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Approved Tech Varanin Taozin Lacquer

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Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Intent: I realized I never submitted this as its own thing. This is an alchemical, taozin-derived lacquer which, when applied to armour, a talisman, or something similar, prevents a Force signature from being recognized, though not detected.
Development Thread: Here
Manufacturer: Ke'dem
Model: Varanin Taozin Lacquer
Affiliation: Ke'dem and select associates
Modularity: No; in a sense, it's a module.
Production: Limited
Material: Proprietary alchemical formula including, but not limited to, taozin flesh.
Description: During her younger days infiltrating and destroying Sith groups, Ashin Varanin invented an alchemical lacquer which could disguise the identity, but not the orientation or magnitude, of her Force presence. She applied this lacquer to her armour, as well as Darren Shaw's armour and an amulet she made for a family member.
  • Extremely limited effect compared to a standard taozin amulet. Cannot hide the wearer's Force presence, disguise their thoughts, or save them from Force tracking.
  • Has none of the side effects of a taozin amulet (mental static, blurred Force senses).
  • Per a taozin amulet's inability to block Zeltron telepathy and similar species-based Force abilities, the wearer is still recognizable through those means, assuming personal familiarity between sensor and wearer.
  • If enough of the lacquer is burned or chipped away, the effect will be reduced.
  • In general, the lacquer must be applied to a partial or full suit of armour for the effect to work. With extra work from a skilled alchemist, the lacquer can be made into a talisman (e.g. pendant) that offers the same benefits.
Primary Source: Previously approved as a component in these two suits of armour.

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review
Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review
Pending initial review
Pending Initial review
Pending Inital review
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