Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Valen Cerezo

Valen Cerezo

Name: Valen Cerezo
Faction: The Galactic Republic
Rank: Senator of Reecee
Species: Human
Age: 34
Sex: Male
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 190lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Skin: Light brown
Force Sensitive: No


Political Acumen - knows his way around the political world, very good at diplomacy and politics in general as that is what he has studied and practiced his whole life.

High IQ - Very smart and able to analyze situation to see what would best be done for the nation he serves first, and his own interests second.

Selfless (to a point) - believes it is his duty to serve the nation, personal ambition is secondary to him.


Not a warrior - does not know how to fight with a weapon beyond a small holdout blaster he keeps stashed in his suit's inside pocket, even then not a very good shot

Loyalty Issues: as a politician, he doesn't trust people easily at all, especially fellow politicians who he views as going after nothing more than their own interests, but he never says so to their faces.

General distrust of Force Users: watching the endless wars involving Force user groups, he doesn't particularly care for any group, even the Jedi, but he is open to working with individuals he likes.


Light brown skin, with brown eyes and professional cut short black hair and goatee. Is generally wearing a tailored black suit or robes (if the situation calls for robes) with a multitude of ties.


Born on the Republic member world of Reecee, Valen grew up surrounded by the elite as his parents were heavily involved in the political and economic scene of the planet. His father, Malcolm Cerezo, was in charge of a large portion of Reecee's industrial output, while his mother Jirisa, was known throughout several political circles as a powerful woman who had her eyes on gaining the seat within the Galactic Senate.

Instilling in their son the values of modesty, humility, honor, while also teaching him about the basics of politics and economics, Valen's parents began to groom him into the ideal politician as part of their long term plan to gain political control over the entire planet. Enrolled in the Legislative Youth Program early into his life, Valen began to show an excellent acumen for politics, just as his parents had taught him. During his time in the program, his mother began a move to have herself instilled within the Senate as the Junior Senator for Reecee.

Her move was premature though, and her scheme, along with his father's support of the scheme, brought scandal down upon his parents. Valen, demonstrating what he had learned, sided with the majority as he viewed his parents' actions as against the better interests of the planet and the Republic. His parents were sent to jail, and a young Valen found himself in the unique position of having disgraced parents and yet a close relationship with the then senator of Reecee.

Upon his retirement, the senator requested Valen take the seat his parents had desired to control from the planetary government. When he was approached with the seat, he accepted with the condition he would only serve for as long as the people wished him to. The lessons he had learned in childhood had stayed with the man, duty to nation before personal ambition.


None currently

Kills (highly unlikely he will get any)


Bounties (Might get one if he steps on the wrong toes)


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