Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Veldar Tor'Vaas


Bred to charge Ipods and fry enemies
NAME: Surge (Changed from Veldar Tor'Vaas)
SPECIES: 30% Human, 20% Parwan and Mynock, 30% Echani, and 20% Epicanthix
AGE: Physically: 18 Biologically: 3
SEX: Male
Rank: Alpha #8
HEIGHT: 6'0"
EYES: White
HAIR: None
SKIN: Electric Blue (Get it?)


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Electrostatic Energy Generation: Veldar possesses the ability to bodily generate electrostatic energy which he can release or harness for a number of effects. He is powered by the micro-fine rhythmic muscle contractions that normally regulate body temperature. His body can generate electricity at a rate of about 10,000 volts per minute, up to his maximum storage capacity of 10,000,000 volts. At that point, his body automatically stops producing electricity. As he expends his electrostatic energy, his body automatically begins to recharge the stores. Veldar can mentally control the amount of electricity he discharges, anywhere from a single volt to his full 10,000,000 volt charge at once. At ten to thirty feet, his maximum charge is more than enough to kill a man. Veldar can also use his body as a transformer, touching an outside power source (such as a generator) and channeling it through his body for use. The amount of electricity he can transform above his body's maximum storage capacity is unknown. Veldar can employ his electrostatic energy in a number of ways:
  • Lighting Bolt Projection: The simplest manifestation is the emission of a lightning-like electric arc from his fingertips, which can propagate through air or other conducting mediums. This discharge, whose total voltage can be regulated within certain limits, travels at the speed of lightning, about 150,000 feet per second. The course of the electrostatic bolt, like lightning, does not always follow a straight line since it may be influenced by conducting substances like metal or other electrical fields. If his target is not grounded, his electrostatic bolt will have little effect. The maximum effective range of his bolts is about 100 feet (33 meters).

  • Electromagnetic Propulsion via Electrical Lines and Bridges: Veldar can propel himself along the accompanying magnetic lines of force in objects that have great electrical potential, such as high-tension electrical lines. He generates light, eddying electrical fields around his legs, which develops an intense, opposing magnetic field that can support him above the electric cable's magnetic field. By creating imbalances in his field, he can ride along on magnetic ripples at speeds of up to 140 miles per hour, the maximum speed at which he can still breathe unaided. He can sometimes create electrostatic bridges to traverse upon, although the expenditure of energy is enormous.

  • Electrical Detection: Veldar's electrical powers also grant him certain sensory and manipulative abilities. By "feeling" the course of electricity through the circuitry of any electrically-powered device, Veldar can override the system and make the device obey his mental commands. Veldar can disconnect alarm systems, control computers in a limited way, or overload any electrically controlled system that is insufficiently shielded.

  • Electrocution: The electric flux of Veldar's skin is such that when his electric charge is at a maximum, a person touching him is in danger of being electrocuted.

  • Recharging: By using an external electrical power source to recharge his body's energy reserves, he could expend electrical energy indefinitely without diminishing his personal reserves.

  • Electrical Conversion into Enhanced Physical Attributions: The electricity coursing through his altered body augments his strength, speed, and recuperative powers. When fully charged, Veldar is able to lift (press) about 500 pounds.

  • Localized Electromagnetic Storms: Veldar can create a localized Electromagnetic Storm. This allowed him to carbonize the air and it can imprison someone in a sheath of rock hard electro carbon atoms. It can effectively make a statue out of someone, although they are simply encased by a thin layer.

  • Immunity to Electricity: Veldar's body is immune to the effects of its electricity and that of other sources as well. Hence, Veldar cannot be electrocuted no matter how great the voltage.

  • Charging: Veldar can actively charge himself up at an increased rate to reach high maximum voltage.
-Primitive: Unfamiliar with technology.
-Weakness to water
-Obvious: He sticks out like a sore thumb
-Figuratively Green: Veldar is inexperienced and naive. The extent and amount of abilities at his disposal are very unknown at this time..
-Red vs. Blue: He secretly has a split personality, but his other manifestation has yet to show itself.

(When at max charge)

When he's not in battle mode, he stands and stares, occasionally blinking. He is quiet and reserved. His forehead contains a mark from when the abusive scientist waylaid his brain in order to erase his memories and "fold" him into a "little puppet". Other than his aforementioned abilities and changes, he is still largely a human.


Once an ordinary nobody on a back water planet, David Ysllein was about to propose to his girlfriend when he was descended upon by a shuttle craft and darkly armored figures. He was ripped apart from his lover's grasp, screaming and uselessly flailing before he was beat unconcious. Whenever he awoke, he was given a few moments of confused, anguished, and terrified consciousness before feeling a needle jab him and make him sleep again.

After what seemed to be an eternity of dread, he woke up and was not stabbed with yet another needle. Instead, he found himself in an inescapable position with a crazed doctor and a never ending nightmare of pain. His life was one of learned helplessness, dread, pain, abuse, and finally, he didn't have a life anymore. There was no Daniel Ysllein anymore. His memory had been extensively erased; his skin and biology had been changed. He was a completely different being.

Not long after he was liberated, the creature that was once Daniel died. Whether it was due to the procedure or the lack of a will to live, his vitals were gone and he was declared dead. A man by the name of Dr. Checheng was given ownership over the genetic material and research that could be found and salvaged. After a long toil of hard work, a second crack at the next Alpha was successful.

Code named Surge, this Alpha was much like the original Alpha X, albeit he didn't die immediately, he was properly labeled Alpha 8, and he wasn't mentally scarred. He did, however, seem to contain the end-personality of the previous Alpha: Quiet and Distant. He also had the same memory problems. With time and testing, he was brought into the Alpha group fold.

[member="Adrian"]: Not many words are exchanged between these two, but there was always a silent respect between them. Adrian was big brother and the impassioned one. During training exercises, Surge and the others found methods to synergize their elemental powers with Adrian's physical brute force. Surge found that he could temporarily carbonize the air in front of Adrian's skin, creating a rock hard barrier for protection and offense.

[member="Psycho"]: There hasn't been much interaction between Surge and Psycho. Whether it's because Surge doesn't have much in his head or he's not interesting enough, Psycho's mental, inquisitive intrusions into his mind have yielded little interest in Surge. It wasn't until Surge displayed his ability to suck the energy out of lighting units, and thus shrouding the area in darkness, that Psycho formed a type of attachment to Surge. Whether it is an attachment based off of empathy, pragmatic usefulness, or some random mixture in between, no one will likely ever know.

[member="Arctica"]: Ah, our cool leader. Surge always liked Arctica. Her color scheme seemed to match with his, she was pragmatic and efficient, and she was straight-forward (a boon for his simplified way of thinking). Even though he was a being of energy, his body does not heat up except for when it reaches max charge. His skin is cold and he is not affected by cold because his internal organs and systems are being heated by the electrical "wiring". Every time they meet or hang out, he always feels strange emotions deep inside of his chest. He wants to follow her anywhere, even into battle.

Her ability to freeze and slow down opposition make targets easier to hit. He can use his power to crudely manipulate technology so that he could turn off heaters and power freezers, to name a few uses.

[member="Flos Mortem"], [member="Luster"], [member="Pyro"]: Flos Mortem was also quiet and reserved. It was always enjoyable to be in his company. His floral extenditures and beautiful, earthy features could keep him engaged. He acted as a great perch for him to fire bolts of energy at foes from safety. His electricity would fry spores, viruses, and diseases before they could take root in his lungs and other systems.

Luster was always entertaining to be around. By electromagnetically sliding along metal railing and holding Luster, he could use himself as a launching pad of which to give Luster a great speed boost and early flight advantage. Kind of like Angry Birds, except that Surge was the "slingshot".

Pyro was adorable. His paternal instinct to protect always came out around her. He would spend quality time with her and catch her if she fell over when she was close to him. Even though their powers are familiar, energy-wise at least, little has been found for each other's powers to synergize together as well as the other Alpha combos.
Evasion Studios
[member="Veldar Tor'Vaas"] So while I am a fan of Dr. Manhattan, I'm wondering just how this character even fits into Star Wars. You mentioned that his species was N/A as in Not Applicable. Not that you don't know what the species is, but that a species is not even an option. That leads me to believe that he'd be some sort of energy construct. And since your biography section is just a question - I assume you plan on revealing that later. Still I see this being more of a superhero/villain thing than an actual Star Wars creation.


Bred to charge Ipods and fry enemies
N/A stands for No Answer. Perhaps he was a human or a near human...Perhaps he is now something else entirely. 'Tis strange, the things that have been found in Star Wars and stranger still are the things that are made to be Star Wars canon....


Jak Skirata


A pure manifestation of the Force.

Or maybe he just was a human who fell into a vat of...stuff.

First off, you'll probably be replacing one of the other Alphas. Since only eight Alphas were created, I would suggest changing your number for this. Next, I would suggest looking at each of the Alphas' biography pages. Note how each have a similar but slightly different story, and look at what all we listed for our age and whatnot. Finally, come to any of us if you feel that you need help with something while making your character. We're more than happy to help.

I love this concept, and I can't wait to make you a part of our family. :D

[member="Veldar Tor'Vaas"]

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