Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Darth Vashti


NAME: Darth Vashti
FACTION: The One Sith
RANK: Knight
SPECIES: Mirialan
AGE: 29
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 1.651
WEIGHT: 63.50
EYES: Yellow
HAIR: Black brown
SKIN: Olive Green


+ Mirialans were very flexible and agile, making them fast and formidable foes.

+ Vashti's strength lies in Darkside Healing and in manipulating the energies of the Force to dampen or to drain.

- Support Character : Vashti's skillset and focus has had a sideeffect of only making her a passable melee combatant. Her skill lies not in the blade, but in offering bonuses and as a support character.

- Force Drain Addict: Utilizing Force Drain has the horrible side effect of being very addictive. Once she starts it is very difficult to stop, often times leading to a single focusing of her actions.


Long black hair tinged with dark green that is normally plaited in multiple braids. She has unique, geometrically repeated tattoo on her face and hands to signify that they had completed her advancement in skill and her task. She has a deep intimate knowledge of a healer's mind, having studied many sapients physiology and that of the effects of the Force upon it to heal -- and to heal viciously.

She has an excellent grasp of medical science through standard means, retaining an analytic mind and curiosity often seen in researchers. She has a fascination in the use and the ability of the Force to create life. Her end goal is to one day be able to control the ability of the Force with life itself, with midichorian manipulation.


Darth Vashti is a Mirialan who originally was a skilled physician trained in Rhinnal State Medical Academy, excelling and graduating with honors in the research field. She spent some time working with Athakam Medtech, before her time in the Sith Empire allowed her to expand her research in Force Studies with the Ministers of Science.

At the wake of it's fall, the young Mirialan found herself in a fit of turmoil. Desiring to find a new path and deeply spiritual, her search led her to the One Sith.

There under their tutelage, Vashti began to further her studies, spending more time within Coruscant's Medical facilities to conduct her own experiments and research as a full fledged Darth.

Standard One Sith Personal Ship.

No PC Kills.



*This was a deleted bio during the wipe, re posting it.

Darth Vashti


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