Cat Warrior

Name: Valentine
Faction: N/A
Rank: Apprentice
Species: Felacatian
Age: 26
Sex: Male
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 168 pounds
Eyes: Gold
Faction: N/A
Rank: Apprentice
Species: Felacatian
Age: 26
Sex: Male
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 168 pounds
Eyes: Gold
Hair: Red. with brown accents
Skin: Caucasian
Force sensitive: Yes
Strengths and weaknesses:
Skin: Caucasian
Force sensitive: Yes
Strengths and weaknesses:
+ Control: Over many years, he has complete control over his transformation from humanoid to feline.
+ Sense: Being part feline, he has highly-adapted senses of sight, smell, and hearing.
+ Combat: Specially trained by Echani in swordplay
- Alone: He isn't very sociable, and only talks to others when he needs to, or he genuinely finds them interesting.
- Trust: You want his trust? Earn it. It doesn't come easily.
- Softie: When it comes to Ithorians, he can be pretty protective, due to his time spent with them.
In humanoid form, Valentine is a tall, rather muscular man, who commonly wears black clothing with red hints, and commonly wears a mask over his face. He carries a simple sword with him. When transformed, he is a black panther, built for speed and endurance, which is shown in his muscular legs.
Valentine was born on Ithor, and lived the brunt of his life in solitude. Though several times in his life, he was approached by Ithorians, he never kept any physical contact with any. He would learn their language, but other than that kept away from their civilization. Through his years, he would learn to hunt, as well as practice his ability to shift into a massive cat, which he learned early on would usually happen to him whenever he felt any strong emotions. By eleven, he would master himself in both forms, feline and humanoid.
At seventeen, Valentine would finally try to become part of civilization, though it was hard to adapt. The ithorians were friendly, but he wasn't exactly the trusting type, being by himself for so many years. By day, he would mingle with civilization, by night he would roam the forests as a panther.
By the age of twenty, the black cat became bored of his primitive life on the planet. He sought the next ship offworld and desired to see what lay beyond. The young man soon found himself on Eshan, where he learned the trade of the warrior. Among them, he was taught how to properly wield a sword, as well as how to better use his feline form for combat and efficiency. From there, he would travel the galaxy, searching for adventure and for a purpose to fulfill himself with.
Force powers: (Untrained,Novice,Adept,Proficient,Master)
Force sense
Force speed
Skills: (Untrained,Novice,Adept,Proficient,Master)
Hand combat
Dual-bladed combat
Relationships: None yet.
Role plays:
Role plays: