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Work In Progress Valk'elli | The Valk



  • Intent: To create an interesting opposition for some of my characters in the future
  • Image Credit: (x)
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A

  • Name: The Valk'elli, The Valk, The Blood Sworn
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Valyrant Prime
  • Average Lifespan: ~ 300 years
  • Estimated Population: Inter-Planetary
  • Description: The Valk'elli, or the Valk, are a species of conquering sentient beasts, who through their conquests gained advanced technology, outfitting themselves with powerful defences and armaments. The Valk are dangerously strong on their own, able to move swiftly and with agility. They are born stronger and larger than adults, but with the mind of a child, they are brutish, and cannot control their own impulses, this makes them dangerous. This phase only lasts for a few months, until they began shrinking in size. This is one of 2 results that can come from birth, these children are often Battle Born. The Valk also contain a not very well known gift, the ability to affect their bodies density, meaning they can phase through walls, fall from great heights with no effect, etc. This gift is quite difficult to learn though, and is almost impossible to master, and can often lead to death if not careful.

  • Breathes: Type I, II, III
  • Average Height of Adults: 2.5m
  • Average Length of Adults: 2.7m
  • Skin color: Grey (Shade varies on race)
  • Hair color: Anything (Often bald)
  • Distinctions: The distinctions between race and different groups are quite obvious, though when it comes down to gender, less so. The Valk'elli age strangely, when they are born, they can stand at up to 3m tall, and on rare occurrences, taller. This is their most brutish phase, where children like those of the Battle Born are trained, they are ruthless, and often make up the fighting force. Females are often slightly smaller than males, with more triangular jaws. It is still very hard to distinct male from female. When it comes to the 4 main races, you can often tell them apart my tattoos. The Seers bear a blue stripe, along with a symbol on top to represent their rank. The Battle Born bear red markings all over their bodies, and their rank on their head. Same goes with the Swarm, which bear yellow markings, and the Fallen, which bear purple ones. These markings are normally covered up by armour though.
  • Races: The Valk are divided into 4 main races (with other minor races here and there, not worth noting), each with their unique gifts and distinctions. None are more important then the other, all but one are superior.
    • The Seers: The seers are amongst the most respected of all the Valk's. Through the force, they have the gift of precognition, though it is much more powerful in the use of the Valk than your average species. The Seers only number in the hundreds, led by the Grand Seer. While the Grand Seer may not lead the people, his/her council is taken seriously.
    • The Battle Born: The Battle Born are those born and raised for one single purpose, warfare. They trained from birth to combat any enemy, and are the main fighting force of the Valk's. They are the strongest of their kind and are also quite well respected.
    • The Swarm: The Sworn are a race of mostly religious Valk'elli. They make up a good chunk of the Valk'elli army, often dabbling in rituals and abilities through the force. This race is loyal only to the Hierarch, and are by far the most technologically savvy amongst the species. The Swarm are often smaller in size, though no less fierce.
    • The Fallen: The Fallen are a race, but also a sub faction of sorts. They server under the Hierarchs, true, but they serve as an off world force. Gathering allies and setting up forward command posts, ensuring the Valk'elli are defended form harm.
  • Force Sensitivity: High

+ Density Manipulation + This ability is incredibly useful, as it allows for stealth ops to run more smoothly, and movement to be easier. This ability is only rarely used though, seeing as the risks it entails are too great.
+ Strength & Speed + The Valk'elli were quick and agile, able to quickly overpower their enemies.
+ Technologically Advanced + The Valk'elli are quite technologically advanced from their time conquering planets, eventually settling back on their home world to improve upon their technological might.

- Risks - There are many risks within the Valk'elli, but mainly 2. First, new borns, when Valk's are born into their brutish form, there is a large risk. The child could easily overpower the parent, killing him or her, which is why they are often sedated. Second is phasing, while this is a powerful ability to have, it has a lot of risks. If one fails to control it, they could easily die from suffocation, falling from a great height, and the other uses this ability would be used for.
- Seclusion - For example, the Valk'elli are immune to all poisons that they know off, but due to their recent seclusion, they are unaware of recent scientific breakthroughs, they are unaware of many threats, and the example listed above is only one.
- Disagreement - As much as the Valk's wish to avoid it, disagreement amongst the people does happen. Whether members of the people become pirates, or rebel. While the people aren't bound to serving the Valk's nation, their bonds tie them to each other, which is why when disagreement happens, it is dealt with swiftly. (Sort of a minor weakness, just amongst the people)

  • Diet: Omnivore. Eats almost anything, but most commonly flesh. Immune to every poison except Charon venom and others which are unknown.
  • Communication: Normally through telepathy or their own spoken language.
  • Technology level: The Valk'elli are quite technologically advanced, containing a very advanced and powerful navy, along with many weapons unknown to most. Valk technology differs from most, which will be seen in the future.
  • Religion/Beliefs: The Valk aren't the religious type, but they do have a singular belief. The belief that there is a being of great power, who watched over them. In most languages he is referred too as the death god. When a warrior dies, it is said that this being, whom they call Varin'okara, ensures their 'soul' is kept safe, and if the need every be, the fallen will rise once again to serve their leaders.
  • General behavior: The Valk value family, and their bonds with each other more than anything. The continuation of their species is what matters, and they wish to forge generations which will create a brighter future. Marriage is a bond for life amongst the people, loyalty to each other is of the utmost importance. Jobs on the other hand, vary. Normally it depends on race, but there are many sub factions and roles they can take part in to ensure the success of the people. They are diurnal, and are mostly homeschooled, save the mandatory military training. They are a strict and harsh species to outsiders, but are often mistaken for ruthless barbarians. Amongst the Valk, a child is conceived in a pod of sorts, in one of their many 'hives.' The birthplace of all Valk. Occasionally, a births can have difficulties, and the child will be born smaller then usual, these are normally members of the Swarm

The Valk'elli originated millennia ago, hiding in the shadows and remaining unseen. That is until an invading force arrived, users of the force. The Valk'elli only barely managed to thwart these attackers, and so they realised they needed to arm themselves. They went out searching into the galaxy for anything they could, once they received ships, they began raiding planets, pillaging them for their resources.

They lived as a supreme power in theirs, and other neighbouring systems. They were unmatched, until their greed got a hold of them. They began attracting the attention of other major powers, and were invaded. They fled their world, and hid once again, in the shadows. They established an Empire, under the rule of 3 Hierarchs. They believed unity was their only path to victory.

Centuries later, they returned to their home world of Valyrant Prime, and fought off the invaders. This impacted the course of this species evolution, with their invaders technology, they quickly advanced, growing into a formidable force. As of right now, they are biding their time, waiting for when they will strike at the galaxy once more, though it seems the borders between them, and neighbouring Empires are growing thinner by the day.
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