Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Veskasa "Ves" Montari



NAME: I was born Veskasa Aryss Montari, but now I mostly go by Ves.

FACTION: Currently working for/with the Silver Jedi Order.

RANK: I consider myself an explorer and I classify as a merely Force Sensitive.

SPECIES: I am a Firrerreo.

AGE: I am twenty seven standard years of age though I have experienced enough for a life time.

SEX: I am female and identify as such. My preference is still undecided.

HEIGHT: I stand at five feet and ten inches tall.

WEIGHT: I weigh roughly one hundred and forty eight pounds by galactic standard.

EYES: I have brown eyes that have nictitating membranes over them.

HAIR: My hair is brown and white, two-toned like others of my kind.

SKIN: Typically I have gold hued skin, like my kind. However, when I get angry it tends to flush silver. I also have silver scar tissue.

FORCE SENSITIVE: I am moderately Force Sensitive.


+ Nictitating membranes over the eyes protect me from bright flashes of light and a range of debris or shrapnel.
+ I am able to see a variable level of the UV spectrum in most lighting.
+ Where most beings take hours to days to recover from most wounds, I can recover from similar wounds within minutes to hours.
+ I have prominent canine teeth, which can be used for intimidation or biting an opponent in combat.

+ My hearing is better than most other species, being able to hear some things on higher spectrum of sound waves.
- While I have an extremely efficient healing factor, wounds that effect the heart or brain are not likely to recover more quickly than a standard human.
- My hearing might be good, but it's not perfect. Loud, abrupt noises of higher spectrum, or even that catch me off guard, tend to overwhelm my sensitive hearing.
- I don't give out my given name for a reason. My kind are known to be driven to compulsion when their given name is used to address them.
- I may be Force Sensitive but I do not boast the same prominence in it as my peers. I am adept at best.

Like humans, I have features of my body that make me stand out as near human. Aside from those that make me stand out similar to a Firrerreo, there are some features to my body that stand out even more. When not wearing a shirt, mind all those with dung brains, a variety of scars can be seen across my back and upper arms. Among these scars on my left arm you can barely see a set of markings that are the cover marks for an implant in my upper left arm.

I have long brown and white hair and tend to wear it down rather than up and out of my face. I wear casual clothing almost ninety percent of the time and prefer to dress casual to formal. Rarely do I wear robes, for the sake of maintaining appearance, and have an ear piece in my right ear at almost all times. In addition to all of this I have a variety of piercings in my ears to accompany a few modifications on my collar, lips and eyebrows.

To compliment the complexity of my appearance I often wear boots and carry bags to carry my findings in. I own a variety of necklaces from my clan and the parents I lost years ago.

It is easy enough to say that the Firrerreo species has been 'wiped out' more than once. First by the Galactic Empire and then by the Yuuzhan Vong. But what most do not know is that it takes more than destroying a home planet or wiping out a civilization to erase a species from the galaxy. And that's where my clan comes in.

We're survivors. Spacers, hunters, scrappers, you name it and I guarantee my clan has done it. Though not without the cost of a few limbs, eyes and other body parts to survive to the next day. I myself am not excused from this notion as I lost a large chunk of my upper left arm as a child while my parents were on a salvaging mission in the Ryloth system. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

My story begins in the stray reaches of the outer rim. On the planet of Hoth to be precise. It was there that my family had decided to settle down with what was left of my clan some fifty years ago. There was plenty of space to settle within the caverns that were remotely hospitable, and there was plenty of food if you knew where and how to look for it. Though it's easy enough to say that my family sent members off world to collect food and bring it back to last us months at a time.

For years this lifestyle went on until my parents decided they wanted to explore deeper into the core worlds. Against it as they were my parents were permitted to leave by the clan leaders and not long after their departure I was born. As expected, in any instance involving children, I changed everything. My father lost an arm, a leg and a shoulder protecting me from pirates and my mother lost a hand and part of her torso. Even still they survived.

It wasn't until I was young that I fully understood the sacrifices they'd made and the dangers we were in, and was naive enough to explore on my own from time to time. My very first exploration lost me that chunk of my arm I told you about, and that wasn't the only thing I lost. If it weren't for quick action on my parents parts I would have lost the use of my lower right leg. It would seem that getting into a fight with a gundark was not the smartest choice for a child Firrerreo despite their immensely useful healing factor.

An implant in my spine to reinforce it and an implant in my thigh to maintain use of my leg were the price to pay for my naivety. A price I have come to pay in way of taxing my stamina when relying on moving more than one's body might typically allow. I never did fully come to accommodate for the replacements but in time I came to accept them and their restrictions on my abilities.

In a way, years later, I can say that of all the things I've experienced nothing will beat my last encounter with members of the Vong genus. Bitterness is a dangerous game, but I have to thank them for the work they did to restore a reasonable connection with my body's weaker parts, though I dare say I left on bad terms. It's been years since then, but even now I fear a reprisal on their part for treating them as badly as I did.

Which brings me to the present. I could spend all day recollecting the various adventures I have been through. But I find it would be easier if you experienced me for yourself. Sadly there's only one story that I doubt many would care to hear, and a story that I prefer to explain in person. His name is far to complex to spell and harder to convey. In short...

I grew up a survivor, lived an explorer and even now I continue to consider myself fit and capable. With a galaxy to explore and many a mission at my disposal, and an Order I find myself comfortable with, the only thing that could stand in my way now is the Force.

Self trained at best, we'll see how this goes.

Ship: A solid modern model freighter with top grade hyperdrive technology and a great deal of storage space.
Equipment: Basic yellow lightsaber and a slug thrower pistol.
Companions: A Maelibus she encountered and somehow befriended on her travels to the planet of Iego. He's far from friendly with aggressors against her and fiercely loyal.




To come.

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