Countess of Corellia

Analytical: in many cases remains a few steps ahead of her opponent.
Mind Games: Is very adept in getting into the enemies head.
Fencing: Has trained in the art of dueling for years.
Quick Learner: Picks up on things rather quickly.
Charmer: Can quickly disarm the unsuspecting.
Selfish: Tends to think of herself first and foremost, even as it seems she is looking after her own, on her side of the fight.
Distrusting: She trusts nobody in this day and age, to the point she will never even assume someone is dead until she sees the body.
Vanity: She is attractive, and she knows it.
Proud: Can at times be overconfident in her abilities.
Early years....
The story of Velda Nar-Donna is one of political intrigue, treachery, espionage, seduction and magical practices of the dark side of the force. Velda was born of one of two twin sisters to the Nar-Donna's a political royal family in Corellia. Velda within her early childhood never knew her twin sister, her family rather then make a major media spectacle of losing Velda's sister decided to not allow the story to break. And with her parents out of earshot of the media's eyes and ears the family began a decade long search to find her sister's whereabouts, and then have the rogue elements...eliminated.In the mean time, Velda was groomed in the earliest of years as a royal, something the young girl always found a trite boring. Long gowns, proper posture, proper manners, proper everything. When Velda as a young teen just wished to be free, of course there were perks to being a royal, vacations to some of the most scenic locations in the galaxy, and training in fencing, her first bit of training down the dark side path began with learning how to fence at age ten, with the elegant lightfoils her father owned.
Discovering Dark Side Sorcery...
A few years afterward however, around the age of sixteen in the lower levels of the vast Nar-Donna estate and island, Velda began to dabble in the occult and summoned a long dead ancient and powerful Sith in the form of a force ghost, the lessons gained here within these sessions were valuable and highly advanced in philosophy, acquiring Velda insights on the true nature of The Force and the Dark Side, the nature of light in general in regards to this galaxy, and other galaxies creation and the sinister secrets within the cycle of life and death and the Force.
Rules are meant to be broken...
As she progressed into her later teen years, Velda became a bit of a wild child, at times escaping the Nar-Donna estate and the island and venturing out among the shadier examples within the city limits of Coronet, catching the eye of pirates and smugglers in the moment. She heard colorful stories of fabled tales within the galaxy, tales of ghost stories, abandoned and dormant specter vessels, space faring legends and the woes of dealing with Republic customs officials.
Into Velda's Adulthood...
However it was not long after she turned twenty, with both her parents long since dead, that she became sole owner of the Nar-Donna estate, of which she began working quickly to destroy another rival family, this family of which had a few small issues. The terrible reputation within the media this rival family had was one. They also had another issue... they were full of Jedi, the lucky number two to be exact.Of one, Velda met as a child, and so in the wake of this. Velda conjured up a friendly VIP party with notable celebrities, nobles, and political guests. This Jedi was on the list.
It had been years since Velda encountered the man, and she would tell you he was a dashingly handsome fellow, if only that stopped her from trying to destroy him and his life. As the two continued to converse, she began to successfully plant a seed of doubt within him and the Jedi ways. Knowing he would remain difficult for some time, she manipulated others of the female persuasion who fancied him as well to do her bidding, this constant attention of other females including Velda pulled at his heart strings, until the moment that his heart strings tore apart and he gave in.
And proclaimed his love for Velda...or so he thought....
Soon after defecting and leaving the Jedi, at the advice of Velda, it was not long until this Jedi's sister, a Jedi herself, began looking for her brother, after soon confronting the new "couple" on Corelia, an argument erupted and the lightsaber from his sister drawn.
And playing on his love and devotion, Velda convinced him that his sister was psychotic and was trying to kill them, and in an act of trust Velda offered him her saber.
"Show me how much you love me, you are just going to have to kill her..." The red blade came to life and the two siblings began a struggle that would end in death of one or the other.
Soon after defecting and leaving the Jedi, at the advice of Velda, it was not long until this Jedi's sister, a Jedi herself, began looking for her brother, after soon confronting the new "couple" on Corellia, an argument erupted and the lightsaber from his sister drawn.
And playing on his love and devotion, Velda convinced him that his sister was psychotic and was trying to kill them, and in an act of trust Velda offered him her saber.
Velda simple just watched, rather amused but appearing stoic as the two clashed, while the ebb and flow of the duel progressed, Velda being the sole spectator watched on.
Then it happened, the green blade of the Jedi's saber gutted him, he fell, and his sister erupted into an emotional breakdown.
Velda however remained unmoved, if not amused, at the progression of events, but the tragedy, it was a man who died for love, love that was never in reality reciprocated.
Velda didn't stop there, she talked, rubbing the salt into the wound of the woman's heart, about how it was so easy to have him drop to his knees, and sell his heart and soul to her.
The Jedi erupted saying she was going to kill her, as Velda had her saber back into her hand, and the two began fighting. Yet the Form II Makishi Velda had trained for years in was too much for the young Jedi to handle and the fight concluded with the Jedi fleeing.
The result was reported to the authorities as a homicide, with the former Jedi on the run as a fugitive.
Now, Velda seeks out the Sith, to continue her training.
To Be Added
To Be Added (hehe...glares at the Jedi reader...)
I may fancy having a go at adding to this too...
Worlds Collide - Velda meets her twin sister, Sena.