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Character Vahaerion Morrexus

Vahaerion Morrexus

THOUSAND THANKS TO Cerys gan Ymlerith Ithlinne for this template. Here's an link for those interested: [Cerys BBCODE Templates & Resources]

  • NAME: Vahaerion Morrexus
    NICKNAME OR ALIAS: "Maestar of Iokath"
    Title(s): ["Follower Of Esne"] - ["Exarch of House Morrexus]

    Species: [Human]
    Ethnic group: [Zakuulan]
    Nationality: [Interstellar]
    Age: [335]
    Born: [Interstellar]
    Sex: [MALE]
    Height: [7'1]
    Weight: [325]
    Physique: [MESOMORPH]
    Iris pigmentation: [ Fiery-Gold ]
    Hair color: [CARBON-BLACK]
    Skin complexion: [Black]


    Current conditions: [NONE]
    Former conditions: [N/A]

    Primary allegiance(s): [Knight Houses of Iokath]
    Contractual allegiance(s): [N/A]
    Current status: [ALIVE]
    Homeworld: [Interstellar, De Facto: Iokath]
    Known residence: [IOKATH]
    Language(s) known: [Huttese, Rodese, Shyriiwook, Galactic-Basic Standard, Jawa-Trade-Language]

    Language(s) spoken: [Galactic Basic-Standard, Huttese, Jawa-Trade-Language]

    Force sensitive: [YES]
    Midi-chlorian count: [?]
    Force alignment: [NEUTRAL, Leaning: Dark Side]
    Marital status: [SINGLE]
    Spouse: [None]
    Children: [N/A]
    Parent(s): ["Father Nero Morrexus I" (ALIVE: Took Monastic Vows) - "Korenelia Morrexus" (DEAD)]
    Sibling(s): ["Nero Morrexus II" (DEAD) - "Sariess Morrexus" (DEAD) - "Josti Morrexus" (DEAD)]
    Friend(s): [NONE]

  • Born Vahaerion Morrexus, First Of His Name, Of House Morrexus, during Interstellar-Travel. Vahaerion would be born into an Political-Coalition of Zakuulan Remnants on the Planet of Iokath. Growing up, Vahaerion was first noticed by the Knightly-Officials and Mystical Sages of the Knight Houses for his Aristocrat-Blood and capability of wielding the force, therefore putting him on the map for potential Knight-Training. There past, Vahaerion would gain an Aristocrat Upbringing of Upper-Clash Relations. Being trained in Court Adequacy and tutored by Priest in the ways of the "Zakuulan Pantheon", he'd then go through the Religious-Rite of Passage where he was to choose a Public God of Worship, shocking everyone as he abandoned the Nature-Physicality of Most Men in way of Esne, God of Envy. Years would pass and he'd come of age, being ushered into the Knight-Youth Program where those deemed fit would be then be transformed into an Exarch. By the age of 33, He'd complete his Training although at the cost of his soul-Being most of his family was died with his only direct-relative being his Father who took Monastic Vows after the death of his children. With the renunciation of his Aristocratic-Titles, and taking of Vows-Vahaerion would ascend his familial hierarchy as the sole heir, therefore next Exarch. Cyberized heavily, his Physicality was Enhanced even more; And his Power was Raw for the reaping. Idleness and stagnation would take root in his Family as his Near-Unaging Father spent most of his time within' the Church trying to sway power for his family and advising his sole son; However Vahaerion would then retreat to his domain where he was to become Spiritually-Enlightened; Spending Decades Mediating, Researching, and Training, and those years turned into centuries. Now exiting his Mysticality-Meditation at 325, Vahaerion is a new man, being evolved and enlightened in terms of character; His father is still alive of course, back at his side to grow the family.
  • Civil Training: [Civil Administration - Technological Engineer - Farmer - Drudgery - Architect- WIP]

    Military Training: [Exarch-Training]

    Force-wielder Training: [Exarch-Training]

    Distinguishing Features: [High-Metabolism- Exarch-Project]

    Character Strengths:

    [ABNORMALLY-EXTENDED LONGEVITY | "How Old Are You?"]: With the Exarch-Project brought forth the opportunity of what most deemed subhuman has those who've been subjugated to the Scientific-Project push the limits of Science whilst being reinforced through their Naturally-Enhanced Longevity opened through the Force.

    [DILIGENT | "With Hard Work Comes Success"]: Per result of background, hard work has been engraved within' the Realm of his Mind. Vahaerion is capable of working the Farmlands from Morning to Midnight with great success, moreover, his Diligent Nature has come in handy during particular situations where his Entourage is forced into a state of stagnation, as so he won't give up.

    [STONY-HEARTED | "If You Don't Surrender, I'll Open Fire On This Orphanage"]: Vahaerion is described by others as Apathetic and Callous, being capable of committing atrocities without blinking an eye if he classifies the situation necessary to a goal he's trying to achieve.

    [ARCHITECT | "Build Weak Fortifications, I Will Not. "]: This character is capable of ingenuity within' the sector of Building Infrastructure and Affiliated.

    Character Weaknesses:

    [MANIPULATIVE | "Sorry Ol' Friend"]: Within' the Rigid-Aristocracies, scheming and manipulation are talents one must withhold; The Houses Morrexus are no different. Vahaerion has shown himself to pry on situations, betraying those who consider him a friend if he can advance the Position of his Royal-House therefore gaining an negative reputation.

    [DOUBTER | "Or So You Say"]: With his scheming nature came his Cynical Mentality; Generosity has became an Foreign-Slight to Vahaerion. Questioning the actuality of most things, Vahaerion has come to be hated by those of Zakuulan-Religious Affiliation, which has proven horrid to his Family's Credit Coffers as the same people who have a negative opinion of him, run Generous Economical Sources of Income for the Knight Houses. His Cynical Nature has also come to clash with his Scheming Methods of Gaining Power, as he ponders greatly on whether or not some actions are worth it-Losing easy chances which can prove profitable.

  • Character ethics: [Ethically Bankrupt]


    Personality overview: Vahaerion is an complex character, with an personality incredibly rich in variety; Although the most notable description of his character would be "Hidden". He's placed the Reputation of his Iokath-Knighthood at the forefront of public viewing, with viewers describing him as Hard-Working and Gallant in the face of opposition, even going so far as to nickname him the "Defender Of The Poor". Though once behind closed doors, and within' the Domain of his Family, his true nature shows-He's an Scheming Bastard, who'll try his best to get his way; Doubting the existence of the Zakuulan-Pantheon and labeling them as of use when push comes to shove. He posses a eager mind to learn, being great at the Art of Architect and a Notable-Historian who try's to connect to his past. Friendly to all, but most importantly the civil-populace, Vahaerion will donate the clothes and armor of his back if it can improve him in some way. Although in the end, one can only hope he changes his way if he wants the Zakuulan-Remnant to succeed.
  • Businesses: [WIP]
    Technology: [WIP]
    Starship(s): ["Shattered Soldier" : Re-Configurated Eternal Warship ]
    Vehicle(s): [WIP]

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