Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Velad's Journey Begins

The sun broke through the dense forest, a bead of sweat dropped from Velad's forehead. The sound of a bead of sweat hitting a puddle of water rung throughout the forest, alerting all game of Velad's arrival. He sighed, his eyes a deep green. The boy's right hand found it's way to his forehead, wiping away the sweat, a sigh escaping from his lungs. "Not ready to rest yet, I need to train, and I need to hunt. Food and experience... food and experience..." The boy then crouched, moving through a thick plot of leaves. A deer was grazing ahead, why it was in the forest was beyond Velad, but he was in no mood to think, he needed food. A swift kick of the tree behind him allowed Velad to position himself directly behind the deer, a loud grunt emanated from his pursed lips as he swung a branch at the back of it's head, hoping to knock it unconscious. The boy's stick went through the deer, smashing into the dirt floor below. Velad couldn't help but screech some a vile word in confusion, the noise didn't even remotely effected the deer. "Damnit!" Velad stood quickly and turned, the deer was now gone, a man donned in a tan cloak stood in it's place. The boy stepped back, no fear in his voice, only confusion. "Who are you?! Where the hell did you come from?" The man only grinned, a blue blade constructed purely out of energy was now vibrating in his palm, energy itself exploded from him. His voice, a valiant voice, a booming voice, caused Velad to cringe. "I am the one who will end you."

Velad's right hand dropped to his side, grabbing the Lightsaber that was sheathed there. He then positioned his hand upward and activated the saber, a vibrant red energy began to pulsate from the hilt. Velad then sighed as he threw the Lightsaber upward, catching with his right hand in an unorthodox fashion. "I call it backhand, allows me to move faster at a loss of strength." Velad then leaped forward, a quick swing to the left towards the chest of his enemy. The Jedi just grinned, thrusting his right hand forward. Velad was caught off guard, not expecting a proficient force user. He was thrown backward, his back smashed into a nearby tree. Velad allowed a grin to spread across his face as he muttered a course of words, pure adrenaline now pumped through his veins. "Well then, come end me." With this, he stood, his blade shone vibrantly, his eyes a deep red.

Darren Onyx

Onyx was on Kashyyk looking for some adventure. Though his master got mad when he ventured to Republic planets alone. Onyx was walking along minding his time and communicating with the dark side of the force. Suddenly he heard something in the distance. He could make out the force. He could feel a young and new to the dark side sith. He gave a chuckle. "Maybe I could kill him for credits."
Velad's right hand pulsated with a rapid amount of adrenaline, swinging upward in an arcing motion. The Jedi just moved his Lightsaber slightly to the left, blocking the blow with relative ease. Velad was just testing the man out, not going full power, but he was still being pressured, and that had to change. His analytical skills were working at full capacity, hoping to find even one weakness in this Jedi, but none drew true. Velad the energy from a jump into a downward swing, gathering a mass of power. The Jedi then held his saber upward as Velad's clashed into it, the men put both hands on their blades now, both pushing at full strength. Velad utilized a quick backflip to escape from the clash and attack once more, a swift upward strike to the front followed by a horizontal strike to the side. The Jedi managed to block the frontal attack, but was skimmed on the side. He cringed sightly before jumping back, holding his left hand infront of him now. "I sense another. Have you the audacity to bring another into this?" Velad just laughed, he was under the impression that the man was using this as a bluff. Velad then formulated a quick plan, "Speed" He then readjusted his stance and leaped forward, his eyes red once more, his adrenaline pumping.

Darren Onyx

Onyx watched the battle from the top of a nearby tree. He gave out a small laugh. "Rookies." he said under his breath. He jumped down to the ground with a thud. IT startled the young Jedi Knight and the sith he was fighting. Before anyone could say anything Onyx launched himself at the Jedi and began to vigorously slash at him with his purple lightsaber. After another minute, Onyx punched the man with a strong amount of force lightning, causing him to stumble Onyx, with one swift move, stabbed his saber through his chest, killing him. He deactivated his lightsaber and approached the new sith. "I sense you are new. Not even officially in our order but trying to learn our ways. A mistake. If you want me to I can contact a fellow of mine and we can teach you the basics."
Velad watched in awe as the Jedi was mercilessly ripped to shreds, fear set in. The boy held a happy facade towards the Sith, his Lightsaber now sheathed. A swift nod provided the Sith with enough regard as to speak, Velad listened intently. "I am indeed new to the order, perhaps I do need this training you speak of." Velad began to analyze the entire situation, each tension of the Sith's muscles gave Velad a moments reprieve, the man did not seem very hostile. Velad spoke once more, hoping to keep the man calm. "I am Velad Dusk, and I accept this request. Let us begin." The boy closed his eyes, behind his eyelids held eyes of deep blue, his intent was pure... for now.

Darren Onyx

Onyx nodded his head. "Well Velad you are in luck. I have someone nearby that can help." Onyx lifted his hand to his helmet comm and began to speak into it. "Darren, mind coming and helping me out," Onyx started to laugh, most likely a comment made by Darren. "Yes he is." My friend is on the way. In the mean time, prepare yourself.
Grinned, a crack could be heard from his neck as he nodded, revealing his unaffected nature at this point. The boy simply turned to the tree behind him and sighed; this tree was enormous. It held numerous branches, and stretched up like a skyscraper. The boy laughed, his left foot thrusted backward, launching him forwards. He now stood at the base of the tree, his left foot now placed firmly on it's base, he jumped. The boy was now running on the tree, grabbing each branch as a leverage point, launching himself further up each grab. A few seconds later he managed to reach the top of the tree, a bead of sweat fell from his forward. Then, in one swift movement, he began to slide down the tree, jumping at random intervals, landing on branches. He then slipped, performed a quick front flip and landed in front of Darren. He then grinned, "Ready."
A swift kick to the earth beneath him propelled Velad a decent distance away from Darren, as the man was just standing there, no emotion, no words, just standing. This was creepy beyond belief, so Velad acted as any sane sith would, he walked away. The sun broke through the dense forest of Kashyyk, fueling the young sith with a bit more energy to continue forth. He had no food at this point, and felt quite fatigued, but the force had his back, as it always had. The boy's saber, a vibrant purple, sliced easily through the skin of a nearby deer, it's deceased body smashed into the foliage. Velad grinned, taking the moment to spark up a fire and eat, as he had every night. The boy had been alone for 17 years, living in utter solitude, and this had not affected him in the slightest. The boy had a clear mind, one of justice, one he would utilize to exact revenge. His saber hung on his waist, sheathed so to speak. Nightfall was upon the planet, and Velad moved through the shadows. He could feel it, ever so slightly, lurking in the darkness...

He felt the force.
Abin's first mission will be to scout out kashyyk for a sith apprentice that has apparently been hiding there. As he landed on the home world of the wookies, he felt a surge of the force. It felt like a group of three with one of the forces depleting quickly. He proceeded through the forest and he saw a quick flash of red behind a group of trees. He decided to get closer and look. As he walked forward he tripped on something. It appeared to be a body. As he rolled the body over he realized that it was his comrade that was assigned to the same mission as him. He turned pale and whispered, "I'm sorry i wasn't here sooner.". Unluckily enough, his schizophrenia kicked in. "THIS IS YOUR FAULT", his alternate ego, Anubis exclaimed. "NO! GO AWAY!", and with a fury, Abin force pushed in the direction that he saw the red light in.

Velad cringed slightly, the sound echoed through the forest at a rather loud tone. "THIS IS YOUR FAULT", it was all the boy heard, it was all the boy comprehended at the moment. He turned, landing in a clearing, a large gust of wind exploded past him. The moonlight slightly illuminated the clearing as Velad drew his saber, pushing the small red button near the mid-area of the hilt. A flurry of red accompanied by the sound of electricity charging was the consequent action. The boy now stood there in the clearing, staring into the utter darkness that was kashyyk. His eyes were changing, a deep green now, a color of confusion. He formulating numerous plots, each ending in the enemy's death, whether it was an enemy or not. Velad just stood now, saber in hand, his eyes closed.
The wind brushed upon his hair, his spine tingled slightly.
Abin drew his hilt and pushed the red button on the top half of his hilt. A flurry of green light forced itself outward and the blade hissed. He jumped into the area with the red light and struck down hard with his saber. Being that his bodily composure was a 100% muscle, the swing was hard indeed. He then jumped back and yelled, "You, you are the one im looking for, aren't you?!". He was not completely sure if his hit landed, as Anubis was clouding his mind.
Velad's eyes shot open, a subtle noise startled the boy. His saber, now held backhand, flicked upward at a diagonal angle, hitting the lower end of Abin's saber, deflecting it away. Velad was thrown back from the strength of the swing, but otherwise unscathed. The boy's eyes were a vibrant red now as he spoke, "Perhaps, the real question is who are you? I have lived here in solitude my whole life, and NOW you people plague me? I will smite you. I will destroy you, I am your undoing." His left foot then pulsated with a subtle energy, propelling him forward at an intense speed. His right arm then vibrated with energy as he swung upward, hoping to cut the man in half and end the battle rather quickly. A slight grin now formed over Velad's face, for he had a backup plan.

Another saber hung on his waist, that of the now dead jedi, hidden.

(OOC - In other words, I took the dead jedi's lightsaber from earlier)

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