Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Val Shot First!

Val sat in a bar on Nar Shaddaa, sipping on a drink. His two blasters resting comfortably on his side. Cardin was waiting for a couple business associates, hoping to gain some funding for his company. He looked around the room, and his eyes widened as he saw who'd just walked in. A wookiee, a trandoshan, a rodian, and a green twi'lek girl. The girl was being held roughly around the arm by the rodian. They all looked around the bar, and the girl pointed at Val upon seeing him.

"Kark..." He mumbled, sliding down in his chair. He chugged down the rest of his drink, and put a hand on his blaster. They group came over to him, looking angry. "Hey, you're're that twi'lek I totally didn't hit on, right?" The girl gave Val a smile, one that had regret for ratting on him, and partly flirty. "You tried to hit on my lady?" The rodian said angrily. The wookiee roared, drawing attention from multiple patrons, and the trandoshan snarled slightly.

[member="Eliza Downheart"]
Eliza was starting to feel normal again after her "adventure" on Effekt, so she decided to give herself a little break and go for a drink. When she found herself at a nearby bar she walked in without hesitation. Swinging the door open and she made her way to a booth, her head held high she waved over a waitress.

"A vodka and coke please." She got straight to the point then st there by herself and cracked her knuckles. Out of the corner of her eye she saw an argument break out, she could feel deep down that this was going to be a good one.

[member="Val Cardin"]
"Look, man, I don't want any trouble..." Val said to the Rodian. He gave him a queasy smile, and winked at the twi'lek girl. That, pissed of the alien even more. "Well you're gonna get some, punk!" The Rodian shouted, and started to draw his blaster. Before his was even out of the holster, Cardin had drawn, fired, and put his blaster back. The Rodian fell to the floor, a shocked expression on his face. The group looked at him in shock for a little bit, and then moved into action. The wookiee roared, and grabbed Val out of the booth. He held his arms behind his back, and the dirty pilot struggled. "Stop!" The girl yelled, but the trandoshan pushed her back, and sent a fist flying for Val's stomach.

[member="Eliza Downheart"]

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