Velia Vella
Cin Vhetin
“A true warrior does not train tirelessly to fight, or to kill. A true warrior trains endlessly that he may return home alive” – R. Calloway
“The true warrior isn't immune to fear. He/She fights in spite of it.” – Francesca Lia Block
“Verd urcir kyr’am bat kyrbej, n’ohr prudiise” – Val Vizsla
“The true warrior isn't immune to fear. He/She fights in spite of it.” – Francesca Lia Block
“Verd urcir kyr’am bat kyrbej, n’ohr prudiise” – Val Vizsla

Aliases: Val Vizsla, V, Veez, Vee Vee
- Clan Vizsla
Place of Birth: Concordia
Current Home-World: Unknown - On the move
Visited Planet:
* Mandalore
* Yavin
* Aeten II
Current Home-World: Unknown - On the move
Visited Planet:
* Mandalore
* Yavin
* Aeten II
Species: Human
Height: 1.57 meters (5 feet and 2 inches)
Weight: 49.44 kilograms (109 lbs)
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Black (Naturally)
Skin Pigmentation: Light Tan
From head to toes, Velia is small in stature. This makes her multi-colour, dreadlock hair look a lot longer than it is. The length is slightly longer than three feet. The standard colours for her hair is black and crimson, but at random times white, green, blue, pink, and orange could be mixed in. She will mostly wear her hair up with a foot and half hanging down, or it is kept in the back section of her two piece helmet.
There are other notable marks and objects she has that given her a distinct look. Tattoos on the side of her head that is flower pattern. They are visible when her hair is up. Also she used flesh tunnels for her ear piercings. Other facial piercings she has are several nose rings, two studs at the corners of her lips, and of course belly piercing. There are more tattoos. She has them on her left shoulder, left inner arm, back of her left hand, lower stomach, and upper left thigh.
Height: 1.57 meters (5 feet and 2 inches)
Weight: 49.44 kilograms (109 lbs)
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Black (Naturally)
Skin Pigmentation: Light Tan
From head to toes, Velia is small in stature. This makes her multi-colour, dreadlock hair look a lot longer than it is. The length is slightly longer than three feet. The standard colours for her hair is black and crimson, but at random times white, green, blue, pink, and orange could be mixed in. She will mostly wear her hair up with a foot and half hanging down, or it is kept in the back section of her two piece helmet.
There are other notable marks and objects she has that given her a distinct look. Tattoos on the side of her head that is flower pattern. They are visible when her hair is up. Also she used flesh tunnels for her ear piercings. Other facial piercings she has are several nose rings, two studs at the corners of her lips, and of course belly piercing. There are more tattoos. She has them on her left shoulder, left inner arm, back of her left hand, lower stomach, and upper left thigh.

Overall, Velia is a positive, adventurous, unusual thinking, curious ball of energy. She is open to new experience that can be on an emotional level or through intellectual curiosity. The openness to new things mixes well her being impulsive and engaging with her surroundings. The start of, during and the outcome of everything she does is also met with high level of positivity. The stimulation from these external activities and means fuels her energy. That is why is can be a living ball of energy.
At the same time, there is a dutiful and disciplinary sense to her. As the energetic side is more nature, the sense of duty, dependable, call to arms, quest to achieve honor came from the countless, exhausting years of nurture her father distilled. There are at times, moments where the sides conflict; however, the conflict is brought up by outside factors at first. Then it is turned inwards as fuel to the ever growing battle that exists in the deep reaches of her mind.
As her nature is to be positive, the battle that she has at time on a subconscious level is more puppies and rainbows compare to others having a more dramatic conflict. This does not stop the conflict of nature verves nurture expect there is more “hugging” it out. Oddly that is how she handles some of her exterior conflicts. The other ways are more extreme and could be over stimulating. These come out more because of the unusual ideas and need for stimulation.
This might feed into others believing Velia is more insane than sane. It could be true or not, but she just a sane person that happen to be a very action-oriented, unconventional woman.
At the same time, there is a dutiful and disciplinary sense to her. As the energetic side is more nature, the sense of duty, dependable, call to arms, quest to achieve honor came from the countless, exhausting years of nurture her father distilled. There are at times, moments where the sides conflict; however, the conflict is brought up by outside factors at first. Then it is turned inwards as fuel to the ever growing battle that exists in the deep reaches of her mind.
As her nature is to be positive, the battle that she has at time on a subconscious level is more puppies and rainbows compare to others having a more dramatic conflict. This does not stop the conflict of nature verves nurture expect there is more “hugging” it out. Oddly that is how she handles some of her exterior conflicts. The other ways are more extreme and could be over stimulating. These come out more because of the unusual ideas and need for stimulation.
This might feed into others believing Velia is more insane than sane. It could be true or not, but she just a sane person that happen to be a very action-oriented, unconventional woman.
Size: The small frame she calls her body helps to get out of physically tight spots. She would be the one found crawling the air ducts and smaller tunnels to assist her team out in their task. This also opens her up to being pushed around by large figures. In addition, it is the factor of being over looked, seen as weak, and not taken seriously.
Personality: Brought up with Mandalorian teachings, V’s attention is short. Positive nature, friendly, energetic all feeds that lovely short always distracted by squirrels and shiny things attention. It is everything in that personality that makes her so darn gash lovable.
Amygdala: Childhood head/ brain trauma has left her damage sections of her mind that houses fear. This could be a big advantaged; however, fear is perception of danger, risks, and feeds the fight and flight response. It keeps many people alive. Her detachment from this emotion can place her into more dangerous situations that could be avoided.
Chronic Neurodegenerative Disease: Same childhood trauma left her with countdown that has been taking pieces from her. Even with her personality and type of woman she is. It can trump them and whatever the triggers were can cause symptoms ranging from emotional problems, problems with language, a decrease in motivation, shaking, rigidity, slowness of movement and difficulty with walking and gait, disorientation, not managing self-care, and behavioral issues.
Learning Disabilities: Even before her accident, Velia had issues with reading, communication and written expression. It made things difficult growing up, but she learned tricks and ways around being held back by her LD. Special classes helped her too. However, those issues she had conquered are resurfacing because of the degeneration of her brain.
Val Vizsla: Is the name of her armor suit, it is hand crafted shell for Velia to use to compete with others. It removes many of her disabilities and weaknesses as she uses it to form and present a different person/ identity. The large suit allows her to hide the size issue, shakes as the suit needs gestures greater than small jerks, and movement issues from slowness or simply walking. Same time, she uses the suit to presents herself as she sees male Mandalorians, just being one of the boys. As great as the suit is in her mind, it still drains her to use because of the size and weight of it.
Personality: Brought up with Mandalorian teachings, V’s attention is short. Positive nature, friendly, energetic all feeds that lovely short always distracted by squirrels and shiny things attention. It is everything in that personality that makes her so darn gash lovable.
Amygdala: Childhood head/ brain trauma has left her damage sections of her mind that houses fear. This could be a big advantaged; however, fear is perception of danger, risks, and feeds the fight and flight response. It keeps many people alive. Her detachment from this emotion can place her into more dangerous situations that could be avoided.
Chronic Neurodegenerative Disease: Same childhood trauma left her with countdown that has been taking pieces from her. Even with her personality and type of woman she is. It can trump them and whatever the triggers were can cause symptoms ranging from emotional problems, problems with language, a decrease in motivation, shaking, rigidity, slowness of movement and difficulty with walking and gait, disorientation, not managing self-care, and behavioral issues.
Learning Disabilities: Even before her accident, Velia had issues with reading, communication and written expression. It made things difficult growing up, but she learned tricks and ways around being held back by her LD. Special classes helped her too. However, those issues she had conquered are resurfacing because of the degeneration of her brain.
Val Vizsla: Is the name of her armor suit, it is hand crafted shell for Velia to use to compete with others. It removes many of her disabilities and weaknesses as she uses it to form and present a different person/ identity. The large suit allows her to hide the size issue, shakes as the suit needs gestures greater than small jerks, and movement issues from slowness or simply walking. Same time, she uses the suit to presents herself as she sees male Mandalorians, just being one of the boys. As great as the suit is in her mind, it still drains her to use because of the size and weight of it.
Stats Coming Soon (Dev threads need to be done first)

Information Source: Wookieepedia: StarViper-class attack platform
Affiliation: Mandalorian
Manufacturer: MandalMotors/ Mandal Hypernautics
Model: StarViper-class Attack Platform
Modularity: No
Production: Limited
Classification: Starfighter
Length: 21 Meters
Maximum acceleration: 16 MGLT/s
MGLT: 111
Hyperdrive rating: Class 2
Hyperdrive system: Equipped
Shielding: 50 SBD
Hull: 35 RU
Navigation system: Equipped
- Twin Taim & Bak Ht-12 heavy laser cannons (2)
- Forward Borstel proton torpedo launchers (2)
- 3 warheads each
Crew: Pilot (1)
Other systems: S-foil actuator
For now in list form of what I'll be writing up for her history...
- Grew up with a father and older sister
- Truama as a child ie head injury
- When and how Val Vizsla was created
- Armor making as part of her father's training her.
- Moving out and becoming active with the Mandos
- Grew up with a father and older sister
- Truama as a child ie head injury
- When and how Val Vizsla was created
- Armor making as part of her father's training her.
- Moving out and becoming active with the Mandos