Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Veega Anarth

Asbjorn Olafsson

Veega Anarth

NAME: Veega Anarth
FACTION: The Galactic Republic
RANK: Jedi Padawan
SPECIES: Most likely human.
AGE: 16
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 165 centimetres
WEIGHT: 50 kg


  • [ + ] Kind-hearted
  • [ + ] Friendly
  • [ + ] Adventurous mind
  • [ + ] Ease at Control abilities
  • [ - ] Easy-minded
  • [ - ] Weak Sense and Alter powers
  • [ - ] Unskilled with lightsabers
  • [ - ] Easily scared
  • [ - ] Claustrophobic

The planet of birth of Veega or her birth date are still not known, not even to herself. She was raised in an orphanage on Coruscant during the Republic's reign there. She was raised like a typical child until she was six years old and she first showed signs of being a Force-sensitive. She didn't have any friends there, but she sure loved venturing to places nobody in the orphanage had been to, so she quickly gained fame and by the time she was ten years old - and also taken away from her 'home' - she was already so loved there that she had a hard time leaving.

Only when she was ten years old, soon-to-be eleven, she was taken away from the orphanage by a few Jedi who had been doing their little adventure around the planet, trying to find children who were sensitive to the Force. The group of Jedi understood the girl has no use in any serious abilities, but took her to the Order nonetheless.

She was a successful Jedi Youngling who continued her expeditions around the places where nobody else had been to, and she often got into trouble when she accidentally got to the Jedi High Council chambers or by a mistake, interrupted a serious training session.

Can the young girl find herself a master and become a good Jedi or will she remain an explorer and a Jedi of no use forever?​



Asbjorn Olafsson

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