecessor, has been taken from Victorio. The homeworld he cherished has been first occupied by the Sith, and now, utterly decimated by the Bryn. He is unsure of the survivors, unsure of where they may have been displaced to, or even what the status of his homeworld is anymore, but should he return to New Alderaan, he will be forced to rebuild from scratch. As it stands, he views himself and his Exiles as the few with a legal claim to the purged world.


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